Career questions tagged minor

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Lyla683 views

Are careers in the arts unattainable?

I am a sophmore in highschool beginning to prepare for my future. I am really creative and want to expirience new things everyday. I am very invested in the arts and would like to stay involved in them in some way. Here I am involved in theatre, dance, choir, Student council, and NHS. I am a good leader and really enjoy social interaction.

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Rhyian541 views

What is the difference between a college major and minor?

I'm considering universities and I was sure I wanted to major in neuroscience, but one of my desired schools only has a neuroscience minor. I'm not sure what the differences are and how having a minor versus major degree will affect my career options.

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Livia297 views

What are the legal barriers I should be aware of when trying to open a small business at 14?

I understand that because I am a minor, some things will have to go through my parent, and some things I can’t do at all. But finding information for what I can and can’t do as a minor is really difficult. I know I can purchase supplies myself in person with cash, the e-commerce website profits will have to go through my parent, and lead to their bank account. But are there any taxes I should be aware of? Do I have to declare myself formally as a small business to anyone, or declare myself as a minor? Anything else on the legal checklist?

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sokar378 views

what do i need to be an Austronaunt. I am confused of what to study or what fields to focus on.?

i just want info on what type of gpa i would need for scholorships what fields to go after and how can i make my college resume look good for future refrence as i am just going into high school.

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Ellie359 views

is it possible to get two more minors after I graduate college?

I am majoring in communications integrated media management. I have a required minor that will either be marketing or psychology. I am also required to take several art classes and two graphic design classes. I think it would be useful to gain a minor in graphic design and a minor in photography after I graduate. I feel like both would elevate my marketability. Would this be a good route or is there a better way to this?

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marwan824 views

should i get 1 or 2 minors or none as a supply chain major?

Should I get a minor in either data analysis or btm (business technology management) as a supply chain major or is it better to get a minor in both? or is no minor okay as well

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Genevieve2126 views

What is a good minor to pair with an Accounting major?

The only minors that I can think of are business administration, economics, management, finance, etc. Are there any outside of the business world that would complement accounting? Like technology, data analyzing, law, etc.

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Izabel663 views

How should I study in college to become a wildlife conservationist who tracks animals and writes articles on them?

#animals #college #career #major #minor #wildlife #conservation

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Izabel1246 views

My dream careers are centered around wildlife rehabilitation and conservation. However, I am not sure what the best majors and minors are for this field (environmental science, biology, wildlife conservation, etc.). Has anyone had this same experience? Can anyone who has these careers give me advice for what to major and minor in?

#biology #career #science #major #environmental #wildlife #conservation #job #minor

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Aniya651 views

Should I do a dual degree or a double minor?

I'm a freshman in college. At the moment, I am majoring in information systems. I'm thinking of a future career in data science, more specifically as a data scientist. Though, as a freshman, this is subject to change. I was thinking of doing a dual degree in data science. But another option is to minor in statistics and computer science. P.S I already have my AA degree. #datascience #computer-science #college #minor #techonolgy #informationsystems #dualdegree #college-advice #statisics

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Lainey1011 views

What colleges have the best marketing programs? US or International

I'm not sure what branch of marketing I will go into but I'm thinking about digital, social media, and/or content marketing. I also love the idea of becoming an entrepreneur, but I'm not sure if that should play a role in my college decisions. #general #social-media #college #university #major #minor #business #tips #highschool #entrepreneur #majors #entrepreneurship

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Laniya650 views

What are some occupations for an International Business major Economics minor? Is this a degree a waste?

I chose International Business and Economics because I am interested in business and politics and wanted degree that could be useful in both, but the more I look for jobs in business, the less value I see in my choice. I am still a freshman so I have time to change it. #business #collegestudent #major #minor #economics #internationalbusiness #GivingisCaring

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Olivia555 views

What is it like to be a music minor?

I’m not sure how common this is, but I would like to minor in music. This is primarily for my own enjoyment and to take advantage of my time in college for structured growth in a hobby I love. What classes and assignments do you get? What is a typically day or week like? #GivingisCaring #music #minor #college

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Bahara795 views


Hello, I am majoring in Accounting and wanted to a major on the side as well. My University offers a variety of minors and I have listed down the ones I am most interested in: - Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Finance - International Business Any recommendations on which minor would be best with a major in Accounting. It would be a huge help. Thank you. #minor #academicadvice

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Jinah4845 views

Which minor would be most helpful for a job in the fashion industry?

I'm pursuing a major in Economics and want to enter the fashion industry some way in the future. Which major would you recommend? #majors-and-minors #fashion #career #minor

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Armando3220 views

How beneficial would a minor in Mathematics be as a Mechanical Engineering major?

I'm a junior currently attending Astate CQ and I wanted to get some advice about minoring in math or maybe even in business. I would like to know in what direction would I be heading towards having these types of minors. Also, how should I chose between those minors or should I also open up to the idea of other minors? Any advice is appreciated​, thank you. #engineering #math #mathematics #mechanical-engineer #major #college-major #minor

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Alyssa1240 views

I want to pursue both acting and law, but I don’t know whether to major in both or to take one of them as a minor? And what universities even offer both? I really like Yale and I’m willing to work hard to get there, but as far as I know they don’t offer acting classes.

#college #law #acting #college-major #twomajors #minor

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Angel769 views

I dunno what to major in art history, graphic design or communication. I really wanna be an art director but I dont want to drop either of the 3 subjects. What's more worth? Which subjects should I major and which should I minor? And does minoring also worth as much as majoring when you apply for jobs? And how expensive is it to minor 2?

#college #advice #major #minor #communication #media #communication #art #arthistory #grqphicdesign #university #fine-att #college-major #college-minor #design #college-minor #college-major

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Angel621 views

I dunno what to major in art history, graphic design or communication. I really wanna be an art director but I dont want to drop either of the 3 subjects. What's more worth? Which subjects should I major and which should I minor? And does minoring also worth as much as majoring when you apply for jobs? And how expensive is it to minor 2?

#college #advice #major #minor #communication #media #communication #art #arthistory #grqphicdesign #university #fine-att #college-major #college-minor #design #college-minor

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Angel916 views

Hey, I'm planning on either majoring international relation, communication or English. But right now im in a crisis. Idk what I should major and which I should minor. But I want to do all 3. Or does anyone have a good suggestion to major in a field that is related to the above 3? And what are the most affordable colleges that do not require maths for entrance ? If anyone could answer me it'll be great!

#internationalrelations #humanities #college #english #major #minor #communication #dunnowhattodo #advice #internationalstudies #liberalarts #languages #college-major #arts

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Paige1304 views

What is a good minor for someone who wants to major in Emergency Medical Technician?

#EMT #major #college-major #medicine #healthcare #minor

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Monica890 views

Would it be more beneficial to obtain a minor or double major?

I am a currently biochemistry student and I am very indecisive in my career path. I want to ultimately research and help in the process of creating medicines and treatments to disorders, but I also want to study genetics and cancer stem research. So, I have decided to either undertake a minor or double major in molecular biology. Correct me on this if I am wrong, but I researched that with a biochemistry degree one can utilize it to help make medicine or find treatments to diseases and disorders. Meanwhile, a molecular biology degree can be utilized to study disorders and bacterial diseases. If I double major, I will need to take another extra math course(which I despise math!) or I can minor but I do not know if it will be enough to look good in my resume for future jobs or to get a career in my fields of interest. So, which is beneficial to do, get a minor or double major? #biology #college-major #major #science #college #double-major #minor #molecular biology #genetics

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Amoni2713 views

I am an interior design major and I would like to know what should I minor in that would compliment my major?

#major #minor #interiordesign #double-major #majors-and-minors

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Maria856 views

What is better-to have a double major or a major and a minor?

What would look better to an employer and which is less hectic? #majors-and-minors #doublemajor #minor

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Matthew735 views

E-sports team

I will be playing on the E-sports team in college. My major is Psychology. Is there a minor that would be helpful to me if I decide to pursue it as a career goal? #E-sports #psychology #major #minor

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Olivia800 views

What minor would be beneficial to pair with pediatric neuropsychology?

#clinical #neuropsych #minor #psychology #neuropsychology #pediatrics #neuroscience

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Shayna1031 views

To be a Dietician, what certificates or degrees do you need?

I am interested the the field of pharmacy and lifestyle management/ nutrition. I want to combine pharmacy with nutrition in my future career. I am graduating undergraduate early so technically I will not have a major. I could get a healthy lifestyle management minor in undergraduate or look at certificate courses to take during or after pharmacy school. #dietician #registereddietician #nutrition #pharmacy #pharmacist #certificate #foodscience #major #Creighton #earlyassurance #minor #healthylifestyle #management #lifestyle #healthcare #healthy #healthadvocate

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Jaelen1004 views

Should I purse a minor?

I was considering a minor for my school resume, and I was wondering what is the best suited minor for an exercise science major as I apply myself forward through college? #majors-and-minors #school #college-minor #college #minor #resume #science-major

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Hannah1108 views

Will a minor in Neuroscience help if I want to major in Clinical Psychology and work in a hospital setting?

I want to major in Clinical Psychology and work with children in a hospital setting. Many schools that I am looking at offer minors in neuroscience. This field also fascinates me; would getting a minor in neuroscience benefit me? #psychology #neuroscience #minor

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Isha1512 views

What's it like doing a theatre minor?

I'm an engineering major and I've recently realized that I really miss being involved in theatre - I used to do the plays in high school. I'm considering doing a theatre minor, but I don't know if it's going to do me any good since my career is probably not going to be related to theatre at all. What's it like doing a theatre minor and what are the benefits? Is it going to be of any help to me career-wise? Should I consider doing one or not? #theatre #minor #college-minor #engineering #theatre-minor

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