Career questions tagged therapists

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Haelyn352 views

How can I become an Occupational Therapist?

Can I become an Occupational Therapist with a degree in rehabilitation science?

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Amparo1105 views

What Are The Requirements For Being A Massage Therapist ?

The reason I’m asking that question is because I want to take a massage therapist class at Harper and I was wondering if there are any requirements for me to take in order to get my degree

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Isabel432 views

What are things to help me become a therapist?

What are some challenges that come when trying to become a therapist? What classes can I take now in high school to help me develop the skills of a therapist?

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Julissa274 views

Would it be smarter to pursue two master's?

I want to be a substance abuse counselor, and I've heard that I can get a masters in both psychology or social work. Would it be smarter to just get one of those or do both? If so am I able to do it at the same time?

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Riley255 views

Where should an undergraduate psychology student look for an internship/job experience?

I would like to become a sports psychologist and work with collegiate athletes. In order to accomplish this, I need to earn a master's and doctorate degree. I'm not sure where to start with work experience though.

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Owen323 views

How long does it take to be a Therapist out of college?

I wanted to help people but I also wanted to follow my own limits.

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Emily778 views

Is Counseling and Therapy The Same?

My Name is Emily and I want to be a Marriage/Family Therapist One Day. I was just wondering if counseling and Therapy are the same because I am having trouble comparing and Contrasting the two.

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Abreonna569 views

How do I get into a good collge for phsychology?

I am determined to pursue a career in psychology and need guidance. I am in high school and plan to graduate early and attend college. I'm just not quite sure how to get there.

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Daizee616 views

What is the most difficult skill of being a therapist?

Hi i'm a freshman and I am interested in becoming a therapist.

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Alizah385 views

What is the hardest thing as a therapist?

I’m 13, and I live in Arizona, I want to know what’s the pros and cons about being a therapist, because I like to help people and want people to fix their situations, and I’m not sure if i will be able to pursue that career. if there are any currently/retired working therapists out there can you let me know by telling me what’s the pros and cons of being one and if it’s not that easy being a therapist and what kind of schooling do I need to be a therapist? And is it worth the time and money to get into being a therapist?

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Adilay420 views

is a therapist/counselor different than a psychologist?

what are the differences if they are not the same thing?

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Deborah401 views

What takes to become an art therapist? Does it really many years?

(Please list everything you can) (ex: majors, tests, years, etc)

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Ian324 views

What would you say is your success rate for family therapy? Is there a set approach for every situation to some degree or do you come up with a different tactic for every unique situation?

No additional information.

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Jah-Nia283 views

just a question but?

what is it like being a psychiatrist/ counselor I want to be one but I'm scared and i don'r know if i can handle the stress and emotional toll how do some of you guys handle it

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Sophia788 views

Is Being A Mental Therapist Mentally Draining?

If so, how do you manage it?

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Zyamarie3498 views

how long does it take to become a Art therapist?

Im interested in the mental health and the arts i have been really thinking about becoming art therapist but i don't know how long it will take and degree?

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Esther841 views

How difficult is an art therapy masters?

I'm a freshman in college and have already taken my first art therapy course, as well as some arts and psychologies.

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Brooklynn338 views

How do I get over shyness ?

I’m constantly scared to do anything cause I’m scared of rejection I’ll do it so much that I end up hurting myself not meaning to and in some situations I’m not afraid of rejection it’s more like I’m just scared of how people will react im scared of what theyll say

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marta290 views

do you have to be great at math and overall really smart to study psychology,?

im really worried that i wont be smart enough to study psychology but i really wanna study it in order to help people in the future and see people getting better because its my dream but sometimes i see some people saying you have to be extremly smart in every subject in school in order to study psychology.

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Emily282 views

Hello! My name is Emily and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the behavior therapy field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of some questions that I am curious about in this profession. ?

1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you go through? 3. What jobs did you work on before you landed your present professional job?

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Laneishka389 views

What does the process of therapy look like for a psychologist?

What does the process of therapy look like?

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Laneishka450 views

What does the process of therapy looks like?

What does the process of therapy looks like?

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Anthony1642 views

what do Occupational Therapists do on a day-to-day basis?

what do Occupational Therapists do on a day-to-day basis? I'm Interested in this occupation but I will like to no more info about it

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Alex294 views

What are the differences with being a clinical-therapist, therapist, and psychologist?

Are there differences between these? Or are they different ways to refer to the same thing? Can you apply for these jobs all with the same degree?

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Alex280 views

What was your application process for becoming a therapist like?

What was your experience with finding a job and what is your experience been like since securing the position?

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Bella404 views

Is working as a therapist or counselor rewarding? What are some of the downsides?

I'm wondering because this is a potential career for me.

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Jolee438 views

As a therapist, do you believe you should have your own therapist?

Anyone who is a therapist carries lots of weight on their shoulders. Do you believe it's beneficial for a therapist to have a therapist? I know there are laws that state you cannot disclose what people tell you, but how do you handle these difficult topics?

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Bianca533 views

How to obtain good internships for Art Therapy major?

I am studying BA/MA program and would like to learn efficient ways or ideas to apply and determine good internship opportunities, and earn the hours to graduate on time.

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Shaunte329 views

how will this journey go?

What am I going to encounter on this journey to get my rehabilitation therapy certification?

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Destiny1572 views

What are the pros and cons of being a therapist?

What is the salary for becoming a therapist? What licenses and certifications do you have to have? How long does it take to study to become a wonderful therapist?

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