Career questions tagged scholarships

There are multiple different types of scholarships. Some will help you pay for your books, while others will help with tuition. Applying and receiving an award usually involves a written essay. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less
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S409 views

How does ED work with financial aid from the school?

When you get accepted ED and you have to commit there, what if you don’t get the scholarships and aid big enough to attend ? - just curious

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Mealea392 views

How do you find scholarships for non US veterinary study in the US And do they accept us an international undergraduate student??

I’m 22 female and currently I’m a fourth year veterinary student. As school is about to finished plus my thesis too I’m stressing out about wanting to continue my DVM/VMD. However, I’ve always wanted to continue my degree in the US. Because this field in my Country is still considered as new/young(only one university in the country the faculty was founded in 2010 for bachelor and 2018 for DVM program).What my fear are how can I do it? Will they accept me ? What school I’m gonna chose that suitable for non-US student like I am ? Plus I’m short of money too. I’ve seen many aspiring women from other developing country like me able to continue their degree in the US too so that why I’m wondering.

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Mina377 views

What is something you wish you knew before moving states for college?

I am currently 17 and enrolled in High-school. I’ve been having a few questions but most of them just seem out of the air. Is there anything that you would’ve liked to hear like residency, financial assistance, scholarships etc?

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James379 views

As an incoming college freshman, what's the best way to prepare for your first year during the summer?

Especially for students moving away from home! :D

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Alexander256 views

What is a letter of recommendation?

I would like to know what is a letter of recomendation. The reason is that I would like to obtain scholarships, specialized programs, and more information about letter of recommendation. I will be grateful for your answers. Have a nice day

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Riley284 views

How do you find scholarships you qualify for?

I've been doing a lot of research on scholarships, but I am having a really hard time finding ones that I qualify for. Do you have any tips?

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Daniela505 views

Are there any easy scholarships I can apply to ?

In need of more financial help

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Arnoldo436 views

Where can I find scholarships to apply too?

Where can I find scholarships to apply too. How do I apply. How do I know if I can qualify for them. How much scholarships can I apply too. What are the changes to make money for college off these scholarships.

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Michelle256 views

How can I find small scholarships in my area ?

How do I find small scholarships in my area? Most of the large websites for scholarships are very competitive. I always see advice to find smaller scholarships, where can I find them?

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Mathias432 views

I’m really passionate for sports but haven’t fully committed to a single sport yet, and I just finished my sophomore year of high school, should I try committing to a single one for a college scholarship?

My entire childhood was soccer. When the pandemic hit, I stopped playing and got very rusty, then late pandemic I tried out for a travel team and was a disaster. I played on, knowing that improvement comes with practice. In eighth grade I played basketball. Last year in freshman year I played american football and volleyball (a long break from soccer). This year, I went back to soccer and played not too bad although I was injured for half the season, then I wrestled during the winter (which I loved and was good at), then I played volleyball again (which I have potential in). Since I grew up with soccer and have a lot of it in my argentine culture, I truly have a passion for the sport although my skills in wrestling and volleyball have huge potential. Right now I’m practicing non-stop to get ready for the soccer season in junior year and am thinking in pursuing in that, but I’m not sure if I’m wasting potential in wrestling or volleyball. Should I pursue in one sport and play club instead of two other sports and try getting a scholarship or have my fun in all three?

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Eshita757 views

What are some scholarships available that I can apply to as a upcoming junior in highschool?

I am going to be a junior this upcoming school year and I know some of the colleges I am considering will not give me a lot of financial aid. I want to find a few scholarships I can apply to and start saving up the money so I can use it for college. Any suggestions?

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Maroua573 views

How can I get the visa to study at USA as an international students? Also, what’s the opportunities of financial aid that international students have?

How can I get the visa to study at USA as an international students? Also, what’s the opportunities of financial aid that international students have?

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Gyah333 views

What types of scholarships are to be avoided/put on priority?

What types of scholarships are to be avoided/put on priority? Are there certain ones more beneficial that others? Are all scholarships good sholarships? Should I look out for certain sponsors?

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Jazaria306 views

what are some scholarships for data analyst/business analysis major/ programs I need to look into?

hi I have been looking for scholarships and programs but I haven't been able to find any.

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Dave460 views

How do I make a career choice ?

I’m having a little issue with choosing a career so I don’t know if there’s any way I can get an advice

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Katelyn490 views

I am a student at Wahconah Regional High School. I am wondering how the college application process works in terms of tuition, scholarships, out of state colleges, etc. .?

I have been researching colleges I am interested in and they are not clear enough on giving application and admission information and I am just wondering about the basics.

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kiaya332 views

Hi, I'm a sophomore student at Wachonah Regional High School. How does the college application system work and when do you start applying for colleges? When and who will help me start my path to finding and applying for colleges?

Is applying for colleges more of a lead path for everyone, or does everyone experience something different when it comes to college, how do I know what colleges I could be eligible to get into?

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Grace408 views

What would you suggest as a good career path to someone who enjoys learning and helping others understand concepts (e.g. disease process)?

Currently an RN (passed boards Nov 2023 and got registered on Jan 2024) working in a non-bedside role (CPO - Clinical Process Outsourcing) with no actual clinical experience. I am considering taking up Masters of Arts in Nursing if I find an affordable opportunity because I feel like I want to study more but I'm not sure if it's for me and I don't really know where that can take me in my career. I am interested in MAN non-thesis because I like being able to learn new things and question as to why things are in a certain way. I get a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction from learning and being able to understand things in depth. I also did consider like research nursing or being and educator, but I feel like I might need bedside experience for those... I don't think I'm strong enough to be at the bedside (life-death is in your hands), I enjoy more of the knowledge side of things. A part of me also really wants to travel so if ever an opportunity arises that I can either afford through a scholarship to study masters abroad, I would love that especially since I grew up outside of the PH in the first place and I long for diversity so much. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on what paths I can take with this in mind.

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D424 views

Any good and affordable colleges abroad for a Masters in Psychology in English with scholarships and good stay-back policies?

I'm looking for something within the field of clinical or counselling Psychology

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Aarju311 views

How do I find travel funds to go to the US for my grad school I am an international student aspiring to learn Entomology in the US.#Spring24?

Travel- grant to study in the US grad school.

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Arsh368 views

Does anyone know any good scholarships to apply to for current high school juniors ?

I have been looking for scholarships to apply to but it has been hard to find scholarships that are for high school juniors. If you are aware of any, please let me know! Thank you.

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Jason326 views

How early to start on college essays and applying for scholarships?

Hi my name is Jason, I’m currently a Junior in high school and I’m wondering how to get ahead in college apps as well as scholarships. Also, I have a GPA of 3.66, and I’m worried whether it is good enough.

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Maddie306 views

How should I go about finding internships in college ?

I want to major in environmental science and urban sustainability. My end goal is to work on helping create greener and more accessible public transportation, where should I look?

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Elizabeth668 views

Where to find scholarship opportunities ?

Hey! Highschool freshman here. As I'm preparing for college, I'm taking note of how expensive it will be, I was wondering how I can find scholarship opportunities that are not super rare chances for someone to win? Are there any other ways I can lower the cost of college?

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Daniela342 views

How do I start looking into scholarships ?Where can I look for them?

I want to go to college and it is definitely but I also don't want to pay out of pocket if I can help it. I have good grades and some extracurriculars , would that help?

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Ava350 views

How to gain more scholarships?

As a senior in high school, how do i gain more scholarships to help pay for college?

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Marcus404 views

how to get a scholarship for my studies?

i need scholarships for my studies

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kimorea336 views

Internships and Scholarship Information ?

What can I do to be more susceptible to paid scholarships? How to apply to paid scholarships? What community service should I do before entering my Junior Year?

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Stein257 views

How to get a scholarship?

I want to study at a Canadian university but I'm not sure my family's finances can cover me. Are there any types of scholarships for foreigners like me? connections game

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Natalie631 views

How much do scholarships often offer?

How much do scholarships often offer? If I was looking to get a scholarship how much do they typically offer?

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