Career questions tagged journalism

Journalism is the process of collecting facts to tell a story. Journalism is a part of Mass Communications and focuses heavily on reading and writing. There are multiple different types of careers within journalism to include sports, politics, and local news. ... Read more Show less
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Kate432 views

Maybe we can be useful to each other what if something cool happens!?

Maybe someone would like to join me and discuss creating a news blog, to develop communication skills, journalism, correspondence, and more

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Kate316 views

How? Hello, I am Kate, a certified journalist with a higher education degree. I graduated with distinction. I have experience working in TV, but unfortunately, it was in Russia. There, I achieved success and worked for the main channel in the country. Due to recent global events, I left that country and moved to Europe. I am currently looking for a job or internship in TV or print journalism in the United States. I consider America the pinnacle of journalism, as history tells us. My English is not yet at the C1 level, but I am willing to improve it. Additionally, I know that RTVI is a Russian TV channel with American news based in New York. Please, give me advice on which company I should apply to for an internship or job as a TV journalist in America. What are the chances of being hired if I do not have experience in the American market, but I am very eager to build my career there?

How? Please, give me advice on which company I should apply to for an internship or job as a TV journalist in America. What are the chances of being hired if I do not have experience in the American market, but I am very eager to build my career there?

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Carlota477 views

What advice would you give to an economics & politics graduate who wants to get into journalism? ?

I have a bachelor's degree in political science and international relations, and am studying for a master's in economics. I haven't studied journalism other than 2 courses in my bachelor's though I've done some volunteer work in media. I'm a good writer and communicator and I think I have a good skill set and range of experiences that would make me a good journalist, but I'm afraid that because I don't have formal training in it, I won't be able to do it. I don't have a particular preference for online, print, radio or television journalism at this point, though I'd probably feel more comfortable with (written) online and print at first. I live in Berlin, Germany and would like to stay here for the medium-term, but would be willing to move elsewhere for journalistic work. Thank you!

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Erika415 views

How do I become an independent journalist?

How do I build and fund an independently owned and run online journal outside of paid subscriptions?

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Igor1024 views

Would a MS Finance help me get work experience with totally unrelated undergrad major?

Hello, I'm a journalism major and I want to pursue investor relations, but most finance jobs require finance degrees, and I'm wondering if a MS would help me get work experience.

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isabella380 views

How do I pursue a career in journalism?

I'm 17, going to be a senior this fall, and I've been passionate about the field of journalism and social justice since I was very young. While I love the field, I know they make little to no money, especially because I want to be an independent journalist that covers dangerous topics later in my career. Where should I start? #Spring23

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Gabriella471 views

What does it take to be a successful journalist?

How do I get experience? As I enter the field, are there certain things employers will look for? What will make me successful, my education in journalism or my experience with it? Should I create a portfolio of my work, and if I do, can I include writing unrelated to journalism?

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James922 views

How can I become a writer ?

What should I study to become a professional writer also how many years should the subject I would stay take me in the university to complete it. Please I need honest reply

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Dorothy439 views

How did you develop your writing style?

I'm going through imposter syndrome-- with writing. I feel like my writing in general has improved substantially since I first started taking it seriously, but I feel like it's not authentically me. What are some tips for young writers developing their writing style and voice? Thanks.

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Yanic467 views

What are the steps for writing a publication?#spring24

I wish to write up publications but I don't know how to go about it, any tips on how to start and finish will be very helpful for me. Thanks in advance #spring24

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Paige332 views

How do I break into the media/journalism field as a non-art major?

My name is Paige and I'm a 2nd year Psychology student and I want to know what steps I should be taking to break into the journalism field. I feel like my major doesn't really offer many art based opportunities.

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Shemye454 views

How can you write a magazine article?

How best can a person write a magazine article?

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Felice194 views

How do i get into broadcast journalism and podcasting ?

I'm an eleventh grader really passionate about journalism, broadcasting and podcasting . I'm a member of the journalism club in our school and i would like to pursue journalism in college.

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Leire600 views

What are some top colleges I should consider applying to as someone interested in journalism, communications, and media?

I am currently a junior in high school, and am at the point where I am making a college list to prepare for applications. I am open to studying in the U.S. as well as internationally, such as in the U.K. I would really appreciate some pointers or specific schools I should look into to receive a strong college experience within journalism. Thank you!

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Leire406 views

#Spring24 - Journalism Question

If I am interested in pursuing journalism, should I begin my undergraduate by studying English? Or should I go directly into journalism/communications? #Spring24

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Catherine274 views

How can I become successful with my dream career of being a journalist?

Understanding how to be successful

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Hinn322 views

How do i get into journalism school ?

How do i get into a journalism school? I'm an eleventh grader and I'm really passionate about journalism and broadcast journalism. I'm active in my schools journalism club ,debate and i also participate in writing contests. Looking forward to your reply .

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Madison420 views

How can I figure out which college and classes are right for me?

As a junior in high school, how can I figure out which college is right for me and what classes I should to take in order to work towards a career in journalism and the arts?

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Mahnoor475 views

Online internship options for 10th graders?

I wish to utilize my summer by joining an online internship program. The field does not matter much as i have still not chosen a career path. I am mainly focused on building my profile as well as gaining experience.

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Sarah527 views

As an English major, would Psychology be beneficial to me?

I am planning on getting my BA in English-Creative Writing and Professional writing but I also have an interest in Psychology. I plan on doing Journalism and working with either a paper or magazine while also doing my own book.

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Emmanuel404 views

What can I do to get rich ?

Ways to get rich

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Nahomy702 views

Writing Hobbies?

What are some opportunities for writers, like contests, newspaper clubs, journalism?

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Jay553 views

People with ADD/ADHD, how do you beat deadlines?

I'm in a journalism class with strict deadlines but because of my ADD i struggle to meet them on time. what could I do?

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Aliya1097 views

How to have a successful business ?

Hi, I'm 13 years old grade 10th student. How can I become a successful business woman

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Aria657 views

How to have a successful career ?

Hi, I'm 15 years old grade 11th student. How can I choose a successful career for myself?

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Elysia670 views

Are there jobs available for English majors ?

I enjoy writing and I am curious to hear if/what kind of jobs are available for English majors. I know about some but I would like to hear details about ones that I haven't considered.

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Grace879 views

What is your best advice for getting more experience in the journalism world if I want to be a journalist or write for a magazine What are the best things I can do and focus on now to adequately prepare me for the future and make me a competitive job candidate??

I am a college sophomore looking for a summer internship. I've written for a few publications and have self-published a poetry book.

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Savion1019 views

What is good advice to become a writer?

Good steps to become a writer.

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Katherin1257 views

Why is it hard for me to get career advice from social media?

I would like to get full career advice from social media

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Savion1185 views

What are the difficulties you have to go through to be a writer?

What should I do and what are the difficulties to become a write.

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