Career questions tagged career-counselor

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Mohammed1256 views

Can I do optometry without studying biology in higher studies?

I am a class IX student, wants to become an optometrist without studying Biology. Can I do so? #doctor #career-counseling #doctorate-degree #guidance-counselor #career-counselor

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Rebekah943 views

Is having a very specific career goal putting to many limitations on my future?

Becoming a video game developer is all I've ever wanted to be. I'm concerned that being so specific will limit my options down the road. Should that not pan out, I worry about what other careers will I be qualified for. I want to have something to fall back on. #career-path #guidance-counselor #career-counselor

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Rebekah1087 views

Is attending an ouit of state college financially responsible?

I have received a scholarship to attend a local university. However, the career I've always dreamed of having as a video game developer isn't offered at the local university. I have been accepted at a major university out of state. Though I have been offered a honors at entrance partial scholarship, I'm just not sure if paying the extremely high non residential tuition will be financially responsible. #guidance-counselor #career-counselor #financial-advisor

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Zee1522 views

What are the careers with high skills of art and math?

I'm thinking of going for Architecture because it is based on art and science along with an decent salary. What are the alternative careers that is based on design and math. #college #career #career-paths #architecture #architect #guidance-counselor #career-counselor #financial-planning

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Hannah858 views

What is the most used college class topic for going into a Physical Therapy Career?

Considering a professional career in Physical Therapy but not completely sold on college for 7 yrs. I am starting with Exercise Science as an undergrad degree. #doctor #teaching #teacher #guidance-counselor #career-counselor #hospital #hospital-and-health-care

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