Career questions tagged lifestyle

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Alphonso233 views

what are your life goals?

Hi my Name is Alphonso i have this question because I wanted to figure out an ideal plan for myself depending on my trade

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Nataly645 views

What is a day in the life of someone who works in the field of artificial intelligence?

Hello, I am a young student studying software development, one of the fields I can specialize in is artificial intelligence, so I would appreciate a glimpse into what a day is like for someone who works in this field: what they do, his routine, his work.

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Elijuah974 views

Questions for an orthodontist?

1.)What made you want to choose orthodontics? 2.)What kind of challenges did you face during your path of being an orthodontist? 3.)What helped you to overcome obstacles during your way to becoming an orthodontist? 4.)How did you manage to balance your work life with your personal life? 5.)What would you recommend for others who want to join your work field? 6.)How did you prevent burnout from work and set boundaries? 7.)How could I communicate more effectively? 8.)What areas did you improve on most and what should others do in their weak areas? 9.)What can you recommend for the well being of other people? 10.)How did you handle things that set you back in your work? 11.)What would you recommend for any personal development? 12.)How did you handle situations with your boss? 13.)What do you wish you had known before you became an orthodontist? 14.)What makes someone successful in your field? 15.)What is the work environment like in your work field? 16.)What concerns did you have during your career?

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Aliya2044 views

What are some different ways that I can overcome challenges and struggles in life ?

As a high school student there are different challenges that I come across, but what are some different ways that I may be able to approach them? Would you say that some challenges shape the way you are now as a person?

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Hanah630 views

How can I manage my time better so I can reach my goal of having a 4.0 this year while having extracurriculars and SAT preparations?

For context, I am taking 3 APs and an astronomy community college class. I am struggling the most with astronomy, physics, and math. I am also the Junior Officer for an aerospace organization at my school called Aerotech and I am a writer and editor for a club called ARRAS (Arts and Magazine Club). In addition to this, I am currently working on a research project and thinking of making a research club for my school and dabbling in music production (hopefully I can start producing music once I can effectively manage my time). In short, I have too much on my plate.

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Sarah1595 views

What is it like to be a personal or privatechef?

What is it like to be a privite and or personal chef?

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Toni602 views

How can I develop or achieve a academic or dream career while also maintaining a sufficient social and personal life?

For instance, being able to take vacations, practice my hobbies, hang out with friends and family are all what I desire but I fear I won't be able to do any of that if I take the standard academic route and do a Masters program or go to graduate school for even longer.

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Simran417 views

What are some niches that people might need to see more of on social media in order to improve their quality of life?

Considering how people have self-help in different ways, just pure force cold showers workout but also calm grwms and collected lifestyles, meanwhile there are also several creators who focus on purely entertainment, however, what really is the difference between entertaining podcasters and "that girl" grwms, since both can leave you addicted to watching?

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Eric315 views

How do I get ready for the real world?

I am about the graduate.

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Sebastian484 views

What are somethings i can do to make my mind and body healthier?

Right now i'm in high school and i'm wondering what i should do now to make my life better as i get older.

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Cera525 views

I'm trying to see where I want to live after college, any ideas?

So, my goal is to go to college and study equine, though I'm still not sure where I'll go. I want to be a horse trainer and a riding instructor, and after college my goal is to eventually get a horse farm where I can board horses, train them, and teach riding. I just have no idea where I want to live. Right now I live in Michigan, which I’m definitely not opposed to in the future, but the weather isn’t too good (very extreme a lot of the time, gets super cold in the winter and super hot in the summer). I have a couple things to put in consideration, so it’d be great if anyone knows of any places that fit my needs. Some things I would like the place to have: - Good Weather Year Round - I like it to be around 50s - 70s. Snow is bearable but I’d rather it not be super cold half the year. If it gets hotter/colder, it’s fine, but I want to have pretty nice weather for the majority of the year since I'll be outside a lot. - Safe from Natural Disasters - I know all states have some natural disasters, but if there are super common disasters, I’d prefer to stay away. I want to live there long-term and I’m going to have horses, which would be a hassle to get moved in the case of a deadly disaster. The ones coming to mind are hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, and huge ones. If it’s just severe thunderstorms, it’s fine. - Cheaper - I plan on working with horses, which is super expensive, so I don’t think it’d be easy to live somewhere super expensive. I just want somewhere fairly cheap so I don’t have to worry and live pay check to pay check. - Job Availability/Demand - I want to live somewhere where horse trainers and riding instructors are needed, that way I’ll be able to start making a living faster and it’ll be easier. - More of a Rural Area - I want to live in the country since I’ll be working with horses. I don’t want to live in New York City where there isn’t any good property that will let me do that. If the places don’t have all of these, that’s fine, I just want some ideas. It can also be states or cities, I just want it to be in the contiguous US, so any states besides Hawaii and Alaska. Also, sorry this is kind of long, I’ve just been thinking about it a lot and wanted to know if anyone knew of any good places.

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destiney838 views

How much does an entry-level medical assistant make right after trade school?

I want a job that can help me be wealthy and live the kind of lifestyle I want.

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Linh1399 views

How many hours do people in finance usually work daily?

As a student who's aspiring to be in the finance world, I want to know how people's life is shaped daily in their financing career. #business #finance #career #lifestyle

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Matthew533 views

When a person is losing sight of their goals, how does one stay motivated to keep pursuing their aspirations?

I'm currently not in the predicament, but I need to be prepared for the future. #lifestyle #mentality #mental

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Kimberly561 views

Do you recommend any specific goals to pursue?

I try to meet the goals i put my mind to and i am attending college as undeclared. #career-goals #lifestyle #college

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leslie584 views

Is being a nurse or pediatrition worth it?

great with babys love puppys/dogs #lifestyle # MEDICINE

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Oscar566 views

hows the life in engineer?

thats its hard being a engineer? #life #lifestyle

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Bre'Kina934 views

How many year's do you have to stay in college for OBGYN?

I'm 17 High school i'm in the 11th grade . i have 4 siblings . My favorite color is black and gold. #family #lifestyle

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Shayna1032 views

To be a Dietician, what certificates or degrees do you need?

I am interested the the field of pharmacy and lifestyle management/ nutrition. I want to combine pharmacy with nutrition in my future career. I am graduating undergraduate early so technically I will not have a major. I could get a healthy lifestyle management minor in undergraduate or look at certificate courses to take during or after pharmacy school. #dietician #registereddietician #nutrition #pharmacy #pharmacist #certificate #foodscience #major #Creighton #earlyassurance #minor #healthylifestyle #management #lifestyle #healthcare #healthy #healthadvocate

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Shayna1351 views

Is there an area of pharmacy where you help people decrease or stop taking prescriptions by making lifestyle changes?

I am a HUGE advocate for individual healthy lifestyle management rather than fixing problems with a #pill. My #dream is to help people become their own health advocates. I want to teach people lifestyle modifications including #nutrition, #physical activity, and managing medications. I believe certain #prescriptions are over-prescribed and some maintenance medications can be avoided with lifestyle changes. I know it sounds backwards to be a pharmacist reducing medications, but that is my passion especially working in a pharmacy for almost 3 years not and seeing the effects in our society today. #lifestyle #management #health #healthadvocate #publichealth #pharmacy #pharmacist #society #rx #medication #health care #medications #medicine

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Raney1108 views

What do companies look for in a portfolio when hiring a designer, artist, or photographer?

I want to design logos, album covers, and advertisements for record labels, musicians, or lifestyle companies. When creative professionals hire freelance artists or people to work for their company, what kind of things do they look for in their portfolio before hiring them? #graphic-design #design #designers #photography #advertising #lifestyle #career #hire #artist

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Shayna5267 views

Is there a possibility for a pharmacist to specialize in nutrition or become an Registered Dietitian?

My goal is to become a #pharmacist that specializes in #healthy #lifestyle management , which would encompass managing a person's #medications along with their lifestyle and #nutritional needs. I believe that lifestyle changes can reduce and even prevent risk of diseases or health issues before needing to start life-life maintenance medications. I want to be a holistic pharmacist, but are there an opportunities like that out there? #pharmacy #medicine #dietician #nutrition

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Ursula1119 views

How to continue helathy while in university?

Being a student I barely have time for anything and what worries my most is my health. I don't exercise as much now and when I don't have time to cook I end up buying pizza. Do you have any tips on how to stay healthy while in university? Thanks? #university #health #lifestyle #healthy-lifestyle

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Tiffanie915 views

How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle while also working a lot ?

Even as a college student I struggle with this already. Between classes and studying it's hard to make time for the gym and eating healthy when you want to get back to your next job asap. #college #lifestyle #multitasking

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Angela1070 views

I want to get into a job and travel around the world. I have seen in many lifestyle channels like TLC and FOX where the anchor has visits different countries and does a destination haul. How can I get into a silimar job.

I am totally fascinated by the lifestyle channels. The anchors get to visit various countries, try the cuisine. meet new people. I mean what job can be better than this. How could I get into such a Job. I am from India #journalism #travel #lifestyle #traveling #online-journalism #channel-partners

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Deepshika1707 views

I want to hone my culinary skills. what is the best course after 12th to pursue a career in food making.

Interested in cooking but don't know where to start off. #chef #cooking #food #lifestyle #cooking-and-baking #hotel-management #cooking-healthy-meals #personal-development #career-details

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Micaela1102 views

How do you think that your first year of college changed you?

Being a junior in college I have seen so much growth mentally. I feel as though I am a whole new person after the experiences I have had or have been put through. I wanted to know if anyone else has ever felt that they too have changed at all, and in what ways? #college #education #career-change #lifestyle #grades #news #new-media #questionnaires

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Alicia1128 views

Are careers in the medical feild time consuming? Is there enough time to develop a persoal life, or is it all work?

As someone interested in the medical feild, I was wondering what kind of a lifestyle someone with this type of a career would have. #career #medicine #careers #lifestyle

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Kara1083 views

What is a description of the lifestyle and typical workday for an editor at a publishing company?

I want to be an editor, and would love to learn about what it is like to work as an editor for a publishing company. I am aware that many of the major publishing companies are located in New York City, so I am interested in learning more about life as an editor in New York! #english #editing #editor #lifestyle #publishing #english-grammar #text-editing #story-editing

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muthu961 views

What Values are Important in modern life style?

modern life style is important in 2016 how to useful for lower people . #lifestyle

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