Career questions tagged guidance-counselor

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CareerVillage Office Hours433 views

How to become a Guidance Counselor?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Guidance Counselors on their path! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Summer510 views

What are some good clubs to join if you are a aspiring therapist (major in sociology)?

I am currently a sophomore in high school (private) that does not offer a lot for the studies I want to pursue. I am hoping to join clubs outside of my school (tri-state area) that focus around sociology, can anyone suggest any clubs for me to join?

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Katherine560 views

What should I major in to be a drama teacher and/or a school counselor ?

Im thinking about trying to be a high school counselor or highschool drama teacher what should I try to major in so both of these are a possibility in the future? Im not sure which option I like more so I was hoping to major in something that makes both possible.

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Alaina278 views

When and how should I start my path towards my career I wandoctor so should be starting with volunteering or something soon? Also I am a sophmore in high school ?

When and how should I start my path towards my career? I want to be a doctor so should be starting with volunteering or something soon? Also I am a sophmore in high school

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Linnea1012 views

Could a bubbly person thrive in financial/business planning and guidance?

I'm interested in math and helping people, so financial or business planning/guidance seems pretty cool, but I'm nervous about getting bored at work. I'm a bubbly people-person and love problem-solving. However, the idea of going into a career with so much paperwork and office work seems awful, but again, I love math and helping people. (I'm still in highschool, so this isn't a binding idea, just something I'm curious about!) Any thoughts on whether this wouldn't be a great career for lively people? I also am still struggling with confidence and am not awesome at being decisive and standing up for myself in front of other people. I can do that behind the scenes, though. If that makes sense!

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Pranav353 views

What is the best Colleg Advice?

What are some key factors students should consider when choosing a college, and how can they ensure they make an informed decision that aligns with their academic, personal, and career goals?

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nghi352 views

Work values for an academic counselor

In a high school setting, many students have extreme issues, be it with mental health, family, drugs, poor academic performance, etc. As a counselor, it should be one of your core values to care. However, where is the line drawn? To what point can you help them without crossing boundaries or compromising yourself?

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nghi369 views

The Demand for High School Academic Counselors in 5 Years

As a high school academic counselor, you have likely witnessed massive layoffs of counselors during recessions such as the one during Covid-19. Simultaneously, most can agree that in California at least, there is a huge lack of academic counselors in comparison to students. Where do you see the demand for academic counselors in five years, and how easily do you think new graduates will be able to get internships/ a job?

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Hydeia1124 views

School Counselor 101

I am interested in getting advice on how to become a school counselor. I am interested in behavioral health and social emotional learning for students.

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Coral-Anne1977 views

Do I have to have experience as a teacher to be a school guidance counseler?

I am willing (and eager) to eventually go back to school for a Master's in Counseling & my Pupil Personnel Services Credential, as required by the state of CA. While I have experience within the classroom and in mentoring/tutoring positions, I am not sure I am willing to go back to school for a teaching credential and teach for a few years before moving on to counseling. Would I be less likely to receive job offers because I have not specifically been a teacher?

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Briana509 views

What's are the steps I have to do in order to become a Substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselor ?

I like helping people lol #counselor #career-counseling #guidance-counselor #therapists

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Akshat708 views

What may be the most promising and consistent career in the next 5 years?

#careers #future #career-choice #guidance-counselor

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Unal1108 views

How do I become a school counselor in NY ?

I will complete my masters in Trauma counseling this year and I my goal is to become a school counselor in NY. What are the requirements and the certification do I need for this ? #counselor #school-counselor #therapists #guidance-counselor #counseling

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Ayen942 views

One of the things college students struggle with, is organization. What are some encouraging tips and detailed advice on how to stay organized and overall manage time?

#college-bound #organization #guidance-counselor

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Vonseer692 views

Was it difficult to find a job after college?

I’m a Sociology Major with a minor is Psychology. I want to work either in a school with children as a counselor or as a psychologist for young adults. #psychology #guidance-counselor

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Lisa774 views

Is it better to apply to a school you have a shot getting into but not being able to pay tuition or not applying at all?

#school #guidance-counselor #money #college-application

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Melissa1161 views

What is the role of a guidance counselor in the future of education?

Trends in education are becoming more technology driven. The personal connection for educators and students could be at risk. What will the future role be for educators as technology becomes the driving force in education? #guidance-counselor #k-12education

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Ariel1483 views

What does it mean to be a school counselor?

I am looking into possibly looking at this as a career. I want to know what this career is like and all that it entails. #community-psychology #school-counseling #college-counseling #teaching #education #guidance-counselor

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Jennifer1080 views

I am studying for a post first degree law, which possible arears should i focus on

I am applying for post first degree law school this year. I like to learn new things, I believe I have good communication and debatable skills. but I am not sure if I know what to expect in the entrance exams or during the interview. I would really appreciate some guidance. #law #career-counseling #law-school #guidance-counselor #student-counseling #corporate-law #law-practice #personal-development #job-application #career-details

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Melissa1443 views

What do you do, when you don't know what to do with the rest of your life?

How do you know when you are 18 and starting to think about your major what you really want to do with the rest of your life? What if you are unsure? Did they talk to you about careers in high school? Mine didn't. It was accelerated, average, and vocational, oh wait and farmers. Maybe I should get a career in guidance counseling and sit in an office and hope I make it through another year (sarcastically speaking). #interviews #recruiting #guidance-counselor #career-guidance #undecided

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Samantha1782 views

Can I major in zoology and then minor in elementary teaching? Or the other way around?

I have always had an interest in becoming a zoologist, basically since 6th grade, but I have also wanted to become a teacher for maybe first or second graders. My top choice would be zoology, but I am afraid that there won't be many jobs in my area, so I would like a backup plan. #college #teaching #college-major #biology #college-minor #guidance-counselor #zoology #elementary-education

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Alayna887 views

What kind of careers are available in Food Sciences?

I plan to major in biochemistry and am trying to narrow down my area of study. I am an athlete and am considering a possible path in the food science area, possibly as a nutritionist or dietitian. #teacher #guidance-counselor #career-guidance

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Alayna951 views

What kind of careers can you pursue with a biochemistry degree?

I enjoy biology and chemistry and math and plan to pursue a biochemistry degree. I'm not sure I want to be a doctor, but maybe something in the medical field in a different sector. I'm an athlete and considered physical therapy, nutrition, or something in the medical research area. #teacher #guidance-counselor #career-guidance

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Esther1051 views

Should I go to a school that does not offer my major?

Since high school my dream colleges have been mainly schools like Tufts University and Brandeis University. I have visited both colleges and found their diversity, size, and culture to be desirable. The only hindrance is that all these liberal and research based colleges does not have my major, accounting. I am 100% set on accounting, but my only worry is that these schools will not help me reach the requirements to sit for the CPA or other accounting exams. Will this be a problem for me in pursuing a career in accounting if I attend these schools as an economic or business major? Do you think it is better to stick to a school that offers accounting or attend one of my dream colleges? #guidance-counselor #school-counselor #education-counselor

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Eric935 views

How useful/beneficial is a private college counselor?

I had never heard of anyone using a private counselor but upon moving to the northeast, it seems its a relatively common thing among my friends. #college #college-admissions #guidance-counselor

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Daniel1258 views

Hi im currently a first time summer school teacher for a remedial math course, i find that a lot of my students lack the motivation to try in class or in anything at all. how do i help them

I've tried appealing to their own personal interests, and some of them can't seem to come up with any, i've offered them incentives like internship opportunities and given them talks about their future beyond high school, but everything i've tried has only had fleeting effects. can you please help me #college #teaching #teacher #education #coaching #career-advice #guidance-counselor

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Mohammed1256 views

Can I do optometry without studying biology in higher studies?

I am a class IX student, wants to become an optometrist without studying Biology. Can I do so? #doctor #career-counseling #doctorate-degree #guidance-counselor #career-counselor

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Mary1003 views

How much counseling does a school guidance counselor actually do?

My teacher told me that most of the time, counselors does more of administrative work. They barely have time to actually counsel students anymore. #psychology #guidance-counselor #student-counseling

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Troy1591 views

Should I drop a difficult class I enjoy but find challenging and might negatively affect my G.P.A?

So, when I was younger I always thought I'd like physics and took a class this semester in college. I would love to learn the material, but had to drop it after it became apparent the class would negatively affect my G.P.A. Now I'm caught in a dilemma, do I take the class again next semester and risk wasting money and possibly hurting my G.P.A. ? Or should I just forget about taking the class altogether and try to learn on my own. #professor #physics #guidance-counselor

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Troy1029 views

How do I gain experience for my dream job when my rigorous major keeps taking up all my time?

My name is Troy and I am currently a freshman in College. As of now I am studying engineering because I do love it and feel working as an engineer for a few years might be a good ideal until I can get my feet of the ground with my true passion - film making. However, if possible, I would love to graduate college and go strait to work in the film industry. My only problem is that in order to do this I will need previous film experience (experience while in college) however with engineering classes taking up so much of my time, I am not able to film as much as I would like to and hence, if this continues, will not be in the position to make filmmaking my immediate career. Even worse, I am not eligible even to get film experience over the summer through Film internships because film is not my major. My question hence is, how can I find the time to gain experience for my film career when my major is taking up so much of my time and excluding me from desirable opportunities? #film #engineering #guidance-counselor

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