Career questions tagged physical

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Myles247 views

What jobs in law enforcement, have a mix of physical and mental labor?

If there's an in between in law enforcement where I can be physical and dormant doing computer work will fit my style of work perfectly. I like to have a balance between the two, so I'm not lacking heavily in one department than the other.

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Leon561 views

What are the average day to day duties of a physical therapist/physical therapy aide?

I am currently working on a Health Science major with a concentration in physical therapy. I would like to further understand the responsibilities of professionals who work in physical therapy.

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ray331 views

how to study?

what is good in school and home

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Colten592 views

What is the best path to take to become a Physical Therapist? What classes should I take now?

I want a high-paying job as a physical therapist, but I don't know how to get there. It would be very helpful to know what kind of college I should attend.

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Colten325 views

If you are a physical therapist or were one, what was it like Where did you work, and how long did you work for?

I am also interested in what education you got to receive the job.

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Joshua348 views

How can I be funny as a physical therapist, and make patients recovery time go faster?

I am 14 and play basketball.

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Lela1623 views

What is the general yearly salary of a physical therapist?

I want to become a physical therapist and I am wondering how much money a physical therapist makes yearly. I hope that I can pursue this profession.

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Isabella527 views

How much free time do you have outside of work as a physical therapist?

I am a sophomore in high school. I am thinking about being a physical therapist and wondering about the job details.

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Cassidy519 views

What high classes will help become a physical therapist or trainer? Is there any extra classes I should be taking?

I want to know what classes to take to prepare myself.

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Cassidy294 views

How do I decide what classes to take to help me in the field of sports medicine? Will taking classes about physical therapy or athletic training help me?

I would like to know what classes will help me become a physical therapist.

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Hope1484 views

What are some other careers that are related to physical therapy?

Any closely related careers?

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Emma579 views

Is a Fitness Coordinator basically a Physical Therapy equivalent without a Doctorate Degree?

I have been sold on Physical Therapy for a while now, but recently I have begun struggling with the idea of going to Medical School and all of the debt and excessive studying that entails. I took a career quiz and it recommended Fitness Coordinator rather than Physical Therapy. I love studying the human anatomy, working out, and helping others learn about their body, how it functions, and how to strengthen and enhance their performance. Would a Fitness Coordinator be the same thing as Physical Therapy, just without going to Medical School and getting a Doctorate? Also, what is the job satisfaction like for a Fitness Coordinator? What about the hours? work load? salary? work environment?

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Jeremy3540 views

Where should I go to college if I want to major in pt?

Top colleges that have a good program for physical therapy or physical training.

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Coby348 views

How was the studying to be an exercise physiologist like and when you get a job how does it look like?

I’m thinking about being an exercise physiologist but I don’t know how it exactly looks like. So I would like to know some inside information that would broaden my view of it.

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Cami347 views

How do you start a business on being a massage therapist ?

I want to be a massage therapist and when I get my degree I want to start a business with massage therapy.

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Lisset272 views

What is the work environment like for nutritionist?

What type of people do you surround yourself with? Which tasks do I need to complete on a daily basis?

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Kamari699 views

Could you have a good lifestyle being a physical trainer or physical therapist

What do you have to do in order to get paid well as a physical trainer or physical therapist.

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Lucas854 views

In what ways do you discipline yourself to get the best results out of work??

In what ways do you discipline yourself to get the best results out of work?

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losah664 views

Physical therapy

What are ways to become a physical therapist ?

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Averi484 views

Physical Therapist?

What does a normal day on the job look like for a physical therapist?

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CareerVillage Office Hours564 views

How can I be successful when applying to graduate programs for physical therapy?

This question is part of our professionals series.

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Jay'Lin719 views

Travel Physical Therapist

What does it take to be a Travel Physical Therapist? Like, what classes? Is your schedule busy? Does it take a lot of college? etc.

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Yareli3358 views

What is the difference between a physical therapist, physical therapist assistant and physical therapist technician?

I am looking forward to going into physical therapy school but I am not sure what of these three I want to be. Mostly because I don't know what each one is.

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Yareli902 views

What CSU are physical therapy schools? Which ones offer physcial therapy programs?

I am applying for CSU at the moment and need help with which schools have these offers.

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Chloe1120 views

In the field of Physical Therapy, do you have to change bandages for patients when they come in after surgery? If so do you have to do that? Or can only certain people be eligible to do things like that?

In the field of Physical Therapy, do you have to change bandages for patients when they come in after surgery? If so do you have to do that? Or can only certain people be eligible to do things like that?

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Sandra1187 views

What are the skills, training or certificates needed to be a physical therapist?

I am interested in physical therapy and would like to know more about it.

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Sandra3353 views

What is the hardest part about being a physical therapist?

I am looking into studying physical therapy and I want to know more about it.

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Micale748 views

whats the best collage to go to, to learn about physical therapy

i'm 16 and i'm not sure if i wanna go to collage but if i do end up going i want to become a physical therapist. #physical

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keyuni467 views

What do you have to do on a day to day bases to be fit as a security guard?

I need to know what physical practices I have to maintain as a security guard. #physical #security #homeland

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Shi3339 views

How many hours do Physical Therapists usually work on a weekly basis? Is there any overtime?

I am in my senior year of high school and I am interested in applying for PT school. #physical-therapist #physical-therapy #physical

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