Career questions tagged law-enforcement

There are multiple different types of law enforcement careers. Police officers, support positions, FBI are the most popular, but there are much more. Read more Show less
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cameron385 views

When training for Law Enforcement do you need any special requirements before applying

do u need any special certificate or requirement to try and apply for law enforcement

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cameron255 views

What would be the best thing to study for when trying to become a deputy?

I'm in Job Corps now and I'm going into protective services to get an unarmed private security guard license, and I'm thinking on what else should I do to help me become a deputy

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cameron281 views

What type of cardio and or endurance is required to become a deputy for Law enforcement and would walking and jogging about 4-6 miles a day be a good beginning?

should I make my goal higher like 8-10 miles a day or should I go for 10-12 miles because I usually walk and or jog about 8 or so miles a day

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Thomas228 views

What do you teach as a law enforcement teacher?

I am curious as to what laws and practices they would teach their students concerning laws and law enforcement.

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Thomas222 views

How does law-enforcement interact with the public on a regular basis?

I am wondering what, how, and why they have certain interactions and how they would proceed in said actions with the public

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Anthony517 views

to become a First-line supervisor of police & detectives is it true that you don't need a higher education than your high school diploma ?

I am very interested but don't wanna waste time on something I can pursue.

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Hannah344 views

Does being a animal cop pay the bills and what kind of schooling do you need?

By animal cop I mean someone who has a long truck with cages built in and responds to people calling then saying things like “ my neighbor has left their dog outside for three days without food” or “ theirs some stay dog that need rescuing here “

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Hannah187 views

Does being a animal cop pay the bills and what is the training like?

I wanna be an animal cop

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Myles247 views

What jobs in law enforcement, have a mix of physical and mental labor?

If there's an in between in law enforcement where I can be physical and dormant doing computer work will fit my style of work perfectly. I like to have a balance between the two, so I'm not lacking heavily in one department than the other.

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Myles321 views

How does one manage juggle two jobs as a nurse and someone involved in law enforcement?

I'm interested in Nursing and law enforcement, but I don't know how to come buy it because I'm interested in both occupations. If there's any way to manage both occupations any information woul be helpful.

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Melissa325 views

What jobs are there in the forensic field?

I want to major in forensics and what career can I make out of it?

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CareerVillage Office Hours257 views

How to become a US Marshal?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a US Marshal? Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Amy279 views

Will becoming a police officer make me shoot someone?

I want to be a police officer, and then go up to either become an FBI agent or a homicide detective (considering I pass all exams). I read I have to be a cop first before becoming a detective and have some type of experience to become an FBI agent. The thing is though, I really don't -and I mean at all- want to shoot someone, yet I don't want to be stuck in an office. I know circumstances change what one does, and I know I have to protect others and myself from dangers, yet I don't want to be caught up in it. If curcumstances are called for it, I could maybe shoot someone, but my biggest fear is killing someone even if it is for something like defending mysef or others. Does anyone in the law enforcement force been through this? If this is my fear, then should I change career? Will becoming an FBI agent make me do the same thing?

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arianna602 views

what does it take to become a crime-investigator and what are the other jobs that are like this?

? im a 15-year-old girl who always has, and I mean always been interested in crime documentation and investigations, but I don't know how I would start it honestly. I know I would never want to be a police officer because Im kind of scared of them based on the past and the salary, I know it would take time but what would I do even to start this? I would love to help people get closure and be an investigator but it seems to me that it's police work first I'm just so confused about how I feel about this. what do I need for college credits? where would I even go?

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daniel520 views

what are the skills to be a police officer?

What makes a good police officer?

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Brady470 views

What are the skills needed to be a police officer?

FOR a paper

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Brady267 views

HOW much does a police officer make?

How much does a police officer get on average for a income and what education do you have to have to be a police officer is the need for police officers declining or acceding

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Jesus362 views

What internships or work experience available would help someone in a criminology major?

shadowing, companies, etc

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Jesus382 views

What state offers the best opportunities for someone wanting to be an FBI agent?

Would Los Angeles be a good choice?

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Amy387 views

What degrees for becoming a police officer?

I want a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree and maybe even a Master of Criminal Justice degree. Should I go to a community college for my first two years of undergraduate education and then move to a 4-year college for my bachelor's/master's? Are the degrees even necessary? Also, since I'm going to start as a cop and then move up to homicide detective or maybe even as an FBI (special) agent, what classes should I take? What colleges are good for my degree? I really like writing, but my parents say a writer can't live off of books. So I guess it could be a hobby kind of thing. I'm also planning to take 4 years of study in French (of high school). What should I major in? Should I also minor in other studies and if so, which ones?

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Anneliese343 views

what should I look out for when joining Protective Services?

This is my first time doing a real job and I am going to be joining Protective Services Trade

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Annika234 views

What can I do to get myself to my future job in law enforcement??

Like, how do I prepare for it?

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Annika191 views

What do you do when you're overwhelmed?

Like, how do you manage it?

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Annika171 views

How can I, an autistic girl go into something law enforcement related?

I'm very passionate about law enforcement and just want to help people.

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Autumn329 views

What should I major in if I want to go into the FBI?

What should I major in if I want to go into the FBI

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zabrina715 views

What do I have to do to become a criminal profiler?

This is just the career I'd like to pursue. I'd like to know next steps after high school

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Nicole644 views

Is it important to be a good reader and enjoy reading for criminal law?

I am extremely interested in criminal law and going into that field. but I'm not he biggest reader. I tolerate it and I am good at reading, but I don't really enjoy it and I want to know if that is an important thing to think about.

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Laura718 views

When being a Cop does bravery play a big part in the job?

I am 14 years old, 8th grader, and bilingual.

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Frankie281 views

How can I be more energetic at my job as a border patrol officer with my coworkers without getting in trouble?

I do not want to get in trouble

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Frankie335 views

How can I be more hardworking than others at being a border patrol officer to be noticed by higher ranks?

Respectfully asking.

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