Career questions tagged double-major

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Josiah368 views

What are some other options other than a double major?

For a while, I was planning on double majoring in voice and piano performance. Now I'm a bit worried that a double major might take up too much time. So what are some other options? I have much more experience in piano, but I would really like to get a degree in both? I'm not really sure what to do pls help! I am planning on attending Oral Roberts University.

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Mickey538 views

Are there any careers that would allow me to pursue nuclear engineering AND musical theater ?

My current goal is to double major in those two subjects at University of Michigan (hopefully with a scholarship, as it's out of state and EXPENSIVE), but from what I've found, it's practically impossible to find a way to do them both "in the real world" I don't want to look back and regret not doing theater, but I know it's not the most practical career. I'm not the best at nuclear science or engineering, but I have time to improve my skills. Is there anything out there for me (that pays well, LOL)?

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Summer670 views

What does it take to double major?

Hi, I am currently a sophomore high school student that is also minoring in psychology and will be earning my associates in 2025-2026. I am looking to double major in psychology and sociology. I'm not the greatest in statistics or maths so I am comprehending whether or not I should double major in psychology or just stick with sociology. Starting my associates has shined a light on how demanding (time-wise) college coursework can be. I deal with mental health problems like Bipolar disorder, and other issues that make it hard to stay on track sometimes, and can easily lead to burnout. When it comes to work, I always have the habit of prioritizing work first, and then my mental health (this has been something I've been working on recently). With a double major, I understand that I will possibly have less time to do certain things, like working, which would put me into a deep hole of financial instability. And there is the possibility of my mind and body giving out. If I do decide to double major, is there anything I can do to lessen the rate of these risks? If you have double majored, can you tell me a bit how you schedule things like working, and time for yourself?

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James337 views

What is a good major?

I'm a high school senior trying to figure out what to major in

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Jolene297 views

When it comes to postgraduate applications, does a person studying a major and a minor have a disadvantage compared to someone studying a dual major degree in the same fields?

If so, how big of a disadvantage?

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Heather679 views

can you take pre-law if you intend on doing a double major/dual degree program?

I'm a high school senior and am currently applying to colleges/universities and want to study law and music performance. I know a lot, if not most schools, have pre-law programs. If I apply to a dual-degree or double major program, can I do the pre-law program and music performance? or would I have to choose a major (e.g. political science, psychology) alongside the music performance. Hope this makes sense! Thank you so much

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allaya1003 views

should i double major or get a dual degree in economics and psychology?

what all careers opportunities will i have? and can i get my master’s in psychology if i double majored in econ and psych?

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Muhib374 views

What do I do in my last year of High school?

I think i should just focus on what i am going to do in college and ace everything.

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Shan’Drea379 views

When can you apply for scholarships?

When can you apply for scholarships? And can you double major and get a scholarship for them both or would you have to pick one of the majors?

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Grace2576 views

Is it worth it to major in economics and minor in computer science?

Any insight into the field of majors, minors, certificates, double majors, etc would be appreciated. I hope to work in the macroeconomic sphere and have an interest in analyzing trends in data to advise policy.

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Isaac307 views

what would be the best double major for someone who wants to be a prop maker?

I want to be a prop maker and costumer for theater and TV. I am planning on majoring in technical theatre, but am not sure what would be best for my double major

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Ari665 views

What should I major in art or business?

I am stuck between two majors finance and animation. I also want to double major in CS. I love art and it is more of an impulsive decision than business it makes more sense because I want to go into the mortgage industry.

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Andrew1017 views

Is it better to minor or double major in history?

I'm considering minoring, or double majoring in history. I enjoy studying history and have 6 AP credits of history already. I was wondering if it's better to minor or double major. Which looks better on a resume to employers? If I minor then could I graduate with a double major in two business majors along with a minor in history within four years?

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Sofija641 views

If I want to go into the medical field, should I major (undergrad) in organic chemisty or biology??

I am deciding what to major in going into my freshman year of college, and can't decide between getting a solid understanding in chemisty or biology. Which do you think?

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Andrew1975 views

Would it be a good idea to double major for law school?

I've been considering becoming a lawyer as my parents really want me to become one. Would it be a good idea to double major in undergrad for law school? I might not want to be a lawyer in the end, so having a double major might help if I didn't want to go to law school. Would having a double major in undergrad help if I were to go into specific field of law such as a double major of econ and a business degree for business law?

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Angela2174 views

Should I do a Music/Psych double major?

Hi! I'm currently in grade 12 and have been wondering a grave amount of what to do. I have been always interested in both psychology and music, and was wondering if a double major in both would be worth it? I'm not exactly sure what career I would want to do or if I even want to pursue one of them for a job. Is it too high of a risk? I really just want to explore and take the chances while I can.

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K.1832 views

Is it Hard to Double Major in Nursing and Psychology?

Please share your experience here!

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XinYi958 views

If I transfer from Community College to UCs, can I do double majors?

I would like to double major in the future and would like to know the process to double major as well as what it's like to double major. #college-major #college #major #double-major

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Ayanna663 views

What should I expect when taking college classes

I am currently a senior about to entertain college. I would like to know how it is taking major classes. #dentist #college #double-major

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Imani444 views

How many people succeeded in owning there own businesses?


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Phuong538 views

Are there ways to explore multiple majors before committing to one?

I am aware that colleges have minors, but unsure of how flexible they are with letting students explore multiple majors. #double-major #choosing-a-major

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Brianna5578 views

Is it better to have one major and two minors or two majors and one minor?

I am a bit unsure on exactly what I want to have as a career so i assume having more options (2 majors) is better than having one. Yet, I can assume that having two majors could be a bit more stressful than having one so I would also have to put that into consideration. #majors #double-major #college

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Kristina640 views

What major is best for me to take in college?

Hi, i'm currently a sophomore in high-school and would love to get into the music industry! However I know it's difficult to get into and a lot of it is luck and connection based. I also would like to go to college but if I do should I go to set my self up for a safer career path? Is there anything I could do in college that would allow me to learn about the industry while also being able to have other paths to lean on if I needed to or just wanted a change? What could I major in? #career-path #college-majors #music-industry #music #double-major

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Kristina745 views

What is it like to double major?

Hi, i'm thinking about double majoring in college because i'm not sure what career I want to go into. What is it like to double major? Is it a good idea? #career #car #career-options #career-choice #double-major

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Alacia1079 views

What is the best undergrad major for genetic counseling?

I'm currently looking at majors for an undergraduate degree before a possible master's in genetic counseling. Should undergrad students look at the related majors such as biology or straight genetics, or could students do a major in another area and still meet the pre-requisites for the genetic counseling program? #double-major #majors #career #genetic counseling

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Marissa540 views

Should teachers certify in special education even if that will not be there major?


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Hannah974 views

What is a good second major to complete with Forensic Anthropology?

I plan on completing a BS in Anthropology, MS in Forensic Anthropology, and continuing on to complete a PhD in Anthropology at BU. What would be a good complementary second major for my undergrad degree to broaden my career choices? I would like to keep my options open in case I decide to change careers/degree tracks later on. #double-major #college-majors #forensics #forensic-science #forensic-anthropology #anthropology #anthro-major #forensic #university #college-advisors #college #college-advice #medical-examiner #pre-med

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Joselyn954 views

What major would i choose if i wanted to become a nurse midwife?

Although it's probably still early, i am a sophomore i am high school, i've been invited into a program that is basically setting me up in the top universities/colleges and i've been doing research. I'm still a bit confused on majors and stuff like that but just know the basics will help a lot! Thank you! #college #university #science #double-major #entrepreneurship #physics #nursing #midwife

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jamesina751 views

what science should i major in to pursue being in the medical field?

i am currently a senior looking forward to enroll in hbcus. #majors #double-major

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Charlotte690 views

What should/can i major in in college if I am aiming to be in the medical field?

I am currently a junior in high school and I am not sure about what I can or what I should major in in college if I want to work within the medical field later on. I have heard that you can major in anything in college as long as you take some required classes for medicine but I am not completely sure... #majors #double-major #classes #physical #neurology #classes #majors #physical

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