Career questions tagged hands-on

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Myles247 views

What jobs in law enforcement, have a mix of physical and mental labor?

If there's an in between in law enforcement where I can be physical and dormant doing computer work will fit my style of work perfectly. I like to have a balance between the two, so I'm not lacking heavily in one department than the other.

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Isabella404 views

Is there anyway to have hired work hands long term in construction?

My dad has been a finishing carpenter for many many years and has his own company. He has many connections and knows lots of people in the construction industry. When he gets big jobs he struggles to finish all by himself because the help hands he hires will come and go all the time. Max they stick around is two weeks.

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sergio292 views

Whats some good advice for a future carpenter?

I graduate high school I liked my Pre-engineering class and my Ag mechanics

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Emma3431 views

What types Engineering will be the best for me I do not like sitting on a desk and doing computer work please help me

I love Solving problems and I love algebra but I hate computer work and I want to be in the engineering field I want to do stuff with my hand not on the computer

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Aaron413 views

Events for mechanical engineering?

Are there any big events having to do with mechanical engineering that I could possibly look into, I would prefer something more hands-on?

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Alexander1178 views

what engineering job would be good for me if i want to work with my hands

I am a sophomore in high school and I like to work with my hands or have a hands-on job, I do not want to be sitting for most of the day. thanks! #hands-on #engineering #carrer-path # #mechanical-engineering # #electrical-engineering

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Andrene596 views

How can I find a flexible career which allow me to be more creative / artistic ?

18 year old high school graduate #independent #art #hands-on #creativity #design

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Samuel723 views

What auto career is the most hands-on?

#College #Career #Hands-on

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