Career questions tagged majors-and-minors

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Maya611 views

Should I major in film and minor in accounting? Or should I just minor in film and major in accounting? I'm even thinking about doing double major.

I'm a rising senior, so I still have time to pick between this. My passion is for film, but I'm also interested in finance/accounting. I plan on going to GSU - which I heard has a pretty good film program.

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Alaric406 views

What should I major in? I am stuck between three options.

Summary: I like quantum mechanics and how it relates to chemistry and of course, physics, but pure math also captivates me. I’m having trouble deciding between three majors. The majors are math, physics, and chemistry. For some background, I am a rising freshman in high school. I have experience with all three subject areas. I’ve been interested in chemistry since third grade. I started memorizing the order of the elements and eventually finished. I tore through books and bored my family. I am currently self-studying physical chemistry, and I’m really enjoying. I’m currently focusing on quantum chemistry. It was the branch of chemistry that really stuck out to me. Other areas aren’t as interesting to me. I’m also currently self-studying higher level math just so I can understand physical chemistry better. Now, for physics, I’m really only interested in quantum mechanics, acoustics, low and ultra-low temperature, and maybe the chemical part. Classical mechanics doesn’t really interest me. I’ve attended a physics camp and toured the labs. I fell in love with the low temperature lab. I will come back to the camp as a mentor in future. In fifth grade, I loved particle accelerators. We had an independent project, and that’s what I made my video on. Now for math, I love math. It’s my favorite subject. As previously mentioned, I’m thoroughly enjoying self-studying math. I enjoying teaching others what I learn as well. I want to learn all of the math in world. I get visibly excited when a math topic I like is discussed. Pure math interests me the most. I’m not opposed to double majoring or having minors. I’m planning on going to grad school. For careers, I’d like to become a researcher or work in academia, but I really can’t decide what field. Is there a major that combines the three fields?

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Elliot245 views

What is a good minor to take as an Enviornmental Science Major if you want to be able to go outside at UCLA??

I really can’t stay behind a desk all day.

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Karah-Mercy140 views

How can I make sure that the field I am majoring in in college is something I can stay committed to? How can I be sure I won't lose my passion??

I will be majoring in dance this fall. I love performing and especially love this incredibly expressive and disciplinary art. How can I be sure this is a decision I will not regret?

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Simran180 views

Are there any major and/or minor for Environmental Law?

I'm currently in high school and I am interested in Environmental Science and Law.

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Summer1543 views

Should I major in Sociology and minor in psychology or the other way around?

I am set on majoring in Sociology, but I would like to hear the opinions of others as well, in order to gain some more insight. I would like to work in the mental-health field, but also go on to do work with UNICEF and or other humanitarian organizations. I want a job where I can really connect with others by providing services like counseling, humanitarian deeds, focusing on physical but mostly emotional health , and also being able to do research on social groups and personal interactions with others (that is based on the individual) to better understand the community and to assist that community overall.

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Jolene297 views

When it comes to postgraduate applications, does a person studying a major and a minor have a disadvantage compared to someone studying a dual major degree in the same fields?

If so, how big of a disadvantage?

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Grace2576 views

Is it worth it to major in economics and minor in computer science?

Any insight into the field of majors, minors, certificates, double majors, etc would be appreciated. I hope to work in the macroeconomic sphere and have an interest in analyzing trends in data to advise policy.

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CareerVillage Office Hours1163 views

Which minors pair well with graphic design and would help me stand out on a resume?

My native language is Spanish I am in grade 10 in an international school. I am on my career exploration journey to find out as much information as possible and do possible internships for my dream career. Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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angel284 views

If i really like psychology what should i major and minor in?

I'm a bit lost with what I should be doing as in my minor and majors for college and I need help.

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Lyviel407 views

How does minoring in another major work?

I've been thinking about minoring in business but I have no idea how a minor works or what to do.

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Genevieve4943 views

What type of computer technology degree pair well with an accounting degree?

I am seriously considering double-majoring in accounting and some sort of computer technology degree when I get my bachelor's. The problem for me is that there are SO MANY different types of computer technology degrees. I don't really know which ones would complement with an accounting degree.

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Sydney1079 views

How difficult is it to minor in a subject that is not at all related to your major?

I am a senior looking to be a nutritionist/dietician but I still want to pursue musical theater as a minor.

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Stefan505 views

What is a minor in college?

What is a minor in college? #Fall2022

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Genevieve829 views

Should I double major in both data science and data analytics? Or should I major in one and minor in another?

I feel that as a data analysis, I would have more career options. However, being a data scientist appeals to me. Should I major in data science, and minor in data analytics, or vice versa? Can a data scientist work as a data analyst?

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Genevieve2126 views

What is a good minor to pair with an Accounting major?

The only minors that I can think of are business administration, economics, management, finance, etc. Are there any outside of the business world that would complement accounting? Like technology, data analyzing, law, etc.

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Genevieve1435 views

What majors complement an accounting minor?

Specifically, degrees other than business administration. Would software engineering/systems analyst be an option? I could work on accounting software/automating repetitious parts of accounting. I'm open to ANY suggestions!

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Genevieve753 views

What is the best major to pair with an astronomy minor?

My younger sister LOVES astronomy, and I think an astronomy minor would be a fun option for her.

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Genevieve3113 views

What are the best minors to pair with a math degree?

I've heard that tech and finance are good choices. If its tech, then what specific tech area is preferable? Are there any business minors would make a good choice? Are there other minors that would be good options?

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Laweska990 views

If I want to get into the Forensic Psychology field, what should I consider for my major and minor? I was thinking Psychology major and criminology minor or viceversa... I know your minor do not have to be related to your major, however, I don't know what to choose.

#ForensicPsychology #Criminology #majors-and-minors

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sarah769 views

I want to go into an international studies major what's a good minor to pair with that?

I want to help out in the humaitarian feild as much as possible. I love travel and hope to be able to do that all my life. I know only a little French but don't know if I want to minor in a language. I will be doing a business module with the IS major. I love writing which makes me consider journalism but I'm more into creative writing than facts. I just want to pair something useful with this major so advice? #majors-and-minors

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Laniya2926 views

Is an economics minor useful? For those who have that minor or have employees that minor in economics, has it impacted your career and how?

I am a freshman International Business major. #college-minor #majors-and-minors #academic-advising #majors #GivingisCaring

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Bahara2293 views

Will double minor add value to my degree?

I am going to my 4th year of University and majoring in Accounting. I am considering doing a double minor in Finance and International Business. I am concern about double minors. Will double minors add value to my degree? and is it a good minor to choose with my major in Accounting? Need some minor recommendation. Thank you #college-minor #majors-and-minors #academic-advisor Thank you

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Zemira550 views

How do you know which minor to choose for college? If I do decide to major in nursing, how should I go about choosing my minor?

#majors-and-minors #majors

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Zemira695 views

If I choose to do a double major or a major and minor while studying nursing, what would be the benefits?

#majors-and-minors #majors #college-minor

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Sylvia853 views

If I am interested in two different majors, is it better to double major or have a major and a minor? What are the pros and cons of each option?

#choosing-a-major #majors-and-minors #double-major #JULY20

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Jinah4846 views

Which minor would be most helpful for a job in the fashion industry?

I'm pursuing a major in Economics and want to enter the fashion industry some way in the future. Which major would you recommend? #majors-and-minors #fashion #career #minor

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Denzel785 views

Double Major vs Major & Minor

I'm hoping to major in Mechanical Engineering as well as Astronomy but I am not sure as to whether I want to do so via double majoring or perhaps having a major in MechE and a minor in Astro. What're the pros and cons to both of these paths? #JULY20 #double-major #majors-and-minors

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Brianna730 views

Is there a way for me to add a minor on the common application?

I’ve managed to get established my psychology major and my interest in pre med, but I don’t know if I can add an art minor or if I should submit a portfolio for my minor. I’m applying to 11 schools and I’d just like to make it clear I intend to be involved at whatever school I attend. #college-minor #majors-and-minors #general #university

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Dorothy Deane640 views

Should I choose a minor that is similar or different to my major?

I am a public health major and I'm not sure if I should choose a minor that is health/science related or something completely different to widen my area of study. #choosing-a-minor #majors-and-minors #college

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