Career questions tagged economics

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Arely912 views

Which business degree is more profitable in USA, specifically in TX?

I'm on my sophomore year of college, in Accounting, Business and Economics major. I always wanted to study Art, specifically a drawing concentration, but my parents want me to study a "real career", luckily, I am a math person too, and I like finance, accounting, and business in general, but I am more in the analysis/math side rather than on the "managing and dealing with people" side. I want to get a very profitable job since I want the most money I could possibly get in order to study a second degree in Art and stop depending on my parents decisions, and why not? move to another city even state in US like NY or Washington, I just want to work as few years as possible to get enough bucks in order to chase my passion and having a plan B in case my plan of becoming an artist fails.

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Namal900 views

What are the best internship offers for Econ majors?

What are the best internships or volunteering for Econ majors for upcoming sophomore in college in nyc? Because I can’t find any. It’s mostly for juniors or seniors.

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Arayna354 views

What would an economics major allow me to do?

I'm a junior in the High School of American Studies, and I'm trying to decide what major would be right for me. My interests include history, statistics, sociology, and a few more. I'm looking for a major that can combine my interests and feel fulfilling. I was told politics and economics seem to match my interests and I want to learn more.

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Victor794 views

What I can I do to get a high paying job. I'm graduate of Agriculture Economics and I know about accounting also. Where can I work and get a good high paying job. Field of economics.

I'm an Economics graduate. Second class upper. I'm a very hard-working person and i can work under pressure and give my best. I'm also computer literate

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jessica273 views

how can i achieve my dream of becoming an accountant, the requirement, what must i do to make it a reality?

academic requirement? what is needed to be known about it? challenges that i will face?

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Arvin381 views

I'm a rising junior that wants to major in economics. What extracurriculars can I do to make myself stand out against other applicants.?

Looking to apply to the ivies and most top 25 schools

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John816 views

What online learning communities would you recommend for gaining more business knowledge?

Which online learning communities would you recommend for gaining more business knowledge? I am an accounting student, who would like to find an online learning community that would help me broaden my business knowledge, such as analytics, software programs, finances, economics, and other nonaccounting areas of business. I am very interested in this information at an international... business economics online-learning analytics

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Stephanie636 views

How do accountants use AI in their work?

I am very interested in math an AI. My dad tells me I should consider accounting but I also am super obsessed with AI right now and wonder if that's something that is helping accountants right now

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Edith1318 views

How do I know what to do to get a job?

I'm 15 years old in high school and I've been looking for a job since my sophomore year, so I'm trying to get a job for my senior year. I found options and started taking action for them (i.e. finding employers with available jobs and emailing them), but I don't really feel prepared enough for it. I talked to family, friends and teachers, I still feel like I don't fully understand it. Especially since I haven't sat down and put together a good resume yet (I have no prior work experience), any advice?

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Eddie869 views

How would I get started stock trading and which degrees can I get?

How would I get started with stock trading Hi Im Eddie I’m a senior in High School and want to pursue getting a degree and career in stock trading to make my own business out of it

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Andrew1504 views

Is a BS, BA or BBA in economics better ?

I'm wondering if a BS, BA, or BBA is better for a economics major. I know there are different graduation requirements, but will it help in getting a job?

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grace758 views

How Do you differentiate business finance and personal finance when deciding which to chose?

I want to work in finance but have no idea any other information to decide what specifically

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Asha-Lee1857 views

What are your best tips for finding economics, finance or fintech internships while in college?

I'm currently a junior at Kennesaw State University pursuing BBA in Economics and Finance with a minor in FinTech.

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Riley883 views

How do you get started in the accounting and auditing field?

Wanting to be an accountant or auditor at some point, but not entirely sure what steps I should take to meet the quota or exceed it in regards to a secondary education.

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Samra424 views

How would you suggest I approach finding a job in an Economic Consultancy I have a BSc in Economics from the University of York (UK) but I’ve been a practising artist/writer for the last 5 years.

I did work experience at Frontier Economics, but that was a while ago. Help! ?

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Wendy774 views

What career and jobs should i choose?

I am in 9th grade and i am just beginning to explore my future career, what are some careers and helpful next steps I should consider based on my passions and interests?

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allaya1008 views

what extracurriculars can i do if im interested in psychology and economics?

that are actually good

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Riley539 views

Long distance vs close by?

What is the difference between colleges that are farther away from home and colleges only a drive away? What skills will you develop?

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allaya1003 views

should i double major or get a dual degree in economics and psychology?

what all careers opportunities will i have? and can i get my master’s in psychology if i double majored in econ and psych?

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Lauren489 views

How do I decide what to do with my degree?

I am a fourth-year economics major and I am about to graduate in the Spring. My question is, how does one begin to figure out exactly what they want to do with their degree? I know I enjoy economics but there seems to be a million different things you can do with it. I just don't know where to start.

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ahmed786 views

what are some investment banking/finance-related opportunities?

I currently study finance at Taylor University, Malaysia. And am interested in investing, banking, finance, economics, and how money works. I was looking for opportunities to work in a related sector such as investment banking or banks in general. Still, I want to know which countries have such opportunities in the finance sector and have demand for it, which can provide a good experience and ability to grow. I know generally that the US is the best option but there is too much competition at the moment so Im searching for the less competitive markets for ex: Europe, Canada, or Arabic countries? Besides that, I wanted to know what courses or work experience I should take during my studies to improve my resume and make me highly qualified in this field.

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allaya572 views

what types of ecs should i do if i wanna study business in college?

hi, im allaya, a high school freshman and im planning on getting an undergrad in economics and then an mba. what are the ecs or things i should do throughout high school to get into a good college?

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allaya1264 views

is getting an undergraduate in economics and then an mba, a good choice?

and what are the job prospects and the types of jobs i can get?

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Grace2576 views

Is it worth it to major in economics and minor in computer science?

Any insight into the field of majors, minors, certificates, double majors, etc would be appreciated. I hope to work in the macroeconomic sphere and have an interest in analyzing trends in data to advise policy.

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Grace451 views

What careers are most conducive with an interest in macroeconomics?

Realistically, besides academia, how could I use my interest in resource distribution & large-scale interactions in a career setting?

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Morthala368 views

How do you earn practical experience as a student in fields like business management and economics?

Grade 12 level, how could LinkedIn be useful, etc

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angie814 views

What are the unspoken challenges of becoming an entrepreneur?

I'm interested in entering the business/finance field, even though I am aware of amount of effort that is required. I'm very driven and eager to learn, however I'm not sure where to start or even what specific area of the fields to go into. Could anyone who works under these fields explain their experience?

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Carlos459 views

How can I start a career in the blockchain sector after studying finance?

I love finance and the investment sector. Also, I love technology like artificial intelligence and blockchain, so I would like to work in finance-related work that is also related to artificial intelligence and blockchain.

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allaya713 views

is studying business worth it?

im thinking of studying business, though there are many majors like finance, accounting, marketing, economics, business administration etc. and im super confused as to what to choose, and if it’s a good idea to study business or not, and if it’s a good idea, then is there any other subject which i should minor in, pls help me out !!

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Shanaya356 views

How can I prepare myself now for a career in finance in the future?

I am a rising senior in high school, hoping to pursue a career in the finance field

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