Should I drop a difficult class I enjoy but find challenging and might negatively affect my G.P.A?
So, when I was younger I always thought I'd like physics and took a class this semester in college. I would love to learn the material, but had to drop it after it became apparent the class would negatively affect my G.P.A. Now I'm caught in a dilemma, do I take the class again next semester and risk wasting money and possibly hurting my G.P.A. ? Or should I just forget about taking the class altogether and try to learn on my own. #professor #physics #guidance-counselor
3 answers

VGG-Consulting (Vesselin Gueorguiev)
VGG-Consulting’s Answer
Wael’s Answer
You need to tell me your major before anything.

Skyler LaBuff
Skyler’s Answer
It doesn't sound like this physics course is required for your degree, so if you are just interested in the subject, you could always take it "for fun" at a community college or through "massive on-line courses" offered by some universities for free. Physics might be challenging to learn on your own, but anything is possible with the right level of interest and determination.
Wasting money and hurting your GPA for a non-required course for your degree is probably not a good risk to take. However, I will tell you as a hiring manager a candidates' GPA is rarely a deal breaker for me as long as it is reasonable and explainable, many other portions of a resume hold more weight than a GPA for most positions. Good luck, and yes - physics is fun!