Career questions tagged occupational-therapy

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Haelyn446 views

How does an undergrad degree in Child Development prepare someone for OT school? Is Child Development a reliable major for a career in Pediatric Occupational Therapy?

I’m just beginning to research schools, as well as the field in general. Correct me if I’m wrong, it would be greatly appreciated!

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Haelyn352 views

How can I become an Occupational Therapist?

Can I become an Occupational Therapist with a degree in rehabilitation science?

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Ruveyda391 views

Which career is better Occupational therapist or Medical Laboratory Technologist in Canada ?

I am studying Human Health Science (3rd year) which we learn more of anatomy and physiology also chemistry and biology. I am an introverted person however, I am a good team member and I like to interact with people but not for too long. And I want to have a chance to work part time or a flexible schedule. Also, I want to earn at least 70k annualy before tax because I will spend 2-3 more years studying to have a real job. Please let me know the pros and cons of these careers for Canada. Thank you 🙏

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Sara708 views

How do I go about pursuing pediatrics occupational therapy as someone who is a political science major? Is it unheard of, given that I am not a stem major?

I am currently a political science major which I love very much, but I have always wanted to engage in some form of care. I know to work on prerequisites and shadowing hours for OT school, but i am worried my background may not be good for the career choice.

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cora328 views

what is the bbest course for me

courses tips

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Caitlyn547 views

Is Occupation therapy for me?

What Job or Occupation should I go into if I enjoy kids and love helping people. I was thinking Pediatric Occupational Therapy or some type of job where I can help people. Is there something else that I would be interested in? Is there any other careers like the ones I listed? Thank you so much! (Oh I also dislike needles :)

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Ryley931 views

Major to become a occupational therapist?

Can I get my bachelors degree in business and go on to the next two years in an occupational therapist program?

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Ryley252 views

can occupational therapists work with babies?

Babies often bring me such joy and as I am about to go to college and am interested in this field I was wondering if or how I can work with them?

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Ryley1970 views

How can I make the most Money as an occupational therapist?

Im a senior in hs right now but this job has caught my eye for my future but the ratio of the amount of schooling (6 years) to their pay is scaring me because that's a lot of money in school alone. I was wondering if its worth it and what can I do to make sure I make the most money I can in this area of study?

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Esther742 views

What college in Florida is the best to attend for pediatric occupational therapy ?

I really like working with children and wanted to get an idea of that field before going to college for it.

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AnnMarie421 views

How to be successful at level II fieldwork in an outpatient setting?

I start level II fieldwork this summer and have not been exposed to outpatient settings before. I hope to learn more about the inner workings of this setting and expectations for students.

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Alyssa882 views

Why did you become a pediatric occupational therapist?

Hello! My name is Alyssa and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the Pediatric Occupational Therapy field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be apart of my assignment. 1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? (The rest of the questions are in the comments)

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Aurora1072 views

How do I start equine ocupational theripy?

Me and my mom were coming up with ideas and This job I am really wanting to go into. I have ideas of helping kids learn with horses by their side. I want to know if there is somthing I should know befor going to collage. Any classes that whould help me get to my job. I have a horse aready. I would also want to kow how much theas types of therapists make. I would have my own bissness or rent out a place.

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Michelle494 views

Hello, my name is Michelle and I am a current high school student. I’m conducting an interview with any Occupational Therapist for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions . Please comment on this post, answer all 13 questions, and be apart of my assignment!?

1.Why did you choose the therapy profesión? 2.How many years of college did you need to go through? 3.What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? 6. Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7. Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11. Characteristics you need to have? 12. Work place values? 13. Have you ever thought of changing careers while pursuing OT?

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Rovhic774 views

1) How many clients/patients do you have to work with as an OT?

Hello! My name is Rovhic and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the Occupational Therapy field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers. I have a total of 13 questions (Including the one above). 2) Why did you choose this profession? 3) How many years of college did you need to go through? What courses did you need to take? 4) What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 5) How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 6) What benefits are there that come with becoming an OT? 7) Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 8) Did you shadow another professional in the field? 9) Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? Were you in a college program? 10) Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 11) What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 12) Is it easy for you to balance your work life and your social life? 13) Would you recommend going through any experiences prior to becoming an OT to make the job easier?

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Anthony1642 views

what do Occupational Therapists do on a day-to-day basis?

what do Occupational Therapists do on a day-to-day basis? I'm Interested in this occupation but I will like to no more info about it

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Morgan812 views

What are some career options within the medical field that are related to pediatric nursing?

pediatric nursing

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CareerVillage Office Hours564 views

How can I be successful when applying to graduate programs for physical therapy?

This question is part of our professionals series.

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Emily2166 views

What do you do as a recreation therapist? Is finding a job after college in this field difficult to break into?

Interest in recreation therapy & occupational therapy Working with children

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Yareli901 views

What CSU are physical therapy schools? Which ones offer physcial therapy programs?

I am applying for CSU at the moment and need help with which schools have these offers.

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Sumi527 views

What would be an ideal career for someone who wants to work with disabled children but has a low patience?

I would love to one day be able to help and communicate with disabled kids, such as a pediatric occupational therapist or something similar, but I tend to loose patience without meaning to. I am afraid that a career path such as pediatric OT is maybe a little too social for someone like me, and in that case, is there any similar careers that would allow me to still help and be part of their lives, but perhaps in a more bystander-like position?

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Brooklyn1494 views

What courses should I take in college if I'm undecided between occupational therapy and mental health?

#occupational-therapy #mental-health

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Brooklyn1462 views

What is the common patient load for an occupational therapist?

How many people would I be helping each day? Would I have to stay extra hours to work with some patients? Would I work with the patients on a daily basis? #occupational-therapy

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Voc383 views

What classes should i take? What is your routine like? What is the best way to get into this career?


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Monica540 views

Could an Occupational Therapist benefit from a Social and Human Services Assistant advanced training?

I'd like to gain a masters in Occupational Therapy and my institute is able to provide advanced training in Human Services Assistant. I'd also like to expand my knowledge and experience within the field while still having something correlated to my main career path. I'm curious to know if such advanced training aligns with that career path and if it's worth investing in it. #career #medicine #occupational-therapy #social-and-human-services #healthcare

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Altonisha1097 views

What would be the worst thing about becoming an occupational therapist and why


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Shi782 views

What is the working environment of a physical therapist?

I am a senior in high school and am interested in this particular branch of medical science. #physical-therapy #medicine #therapy #physical-therapist #occupational-therapy

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Macey765 views

What is it like to be a pediatric occupational therapist?

#occupational-therapy #pediatrics #hospital-and-health-care

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Sara534 views

What is residency like?

#hospital-and-health-care #occupational-therapy #pediatrics

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Chris452 views

What will put me on the right path for being a Occupational Therapy Assistant

Hi my name is Chris Singletary. I am a student at Job Corps and I am reaching out to you guys because I believe I would enjoy a career in being a Certified Medical assistant and I would appreciate your perspective on the practical aspects of working in this area. #healthcare #medical #doctor #medicine #occupational-therapy

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