Career questions tagged career-interests

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Aden631 views

Architects, I have a few questions below about career interest in Architecture, thanks!

Architects, Could you describe one of your typical workdays? What skills are required in your position on a day-to-day basis? What do find most enjoyable? Are there any negatives to your job? How frequently do layoffs occur? How does it affect employees' morale? Are too many or too few people entering this profession? Why do people leave this field or company? How did you get your job? How do most people enter this profession? Who are the most important people in the industry today? Considering all the people you've met in your field, what personal attributes are essential for success? What is the advancement potential in the field? What is a typical path? Is there anything else you think I need to know? Thank you so much!!

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Daniel401 views

Career in English ?

Career In English

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Grace674 views

What would you suggest as a good career path to someone who enjoys learning and helping others understand concepts (e.g. disease process)?

Currently an RN (passed boards Nov 2023 and got registered on Jan 2024) working in a non-bedside role (CPO - Clinical Process Outsourcing) with no actual clinical experience. I am considering taking up Masters of Arts in Nursing if I find an affordable opportunity because I feel like I want to study more but I'm not sure if it's for me and I don't really know where that can take me in my career. I am interested in MAN non-thesis because I like being able to learn new things and question as to why things are in a certain way. I get a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction from learning and being able to understand things in depth. I also did consider like research nursing or being and educator, but I feel like I might need bedside experience for those... I don't think I'm strong enough to be at the bedside (life-death is in your hands), I enjoy more of the knowledge side of things. A part of me also really wants to travel so if ever an opportunity arises that I can either afford through a scholarship to study masters abroad, I would love that especially since I grew up outside of the PH in the first place and I long for diversity so much. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on what paths I can take with this in mind.

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Izabela6490 views

I'm currently in high school, but I have an interest in Psychology right now and I am wondering what it would entail if I want to pursue that in University and after that?

I enjoy the psychology class I am in right now and I like the idea of pursuing something in that area but I am not sure what to really do now. I should probably take a psychology class at University but I don't know what else there is and how to look at using that for my future. Thanks!

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Norwalk950 views

What job in the medical field is mostly about bones and why is that job interesting?

#doctor #coroner #medicine #medical-professionals #medicine #career-interests

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