Career questions tagged degrees

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Damilola1116 views

How do I get a good course preference ?

Course preference

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Addison245 views

What types of classes did you take for your career chose?

what types of classes did you take to graduate with that degree?

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Claudia424 views

What do I need to know my senior year to prepare for picking colleges?

I'm a senior in high school, and I do an online schooling for credit recovery. I graduate in the spring, but have only recently decided that I want to go to college. I have very limited knowledge of what I should be doing to prepare to apply for college. I decided to major in psychology (BA), and pick my minor on which school I'm applying to. I want to be a family therapist, and I recently learned I'll need to get my masters for that. That being said I'm confused on how my undergraduate year would work. Do I have to do 6 years of school, and if not what would I be doing? I only have one person I could ask that would be able to help me with college information, but I don't know exactly how to ask or what I need to ask them. Any kind of light that can be shed on my situation would be greatly appreciated.

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Klara289 views

How would I get noticed by professors, specifically of larger universities?

I’m looking to get accepted into the Ivy League specifically in anesthesiology, I know that this is a very difficult field, but I think that if I work my very hardest and pay attention I can reach the goal.

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Savannah5833 views

What degree do I need to become I physical therapist, and hopefully to own my own practice?

I would like to work with sports teams or at another person’s practice, and then open up my own practice once I get the funds and experience necessary to do so! Also how can I build connections that will help me achieve my goals with this? What majors/minors should I look at/choose? And, do you all have any other helpful tips?

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Jessie349 views

Where to find a really good job out of country

Where do I look if the occupation does not show any kind of degree I need for that job im looking forward to do? What Is the best plan for young people that are looking for a good paying job? Where is the best place for a job at a radiologist? and how much does it pay ?

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Yamilka439 views

How many years of experience does an Agriculture need to find a job?

Bachelor's degree

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Craig397 views

Majors in College?

What is the difference between degrees, such as Bachelors, Doctorate, Masters? #FALL2022

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Harold1770 views

What's the best major for marketing?

What's the best undergrad major for someone who wants to be in a marketing managerial position eventually, whilst simultaneously having a plan B? Marketing, finance, or other? I've heard that marketing is not the major that it used to be, and most people advice me to align with the marketing path, but with an entirely different business degree since marketing is 'useless' and doesn't provide the necessary skills for working in the field. My initial plan was to major in marketing and attend a state university for 4 years while working an internship and networking, followed by eventually getting a job and working on an MBA, as well as certifications. Is this a good idea, or am I way off?

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Anita708 views

What does the path from High School to Medical School look like?

I'm currently a sophomore in high school and was wondering that once the time comes- how would I begin my path to Medical School?

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Miryam1122 views

For being a Zookeeper, which degree has the most hands-on (example: associate, bachelors...)?

I love learning by using my hands, it is a lot more fun and easier to learn. #wildlife #degrees #zookeeper

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lonwabo492 views

my chances to find employment without finishing my matric year?

#degree #doctorate-degree #degrees

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Courtney4446 views

What would be the best degree to get for becoming a tattoo artist?

I enjoy drawing and painting so I've thought about becoming a tattoo artist but I want to know what I would need to o to become one. #tattoo #artist #art #degrees

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Clifta483 views

Best way to become a Forensic Psychologist?

Hello, I am wondering what undergraduate, masters, and doctorate degrees are best for becoming a Forensic Psychologist? I have heard for an undergraduate degree you can do Psychology with a minor in criminal justice or criminology but I am not sure. #ForensicPsychology #Degrees

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kathryn505 views

What college degrees do I need to become a therapist?

I was thinking about being a therapist so I want to know what college degrees I need. #therapist #college #degrees

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kathryn429 views

What college degrees do I need to become a nurse?

I want to know what college degrees I need to become a nurse. #nurse #college #degrees

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Catherine963 views

What the key differences between undergraduate and graduate school?

I'm a current undergraduate student who will be graduating in the spring (if things go according to plan), and while graduate school wasn't originally part of my plan, it's something I've begun considering. I've found that there seems to be less advice out there regarding grad school as opposed to undergrad, possibly because graduate school varies a lot more depending on which field you're planning on going into. For reference, I'm considering pursuing a Master's in Higher Education, so I'm wondering what to expect from graduate school. Is it more hands-on than undergrad? Did you feel that it was more demanding because you had to balance studies with an assistantship or something like that? #school #college #schools #colleges #graduate-school #graduate-schools #university #universities #undergraduate #graduate #undergraduates #graduates #advice #college-advice #experience #experiences #future #masters-degree #degrees #degree #higher-education #education #july #july20 #scholarship

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Yareli692 views

What kind of degrees do I need in order to become a physical therapist?

#physical-therapist #physical-therapy #therapy #physical-therapist #degrees #college #university

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Brianna1157 views

Should a social worker get a masters degree?

I am trying to decide whether I should just receive my bachelor's degree in social work or go on to receive my master's degree. #socialwork #social-work #degrees

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Matthew787 views

Does choosing a degree in a specific engineering discipline narrow your opportunities?

When choosing a degree, does it matter a great deal which discipline you choose, or can you work for an aerospace engineering company with a mechanical engineering degree? Also, does choosing a job as say a chemical engineer force you to live in a large city, or can you still live elsewhere? #engineering #degrees

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Emily762 views

How much more competitive is an Ivy League degree compared to a SUNY degree?

If two candidates are applying for the same job, will the one with the Ivy League School degree get it over the SUNY degree applicant? #degrees #college #ivy-league #SUNY #admissions #college-admissions

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Zoya4207 views

Can you get your Masters and Bachelors degree at the same time?

I am considering going into information technologies. I was wondering whether or not I can get my Bachelpr's and Master's degree at the same time in undergrad and/or grad school. #degrees #BS #MBA #help #highschool

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Abigail968 views

What of my interests would be worth making minors/majors on my planned degree in environmental engineering?

I plan to get a degree in environmental engineering, but I also love biology, chemistry, biochemistry, and non-science-related Spanish. Would it be too difficult, expensive, or otherwise to add any of those as a second major and/or have the remaining be minors? Especially in the case of Spanish, because I would like to continue studying Spanish but is unrelated to the rest of the topics I am interested in. What would, if anything, stop me from pursuing to some degree, all of these subjects? #degree #degrees #career-path #career-path-planning #biology #chemistry #biochemistry #major #college-major #college-majors #majors-and-minors #minors

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Abigail1147 views

Is it worth earning higher than a bachelor's when pursuing a career in environmental engineering?

I plan to get a bachelor's degree in environmental engineering for sure, but would it be worth the time, money($40K/yr at the school I am looking at), and effort to work towards a master's or PhD? #engineering #environmental-engineering #money #debt #degrees #bachelors-degree #bachelorsdegree #masters-degree #mastersdegree #phd #environmental-science #environment #environmental #career-path #career-paths #career-planning #career-plan

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Mireia1237 views

What is the difference between a B.A. and a B.S.?

What's the difference and does it matter when choosing a career? #college #college-major #minor #college-minor #major #majors #bachelorsdegree #science #art #higher-education #career #jobs #college-selection #college-advice #college-bound #degrees #changing-careers #career-path #career-planning #career-counseling #career-development #career-choice

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Dominique638 views

What are the advantages of pursuing an advanced degree (Masters /PhD), and how can such a degree hurt or help you in finding a job?

I am seriously considering pursuing a PhD in either Vocal Performance or Computer Science, so I wanted to know whether or not it would be worth the time and dedication. #degrees #career

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Maria Victoria1101 views

What should I do if I graduate from college with a degree I no longer desire?

One of my greatest fears is to go to college for the wrong reason. I don't want to waste anyone's money, time, and efforts helping me only to end up with me being unhappy and no longer passionate at what I do. What should I do if I graduate college with a degree I thought I wanted, but ended up disliking in the future? #college #college-advice #degrees #happiness #help

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Zena679 views

It seems like more jobs need a degree to get. If this is the case, why are university/college prices going up? It is just putting more young adults into debt.

I am asking because I am going to college/university to get my degree and I am curious to why it is costing me so much. #student-debt #college-major #degrees #college #financial-planning #student-loans #financial-advising

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Samantha789 views

Should I get a PH.D, and MD, or and MD/PH.D?

I don't know yet if I want to go into practice or research so I don't know what type of degree to get. can I do research with an MD so thats safer? or do I need an MD/PH.D to do both? #degrees #research #neuroscience

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Alexandra1045 views

Getting a BFA v. BA in Musical Theatre?

I am applying to both types of programs for college and was wondering what people like and don't like about each program. #musical-theatre #BFA #BA #fine-art #fine-arts #arts #art #degrees #theatre #college

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