Career questions tagged sociology

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Halie500 views

Should I get my masters in criminology or sociology?

I am graduating with a bachelors in Criminal Justice with concentration in Crime and Criminology this year.... and I am looking on going into my masters. I want to do something within forensic sociology - criminologist, detective, forensics things like that. I am wondering what would be better, a masters in sociology or masters in criminology? I have done research and it said either works but what would be best? I do have a minor in sociology (School wouldn't let me double major). I talked to a few of my professors and they also all said it doesn't really matter. I am also looking into getting a Ph.D but what I get that in will depend on what I get for my masters.

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Karima276 views

Can I get an associates in sociology than transfer to bachelors in psychology smoothly ?

I’m an up coming senior, I love both sociology and psychology, but I would prefer to do the psychology courses my last two years. Though, I’m not too sure whether I would have missed any required classes in the process of switching to psychology? HELPP!!!

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eleanor522 views

How does one become active in politics at the national level as a politician?

I am moderate and would like to get my ideas out there. I feel a job as a political representative would be best for me. I don't know how to get there.

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Tiffany314 views

How do I secure a psychology or sociology internship in New York?

I've been looking at internships, but most of them are out of state.

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jayden220 views

Is a bachelors degree in sociology an employable degree ?

I’m interested in pursuing sociology but i’m nervous about its employability. What types of jobs are available and what salaries should i expect.

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Kennedy428 views

What should I expect from my classes?

I'm currently in high school and I'm interested in becoming a psychiatrist. I'm going to be taking a half year of psychology and a half year of sociology. Is there anything I should know before going into these classes to prepare myself.

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Daniela407 views

I plan to go to University to get my Bachelors of Science in Sociology, and I am currently at community college. Would graduating with my Associates of Applied Science in Mental Health and Human Service help me with the Bachelors I am trying to pursue?

I am 24 and I want to get on a fast track to finish school. If I was getting my Associates of Arts I would just need to take KINE but the community college needs me to take more classes with them in order to get my associates so that is why I am thinking of switching to AAS to then later transfer to complete my Bachelors in Sociology.

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Andrea467 views

What route after 4-year University do I have to take to become a probation officer ?

After graduating High School I'm majoring in criminology to then figure out what I have to do to get my master.

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Summer878 views

I have really good internship offers for the medical field, but Im really only interested in the Mental Health field, does anyone have any recommendations to what I should do?

Hi, Currently I am a highschool student who is also minoring in psychology at community college and plans to double major in psychology and sociology, then earn a masters in social work, recently I was presented the opportunity to be inscribed with the Congress of Future Medical Leaders Award of Excellence, which is a two day national academy of future physicians congress meeting that will also allow me to be featured on local TV stations and newspapers. The problem being that I'm not interested in the medical field as a future career path. If I were able to pass this over to someone else, I would but I can't. This would be a really big opportunity to put myself out there, and it would look really good on college applications, and on my academic profile, but it doesn't have anything that I inherently want for my future career path, and it also might look weird on my college applications.

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Summer620 views

Publishing Research Papers?

Hi, I am currently in highschool and I would like to publish a research paper, I would like to work on researching either Bipolar Disorder or Appropriation in the 21st century, do you have any advice? (I currently in the process of getting a mentor)

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Summer1542 views

Should I major in Sociology and minor in psychology or the other way around?

I am set on majoring in Sociology, but I would like to hear the opinions of others as well, in order to gain some more insight. I would like to work in the mental-health field, but also go on to do work with UNICEF and or other humanitarian organizations. I want a job where I can really connect with others by providing services like counseling, humanitarian deeds, focusing on physical but mostly emotional health , and also being able to do research on social groups and personal interactions with others (that is based on the individual) to better understand the community and to assist that community overall.

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Summer4740 views

Can you get an associate's degree in one subject and a bachelor's in another?

I am an aspiring LCSW in sophomore year. I am taking my associates in college this year, but I don't know if I should major in Psychology and English or Sociology and English (I have to take a college class for English, but It was also recommended that I take another dual college class as well). In college I want to major in Sociology, and I was wondering that if I were to take a Psychology class would it look perplexing on my College application.

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Summer509 views

What are some good clubs to join if you are a aspiring therapist (major in sociology)?

I am currently a sophomore in high school (private) that does not offer a lot for the studies I want to pursue. I am hoping to join clubs outside of my school (tri-state area) that focus around sociology, can anyone suggest any clubs for me to join?

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Isalyn552 views

How can i get into Human Services at an early age ?

How can i get into Human Services ?

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Alicia559 views

What career option I can choose in sociology?

I really don't know what career option to choose from but my major is sociology and I want to explore what careers I could choose in Sociology.

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Treasure653 views

What will my future career in social work bring others and myself?

What will my future career in social work bring others and myself? #sociology

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Shaina577 views

How do you foster creativity?

How do you come up with creative and juicy ideas right off the bat? I am having a hard time researching ideas with AI and referencing other sites but some people just thought of it fast!! I read a lot of materials from time to time but these people are just on another level of creativity and originality. I commend those people but sometimes I feel jealous.

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Christopher362 views

Hello! My name is Christopher and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the sociology mental health field or authors writing about the sociology mental health field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. If you are able to answer these 13 questions for my project. ?

1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you? landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? 6. Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7. Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11. I you have written a book how many books about sociology have you written? If so what are the names? 12. What is something you wished you knew before becoming a sociologist in mental health /Author 13. What other majors would be good to take to help you become a sociologist?

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Leah1086 views

What are some career paths for a sociology major?

I'm currently a junior in high school who will likely major in sociology, but I'm unsure of the career paths available. I also enjoy writing and individual research.

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Jolee702 views

what conflicts should I expect when being a social worker?

Whenever I read articles, and hear things about conflicts that I should expect when I become a social worker, I never get a clear answer or idea of what really occurs within this specific job.

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Clover705 views

Sociology and Phsicology

I want to find profitable careers in these majors that are not just being a therapist or psychiatrist. I am also wondering if I can have an art career on the side.

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Keziah696 views

What jobs or internships should I look for in my last year of my bachelor’s degree in sociology?

I have a little over a year until I get my bachelor’s degree in sociology. I think I will take a year or two off to work then go back to school to get a masters. Until then, what kind of job or internship can I look for that studies social science? I would love to do research that helps impact society and government in a positive way.

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Keziah600 views

What entry-level jobs will lead well into a social science research career?

What entry-level jobs will lead well into social science research jobs? I am finishing up my Bachelor's degree in Sociology and want to know what possible careers I could pursue to do a lot of good in the world. I always say I want to do research to influence public policy but I don't know what that would actually look like or if it would be effective. Eventually, I want to do things that will help leaders make positive changes in society.

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Jessica860 views

What is sociology like?

I like to help people but I don't want to be a doctor or nurse nor do I trust myself enough. I could help in other ways, I'm not really sure. #sociology #majors #social-worker

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Ari’elle650 views

How do I figure out which career to choose?

I really enjoy psychology, criminology, and sociology but I'm having a hard time choosing which one I should pursue. #psychology #sociology #criminology

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Alyssa2558 views

Is a sociology degree helpful for public relations?

Hi, My name is Alyssa. I am a 25-year-old student who is almost ready to transfer to a #communication university to finish my bachelor's. I currently will hold 2 AAs in communication studies and sociology. My goal is to work with the public ultimately. I want to help with charitable campaigns, environmental work, and law. My counselors suggested PR, which is intriguing, but I wonder how applicable it is. I also personally am working on my own to start side projects spreading awareness and action for saving bees and plastic cleanups. I know they are small but it is my passion. Would a career in PR be anything similar to these endeavors? #law #sociology #public-relations #environment#campaign

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Brody892 views

How Should I narrow down what major I would like to go into when I am not sure what to choose.

I am very interested in psychology and communications. I am good with people and do well in sciences classes so I considered being a nurse. I have always been interested in being a detective or analyst, I am just not sure what jobs I would be able to get if I went into Criminal Justice and psychology. I also want to make a good amount of money, and be able to have kids and still have a job where I prioritized my family and work. #psychology #nursing #criminal-justice #career #sociology

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Emel878 views

What do you know about the dynamical systems theory?

It seems interesting and I want to study a sociology or astronomy application of it. #mathematics #sociology #astronomy #astrophysics #cosmology

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Mariela709 views

What are the steps into becoming a High School Counselor?

Hello! My name is Mariela and I am currently a second year in college. My declared major as of now Criminology, Law and Society, but I'm planning to transfer under a Sociology major. Before I didn't know what exactly to do with a Sociology degree, and I know I want to do something with kids. I finally decided that I wanted to be a high school counselor. So I'm planning to double major in Sociology and Education, and go to graduate school. Would this be a good start? Also, what other steps should I take or need to do? #counselor #high-school #highschoolcounselor #school #sociology #education #college #university #graduateschool #transferingmajors

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Karoline659 views

How much time do students spend studying per week in college?

#psychology #sociology

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