Career questions tagged student-debt

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Pranav726 views

How can I best prep my self to afford Medical school ?

I am a High School Junior in NC, I am on an H-4 visa (dependent on my dad). I currently have a weighted GPA of 3.7 (on track to have a 4.2 by the end of the year). After doing some cost calculations I found out about the massive student debt that comes with pursuing medicine (or potentially law). Admittedly it is a bit scary but I'm trying my best to navigate this situation the best I can. Are there any potential scholarships or aid given out to people in my situation

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Audrey268 views

Will college put you into debt?

Is college really worth it if people are still paying things off even when they’re in their 50s?

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Kenneth1491 views

If I use loans to pay for my college tuition, how long do I have to pay back the loans?

Thinking about having to pay for college is scary, especially if using loans. I have heard many stories of people using loans to pay for college, but when they graduate, they are still severe college debt. How much time do people have to pay it back?

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Andrew607 views

What is the best way to go about earning scholarships?

I am trying to earn as much money as possible through scholarships to have little to no debt coming out of college. I am a Digital Media Production Major at Juniata College located in Huntingdon, PA and would like some advice on what my next steps are going about earning scholarships or to better my chances at earning them.

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sarah2141 views

do you have to pay student loans while going to college

Do you have to pay student loans in college, also do you have to provide your own furniture? and when should you get your books??

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Jasmine1068 views

How can I prevent student debt/loan from piling up?

I want to become a doctor, but it may be too costly for my family and I was wondering if there was a way to avoid the immense amount of debt that comes with this job.

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Marvaline463 views

How to deal with student loan debt?

I would like to return to school, but I have a significant amount of student loan debt from my last degree. What can I do to minimize this amount so I can go back?

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Azalea299 views

How come you can get a scholarship and still end up being kn debt?

I am only 2 ish years away from collage and am quite worried about how it will go sense i and my family are poor or struggling, will I ever get to have my dream of being in the medical feild?

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Vani443 views

How should one pay off student debt?

I have a lot of questions about college stuff. However, I have answered my own questions through out school. Although I have answered many of them myself, I really don't know how to pay off student loans. So my question is... How should one get rid off student debt?

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Trezure320 views

How can I make the most of my college experience without overspending?

I'm just generally stuck I don't wanna be in debt but I also wanna graduate.

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Brenda507 views

What steps can I take as a current sophomore in high school to get into medical school and pursue a career in medicine with as little debt as possible?

I would like to graduate med school with as little debt as possible. I currently plan on being a pediatrician, but I am open to learning and exploring different careers related to medicine, biology, chemistry, and science.

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Irah311 views

What is student debt?

I know what debt is but what's student debt in college?

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Sashia767 views

How much debt will you be in after college?

I want to attend a four-year college, but I'm also worried about debt and student loans. I'd like to take action that would prevent me from having to spend the rest of my life paying off debt ( like the 2 years at York tech free then going to an actual college). But if it will be worth it for the college experience, personal development, and somewhat independent living, I would be willing to do it. Simply tell me if it's worthwhile.

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Nana565 views

Advice to Avoid too much Debt

Many people have told me that going to medical school will most likely get you into debt after. I wanted to ask: - how do I know what type of loan to get? - will I be able to take more loans after each semester? -if I don’t use all my loans and I return some, will I be able to get a refund for what I didn’t use? -what is the average student loan interest rate? -Which is better, private or student loans? -what are some “unknown” scholarships that I can get? -as an African American, what are some scholarships I can get?

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Noelle825 views

What is the best way to find scholarships?

The price of college scares me, and at most of the schools I've been looking at the scholarships are very competitive, and I was wondering if there are other better ways to get money for school. #school #scholarships #paying-for-school #college #financial-aid #student-loans #student-debt

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Brenda1059 views

What is the average University/College debt that students leave with?

#investment-management #debt #student-debt #student-loans #financial-aid #paying-for-college #finance

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Kendra949 views

What is the best way to avoid student loans?

#scholarships #student #student-loans #loans #student-debt #college-student

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William790 views

Any good jobs to do while doing a master's in nutrition?

Master's program are more expensive than undergraduate programs. And loan repayment can be annoying. What kind of job or internship would you recommend doing (if possible) while studying nutritional science for a master's degree? Also, how did you stay frugal during those times? #nutrition #student-debt #finance #clinical-nutrition

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William740 views

What are other ways to pay for medical school besides loans and scholarships?

Medical school is expensive, as everyone knows. And paying off loans will increase the amount of stress for a medical student to go through. Are there ways to earn some cash to pay off the debt and to avoid getting loans for medical school? Scholarships can be limited as well. #medicine #money-management #finance #debtfree #student-debt #debt

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Ashley1084 views

Is there such a thing as an accredited, online, FREE university?

I am so tired of debt that has accumulated from my studies. I want to learn and grow and have a brighter future, but the more I study, the heavier my debt load becomes. I am applying for scholarships, however, they of course do not guarantee funding. So, is there a university that one does not have to pay for or that offers a chance for complete coverage of the student's financial burden for attending that university? #university #student-debt #online #finance #debt #online-college

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Maria879 views

Do you have to go to a prestigious university to get into a "good" medical school?

I plan to study to become a #physician after I graduate from high school. I want to attend a "good" #medical-school, but I don't know if I'll be able to get into one if I attend a #public-school. I know that it is mostly up to me on whether I make it or not. But I have to believe that people who are undergraduates at #ivy-league schools are more likely to get into top medical schools. However, I don't want to be piled high with #student-debt before I even get to medical school, which will probably be even more #expensive . #premedical #medicine #premed

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Joi941 views

How much student loans can I take with a mechanical engineering starting salary

I am a mechanical engineering sophomore and I recently learned my parent can only contribute about 5% of my college finances. What is an affordable, realistic amount I can take out in student loans so I don't drown in student debt? For more information, I live in New Jersey and my dream job would be located in the New York City area. Thanks. #debt #student-debt #scared #money #loans #financial-aid #engineer #engineering #mechanical-engineering

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Joi1081 views

What steps can I take to make college affordable?

I am a current college student in my sophomore year. I recently learned that my parent will only be able to contribute about 5% of my college education. What are some steps I can take to make college more affordable? I am already working as a co-op and saving as much as I can. I would prefer not to surrender my future to student debt. Thanks. #student-debt #debt #college-advice #money #help #scared #college

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Emma611 views

Any suggestions for paying for Vet School?

I plan to go to vet school. Everyone I have talked to say it will likely require lots of student loans. What is the best strategy for financial planning during undergraduate school? #animallover #financial-planning #student-debt

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Joseph947 views

Tips for financing college

Since college is expensive and I am going to become very familiar with college debt come this fall, do you have any tips on how to handle financing my loans and payment plans? #student-debt #college

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Sharon905 views

What is the best way to pay off your student debt?

I'm starting #college in the fall. I'm working on #scholarships but I know I'll still have some debt. #financial-aid #student-debt

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Brittany962 views

Can you appeal for more financial aid? If so, how?

I want to get the maximum amount of financial aid possible because I am scared I will be in loads of debt. #debt #student-debt ##debtfree #financial-aid #financial-services

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Brendan717 views

Should student debt be a major deterrent in determining which university to attend?

While there are many factors to consider when choosing a college, one of my largest has been the cost to attend. I know there is no clear-cut answer to whether or not a certain university is worth attending over the other, but should student debt be one of the most important (if not the most important) aspects? Is debt really that hard to live with or is it a mostly just an inconvenience? #student-debt #college

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Brendan764 views

How much debt is too much debt when deciding on which college to attend?

Like many seniors in high school, I am trying to decide which college I should attend next year. One of my biggest concerns of course is the massive cost required to attend a university. My question is whether there is a limit on how much I should spend on my education. Is there a generally accepted amount for "how much is too much?" or is it just a question of how long you're willing to pay back? #student-debt #college-advice

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David899 views

What are the creative methods people used to pay for college?

I'm wondering how people were able to pay for college. As a rising college freshmen, I'm anxious about how to pay for my own college tuition. And I desperately want to figure out a way for me to attend college without burdening my parents or myself. I already know about scholarships and financial aid. But is there a plausible way to pay for college. I haven't gotten much luck with scholarships. #justabrokestudent #finance #debt #student-debt #tuition

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