Career questions tagged statistics

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Hugo465 views

People who work in the field of statistics, what are some fun things you got to do for your jobs??

I'm a first-year college student and it's almost the end of the school year. Over the summer I would like to work on a project and I have a few fun ideas I would like to try out. I asked this question to see if my ideas could relate to others.

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Nadia517 views

What are the most suitable majors for transitioning from engineering?

Suppose a person has completed the physics I-III sequence, the calculus I-III sequence, differential equations, probability and statistics, linear algebra, along with several engineering-specific credits. Which majors should they consider transitioning to where they have already met many of the required courses? Unfortunately, transitioning to one of the business majors is less feasible due to the amount of required courses & lack of overlap, and their IQ probably isn't high enough for a mathematics or physics major.

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CareerVillage Office Hours434 views

How to become an actuary?

Share your journey & guide aspiring actuaries on their path. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Taysia659 views

How do you start an internship?

How does someone get an internship in the field that they want to go in to start networking for later?

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Hugo558 views

I am taking intro to modeling in stats and I am wondering where can I find data sets to use to practice coding with R ?

I have been coding with R for one semester and I have dealt with a few data sets in class

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Harrison261 views

How much does Staticians make?

Whats the annual income for people that do stats

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Ying Lin523 views

What should I work on this summer if I want to be a data analyst?

If I want to become a data analyst, are there any skills I should work on, technical skills I should learn, and/or books I should read to learn more about this field?

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Dani324 views

What does a typical workday look like for a Bioinformatician or a Statistical Geneticist?

Im looking to get my masters in bioinformatics and I want to make sure it’s going to be the right career choice for me. I currently have a background in medical laboratory science, working both in clinical labs and pharmaceutical labs.

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Trang604 views

How many AP classes should I take for my sophomore year? Should I take the AP PreCalc that will be offered next year?

I will have these options: English 10 Hn AP European/ regular AP PreCalc/ regular Chemistry Hn/ regular AP Statistics I want to be majoring in economics. Thank you

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Jessie927 views

Data Analytics as a Career Option?

What do data analysts/ statisticians usually do in a day? Does the job get stressful? Is the field more or less competitive than average?

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Stella1147 views

Opportunities for data scientists?

I am a college student majoring in Environmental Science. I'm considering adding a second major of Data Science. However, I am wondering how many opportunities there are for data scientists that are not working for just any large company to help them maximize profits. For example, are there opportunities for data science in the renewable energy field, such as using data to problem solve/ figure out how to transition to renewable energy or similar topics? I am interested in environmental-related things but also any other interesting/ meaningful application of data science that I may not be aware of. Thank you for your time.

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dima587 views

Math feilds?

What are some good high-paying jobs that are in the math or statistics field, that have minimal college.

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Melinda911 views

Should I take AP Chem or AP Stats?

I plan to major in Computer Science and become a software engineer. Should I take these classes?

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Anita972 views

Will the demand for pediatricians increase in the next 10 years?

It's crazy how technology is taking control of many careers. Will pediatricians be in more or less demand than currently? Based of statistics and such.

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Gianna1362 views

whats the difference between business administration and statistics?

difference between stats and business administration since they both have similar prerequisites?

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weilin1397 views

Should I take Statistics if I take computer science in college?

Is Computer Science include(required) Statistics knowledge? #Statistics #computer-programming

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Angelica464 views

What is the most challenging aspect as a senior associate accountant?

I am currently taking ABM strand in this time of pandemic yet the discussions and modules are useless because I cannot understand all of them and no one's helping me out. #mathematics #statistics

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Kelly4437 views

Is Fintech a good major to take?

Hi, I am planning on taking Fintech for my masters. Do i need to have very good math or statistics skills? Also is the degree something that can help me get a job faster? Thank you. #career #math #fintech #finance #technology #masterdegree #degree #statistics

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Zoe1790 views

Is a master in economics worth it?

I'm a sophomore in college. I am majoring in statistics and economics. My school's program allows me to pursue a master continuing my undergraduate study. I heard many people suggest economics graduates to pursue a more technical master such as data science to find better jobs, so I was wondering if a master in economics is worth it. Any tips will be appreciated. Thank you! #master #masters-degree #economics #statistics #JULY20

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Jakob697 views

How to grow a successful business and how to get a successful wrestling career

At school I am interested in #business and math, while my hobbies include #statistics and #wrestlingcareer. In my future I want to become a #prowrestler and a #business owner.

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Jane2060 views

What careers can you get from a statistics major with a psychology minor?

#college-minor #college-major #statistics #psychology #math #career

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Hailin1114 views

What can you do with both a statistics(or applied math) degree and an economics degree?

I am interested in statistics, applied math, and economics, but don't know people who had double-majored in these areas. Just wondering what your working experience is like before and after graduation. How is your day like and what is the best part of your job? Much thanks! #math #career #economics #technology #statistics

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Kelly1034 views

Can I be a data analyst if I am good in statistics and not math?

#statistics #math

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Ethan607 views

what is the need or demand of sports statisticians?

I like math #sports #stats #statistics

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Arely911 views

What can I do with an Associate degree in Math?

#math #numbers #statistics #associate#degree #science #college

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Riley1669 views

Is a math degree good for a career?

I am currently pursuing a degree in math. I know that there are a lot of careers that use math these days like insurance, finance, statistics, and cryptography. Is this the best degree to ensure that I get a job in one of these fields? And, if not what else should I look at? Thank you. #math #career-options #finance #statistics #insurance #college-major

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Stephen1238 views

What are some professions that would fit my interests in statistics and probability?

I enjoy math and my two favorite subjects are stats and probability so I'd like to know what career paths are open to me. #statistics

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Mariela3086 views

What's the difference between AP Calculus and AP Statistics?

I'm choosing my classes for next year and I don't know which math class to take or which one would prepare me for forensic science . #calculus #statistics #math #STEM #csi #forensic-science

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Brandy1085 views

I would like to know how many African American females hold degrees in Mathematics.

It is often said that minorities are not "good" at mathematics. I am just curious to know how many others have taken the journey I am embarking on successfully. #statistics #women-in-tech #women-in-stem #stem #mathematics

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Danny1445 views

What software do market analysts use?

Hi everyone, I want to invest my winter break into learning a new skill. What softwares do market research analysts use? I know they would use some VBAs and will vary depending on the firm and market they are in, but what would you recommend me to learn over the next three weeks? What online resources could I use? What kind of university classes to take to prepare myself becoming a market research analyst? I'm currently working on SQL languages as a start, but want to ask for some advice. Happy new year! #computer-software #software #e-learning #statistics #research #market-research #data-analysis #analytics #business-analysis #marketing #vba #databases

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