Career questions tagged fbi-agent

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Amy279 views

Will becoming a police officer make me shoot someone?

I want to be a police officer, and then go up to either become an FBI agent or a homicide detective (considering I pass all exams). I read I have to be a cop first before becoming a detective and have some type of experience to become an FBI agent. The thing is though, I really don't -and I mean at all- want to shoot someone, yet I don't want to be stuck in an office. I know circumstances change what one does, and I know I have to protect others and myself from dangers, yet I don't want to be caught up in it. If curcumstances are called for it, I could maybe shoot someone, but my biggest fear is killing someone even if it is for something like defending mysef or others. Does anyone in the law enforcement force been through this? If this is my fear, then should I change career? Will becoming an FBI agent make me do the same thing?

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Austin589 views

As an FBI agent/profiler, would you spend a lot of time away from home and family?

I’m a junior in high school and was wanting that as a career but was concerned with not being home with the wife and kids in the future.

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Luis677 views

What can I do to increase my chances of getting accepted as a special agent in the fbi?

I am a senior in highschool, and I got accepted to study criminology and Justice studies. I have gone through the page and I would like some tips to increase my chances of getting into the FBI

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Janelle531 views

How do i become apart of the FBI Do I need to be a cop before or do I have to have some other experience?

I am in 12th grade.

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Pria769 views

What are some of the hardest things someone in Criminal psychology does/faces ?

I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm trying to plan out my future. I really want to do criminal psychology and something in the FBI. I want to help criminal cases and save people or help people that need it. I want to learn more about how criminals think and act. I mostly want to work in the Behavioral analysis unit but I'm wondering what some of the hardest things they do/face are? If anyone could help answer this that would be great!!

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Pria272 views

How do I know if I'm cut out for my dream job?

I've always loved criminal psychology. The real life one and the shows. How do I know if I'm cut out to be around criminals all day? What are the biggest challenges to doing this?

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Ellanor364 views

What jobs that are in the FBI that don't require the PFT or any physical training but can also gain me great experience in the field? Also, is there a good job/major that can help you chances getting into the FBI in some field?

I am a 9th grader taking high school and college courses in a dual-enrollment program. I am looking for a law enforcement related job

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Itzel214 views

How many years to be a full agent?

how many time will take to be ready for be an fbi agent.? What things to they really do to be an fbi.?

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demi273 views

When you graduate the academy, how quickly do you start doing serious field work How soon do you get to start working high-profile or violent crimes? Can you choose what types of cases you work? ?

When you graduate the academy, how quickly do you start doing serious field work? How soon do you get to start working high-profile or violent crimes? Can you choose what types of cases you work? #fbi #crime

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Brennen340 views

How do I become an FBI agent?

How long do I have to go to school? What classes do I have to take?

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Lucas614 views

Why did you decide to work in this industry?

My goal is to gain a better understanding of what other people think about an industry before I choose a career

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Lucas651 views

What benefits come with this career?

401 K, Health Insurance, Paid Holidays, Paid Medical leave, Paid Sick Leave, Dental Insurance, Life Insurance, Identity Protection, financial resources, Financial Hardship Programs, Flexible Scheduling, Disability Insurance

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Jasmine446 views

What has inspired people to become a special agent?

I want to know anyone's opinion I think is important to want to know what other people think or even those whom want to become an FBI special agent.

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Viviana1868 views

What degree would be better forensic science, criminal justice or criminology?

I'm a student at community college looking to transfer soon and I'm undecided on which degree would be best if I wanna become a crime scene investigator and possibly FBI Agent in the future. Forensic studies at USF sound like a good match but St.Leo University has a Criminal Justice degree with a forensics concentration and I'm confused as to which degree would help me more overall. If anyone has experience with what degrees work better thank you. #law #forensic #college #forensics #criminology #criminal-justice #FBI #FBI-agent

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Jennifer930 views

What's a good major to pursue if I want to have a "back up" career?

I want to study psychology, criminology, marketing/accounting, or sociology. Eventually I want to become an FBI Agent. I know there are people who don't stay in the same career all their life or sometimes their careers even fail. What's a good major I can pursue that will guarantee me a job in the workplace? Especially somewhere in the law enforcement or business world. I love dealing with people. I just don't want to pick a major that can affect my future financial stability. #money #financial-stability #career-choice #choosing-a-major #fbi-agent #law-enforcement #women-in-business #psychology #social-media-marketing #sociology

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Jennifer890 views

How do I know if I will enjoy becoming an FBI agent? Or if I'll be good at it or successful?

I love watching TV shows related to law enforcement, whether it's from the perspective of a criminal or law enforcer. I wanted to become an FBI Agent ever since my brother was murdered and for some reason it really interests me that they solve different kinds of cases all over the United States. I've been a part of an FBI program for high school students and they make us role play and pretend to actually be "agents" but I'm afraid that it'll be way too competitive out there in the field that I won't get in. What if I do get in and I don't enjoy it? What would my daily life look like if I was an FBI Agent? #FBI #law-enforcement #law #federal-agent #fbi-agent #success

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Gabriela1309 views

What specific careers can someone who majors in International Studies and Global Relations look forward to after they graduate?

After graduating what jobs will be open for people who major in this degree? Will the jobs be limited towards one specific field? Can one use it towards becoming an FBI agent? #fbi-agent #international-studies

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Diamond793 views

Is there any challenging that any FBI agent faces ?

I want to know are there any challenges any FBI agent faces when they are on duty? Are there emotional times when they see things happen from someone they don't even know? Is there tension between 2 FBI agents or them having tension with someone else? #fbi-agent #criminal-justice #criminal-investigations #criminology

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Diamond938 views

What is the average day like for a FBI Agent?

I want to know how life is when being an FBI Agent. How do they get through the day with threats from people mainly criminals from putting them in jail and families of the criminal making the agent's life a bad experience? How is the schedule like everyday like does everyone have the same amount of hours? Is there overtime? #fbi-agent #criminal-justice #detective #law-enforcement

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Diamond945 views

What do I have to do to become a FBI Agent?

I want to become an FBI Agent to investigate and solve the problems/crimes that are going on in the community. I know there are 2-4 year degrees for criminal justice and additional years to get into this career. I've heard things like you have to become a police officer and then be promoted into becoming an FBI Agent and I also heard that if you join the military after you've come out you are automatically become an FBI Agent. I wonder is these statements true. I just want to know what is the best way to really becoming an FBI Agent. #criminal-justice #fbi-agent #detective

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Camille1602 views

If i want to be a lawyer, what should i major in once i get into college?

I'm considering to be a lawyer when I grow up, but I don't really know what to major in once I'm in college. I heard that you're supposed to major in political science and philosophy but I don't know what's it's about. I'm very interested in criminology and criminal justice, just criminals in general. I also think of forensic psychologist and criminal profiler when it comes to my dream jobs, I like to study human behavior too.But from my opinion, a forensic psychologist just take too much studying but not much respect and power ( I'm still a kid so, please don't get offended) and you need to be an FBI agent to be a criminal profiler, It's not that I have something wrong with being an FBI agent but you have to go through Quantico and you have to be extremely fit. And I'm gonna move to America in a few years so about American citizen can only apply to be in Quantico is taken care of but help I'm so confused. #Law #criminal-law #criminal-justice #fbi-agent #psychology #criminology #career-details

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Daycy958 views

What do you need to do in order to become an FBI agent?

I am asking this so when i graduate high school and i go to college, I can know what i have to do. #criminal-justice #criminology #fbi-agent

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