Career questions tagged online-learning
Free Online Nursing School for high school students.
Hello, i'm in 9th grade and i've always had an eager desire for learning more about the nursing field. I can't seem to find any websites that offer free online classes for teens! if anyone could help me find some helpful websites, that would be great! Thanks!
Any Advice for Online College?
I'm starting a bachelor's degree program online in the fall, but some family friends have insisted I go on campus instead. I want to do online so I can work my job and start freelance writing, and I'm curious about how to approach online college from here.
What Career Opportunities Are Available with a BA/BS in Criminal Justice ?
I've always wanted to pursue this path, but I'm worried I'm in over my head. I've job shadowed dispatchers and probation officers this year in southern Ohio, and they're hoping I'll come back. Am I making the right choice?
Online internship options for 10th graders?
I wish to utilize my summer by joining an online internship program. The field does not matter much as i have still not chosen a career path. I am mainly focused on building my profile as well as gaining experience.
Is it beneficial to take online courses on Coursera or Udemy to learn data skills if I want to go into Data Science/Anaytics If so, what should I start with?
I'm in Grade 10, I have some coding experience with Python, and I want to be able to build my skill set so that I have time to improve later during high school. I also want to be able to use those skills to help others (volunteering). I've seen so many "roadmaps" for learning data skills, and they're all different, so I hope someone can clear this up for me. Thanks in advance!
What should I do when I can't keep focusing in my online classes?
What should I do when I can't keep focusing in my online classes? I take online classes during the summer and go to school in person for the normal school year and i can't seem to be focusing at all.
How can I find challenging academic classes outside of school?
I'm only just going into HS and really want to start taking AP classes in a year or two, but my school only offers a few starting in 11th grade, and there are no honors classes. This last year wasn't very challenging for me and I'm anxious to really push myself. I'm really interested in math, finance, and psychology as career umbrellas, so to speak. What are some other routes I can take, outside of school? Do online courses actually work? How do I find good ones? Thank you!
What are the tradeoffs between online vs. on-campus degrees ?
Note: this is part of our professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform
What do I do if I have to go to school online for my degree, but I don't want to miss out on the college experience?
I have to go to school online to get my degree in speech pathology for personal reasons, but I also want to go to college in person. I was hoping to use college as a way for me to make sure I am independent enough to make it in the real world, but I have to go to school online specifically for speech pathology. How do I get the best of both worlds?
What is a suggestion for online collages for psychology? Is it more easy or hard? Anything I should know before considering online?
I would like to get my masters in psychology, professional counseling or whatever I can get. I am currently applying to scholarships to help but won none so far. I was wondering if online is better then in person collage counseling or if they have different benefits and what are they. Thank you so much!
What is your field and how do you find virtual programs and conferences?
This is part of our professionals series
What is a home activity or website I can get started on by
What website or activity can I do to get a better knowledge on space/engineering. I would love to do learn more about space and possibly engineering.
Are there good online bachelor degree programs for Animal Science/Pet-Veterinary?
I'm currently a sophomore in college, majoring in history but I would also like to study Animal Health and Behavior without having to worry about travel
Are online or in-person MBA programs better?
I plan on attending an in-person MBA program, but I want to keep my options flexible.
If I attend community college will I be able to take classes online?
I'm interested in attending south mountain community college.
Which online learning communities would you recommend for gaining more business knowledge?
I am an accounting student, who would like to find an online learning community that would help me broaden my business knowledge, such as analytics, software programs, finances, economics, and other nonaccounting areas of business. I am very interested in this information at an international level of business. #International #Business #Analytics #Economics