Career questions tagged advice

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Vinie164 views

I live in the Philippines, I want to become a marine biologist or anything related, but i dont know where or how or what to start in??

Personally ive never met or seen any fellow Filipino people work in fields related to marine life, and as of now being in junior highschool i wanna be able to figure it out as soon as possible, what should i be learning? what should i be aiming for? but most importantly I dont know how to do it in my environment, everyone is about being nurses or engineers, its not commonplace at all to see a set and ready path available for the career id want. Like what would i pick as a track? what strand would i pick next? how should i go on with living my life with a goal like this in mind?

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Vinie157 views

How can I make money as a student with certain limitations?

Hi! recently ive wanted to find a way to earn money, but limitations like having my guardians not favor wanting me to go out much or pursue having a side hustle or such, or having situations where I dont exactly have money to make more money , id also say a limiting factor is my age, im still 15 and student yet i want to take some breadwinning load off my parents if you'll take it that way. I just want to be able to make a reasonable amount of money for reasonable amount of work while meeting conditions where i dont need to go out too much or have the feeling that I'd need to invest much while still being able to go on with my life as a student. I dont necessarily need a direct answer even advice is appreciated

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Natalie388 views

how do i navigate the world of medicine and surgery?

i would like a surgeon to give me the best advice

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Shaina575 views

Can you reject a task given by your boss in the internship?

I don't like the task. I feel like she's taking advantage of me as a mid-beginner. She is giving a big load, a campaign to do..all the content ideas for one months. She's asking me to do it.

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Emily313 views

What are some things that I can do throughout high school for someone interested in being a pediatrician?

I want to be a pediatrician when I'm older is there anything I can do like projects or jobs after school related to this field or are there specific classes I should take in high school for this.

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Caralyn322 views

How can I find confidence as an aspiring college student?

I am 20-years-old and college bound. I am anxious about starting college because of all the complexities, like financial aid, but also balancing my mental health and my passions and financial stability. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Brandie283 views

What is one piece of advise for me as a Psychology major that will help me succeed in my degree?

I am a first generation student and even though I've been to my advising appointment and know my requirements, I want additional advice from other Psychology majors.

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Elijuah974 views

Questions for an orthodontist?

1.)What made you want to choose orthodontics? 2.)What kind of challenges did you face during your path of being an orthodontist? 3.)What helped you to overcome obstacles during your way to becoming an orthodontist? 4.)How did you manage to balance your work life with your personal life? 5.)What would you recommend for others who want to join your work field? 6.)How did you prevent burnout from work and set boundaries? 7.)How could I communicate more effectively? 8.)What areas did you improve on most and what should others do in their weak areas? 9.)What can you recommend for the well being of other people? 10.)How did you handle things that set you back in your work? 11.)What would you recommend for any personal development? 12.)How did you handle situations with your boss? 13.)What do you wish you had known before you became an orthodontist? 14.)What makes someone successful in your field? 15.)What is the work environment like in your work field? 16.)What concerns did you have during your career?

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Mathias432 views

I’m really passionate for sports but haven’t fully committed to a single sport yet, and I just finished my sophomore year of high school, should I try committing to a single one for a college scholarship?

My entire childhood was soccer. When the pandemic hit, I stopped playing and got very rusty, then late pandemic I tried out for a travel team and was a disaster. I played on, knowing that improvement comes with practice. In eighth grade I played basketball. Last year in freshman year I played american football and volleyball (a long break from soccer). This year, I went back to soccer and played not too bad although I was injured for half the season, then I wrestled during the winter (which I loved and was good at), then I played volleyball again (which I have potential in). Since I grew up with soccer and have a lot of it in my argentine culture, I truly have a passion for the sport although my skills in wrestling and volleyball have huge potential. Right now I’m practicing non-stop to get ready for the soccer season in junior year and am thinking in pursuing in that, but I’m not sure if I’m wasting potential in wrestling or volleyball. Should I pursue in one sport and play club instead of two other sports and try getting a scholarship or have my fun in all three?

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Cora426 views

As a 13 year old girl how can I make money?

I have babysat before but not much and people prefer to use my older sister not me anyways so what should I do?

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Dahlyn942 views

For those who worked in healthcare while going to college to get their BSN, how was your experience?

I'm considering the possibility of working as a CNA while simultaneously going to school to get a BSN. For those who have done just that or similarly, I'd like to know how your overall experience was. What was the most worth while? What was the most difficult part or most significant obstacle you had to face? How did you overcome these difficulties? Any other insights, advice, experiences, etc, would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

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Ingrid391 views

What do engineers experience in college?

I believe one career I’m interested in is engineering and I want to learn what engineer students do and how they work in school to graduate.

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Nicole378 views

What are some tips for college?

I just finished my freshmen year of college and I am wondering how the next years will be. Should I be focused or worried about anything? I am also a Forensic Psychology major and I don't have a minor yet. Should I be thinking about minors?

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Gideon492 views

When going to college, Is it best for me to invest my time on what I would like to do or what is best for me and my family? (hashtag #Spring24)

I'm going to college and would like some advice.

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jordan339 views

where can i get good career advice?

career advice tips

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Alexia472 views

How do I trust that I can succeed in my field after hearing that multiple people have failed in it how do I continue to have faith and follow my passion?

Every time I tell someone what I want to study, they approach me with negativity and say that it’s hard they know people who didn’t fail and one time I even rethought my major completely I want to be a medium manager for a sports team or just a marketing manager for sports team. I want to do these things but I wanna do them for for a sports team and people told me that can be hard

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Yanic468 views

What are the steps for writing a publication?#spring24

I wish to write up publications but I don't know how to go about it, any tips on how to start and finish will be very helpful for me. Thanks in advance #spring24

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Valeria686 views

How did you overcome your personal/outside life from getting in the way of your education?

I personally am the type to let everything get to me so like work and personal problems, they'll stop me from doing my work in school which I have to prioritize. I need to find a way to help me keep going even though there are MULTIPLE different things going on, I try not stressing myself and even take a break from school but SCHOOL is what needs to get prioritized. I just need a coping mechanism to get my educational work together without messing myself up mentally or physically.

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Aaliyah333 views

What a good advice before heading to college?

what make you have a better start for what want to be?

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Josue812 views

What advice do you have for students who are passionate about software development but may feel overwhelmed by the vast amount of information and technologies to learn?

Some people might suggest staying focused or trying to divide your workload, but many individuals in the field still struggle with feelings of being overwhelmed by the ever-evolving nature of technology and the multitude of options available for specialization. Could you share any personal strategies or insights on how to manage this overwhelm effectively? Additionally, are there any specific resources, such as online courses, books, or mentorship programs, that you recommend for students looking to navigate this challenge and stay motivated on their software development journey?

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Femi240 views

Requirements for chartered accountant ?

How do I navigate into being a chartered accountant after high school. What are the requirements please?

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Jane672 views

How ? I studied mechanical engineering but thinking of transitioning into software engineering any advice for me on how I go about that. I’m sure with your guidance it will be successful.

I studied mechanical engineering but thinking of transitioning into software engineering any advice for me on how I go about that. I’m sure with your guidance it will be successful.

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Daniel500 views

What are essential skills for success in cybersecurity field and what certification do you recommend for beginners?

What are essential skills for success in cybersecurity field and what certification do you recommend for beginners?

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Maria376 views

What amount of money do i have to save for private college?

Who am I supposed to contact before going to join college

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lyn334 views

why is it good to use good communction skills in a interivew?

gave me details on how i can improve my skills and get better

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Movindee529 views

How do I improve my communication skills to become a confident and a successful engineer in the field of construction?

Hi I'm a final year civil engineering student at University of Technology Sydney. I'm a fee paying international student who's first language is not English. However I speak very good english since I had the exposure to it. How do I improve my communication skills to become a confident and a successful engineer in the field of constriction?

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asen415 views

how to communicate good at school?

reading more books

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Madeline328 views

What pivotal moments or challenges did you encounter while pursuing your professional dreams, and what advice would you offer to someone striving to achieve similar aspirations ?

What pivotal moments or challenges did you encounter while pursuing your professional dreams, and what advice would you offer to someone striving to achieve similar aspirations ? What balance of internal work (such as mindset, personal growth, resilience, etc.) and external work (such as skill-building, networking, opportunity-seeking, etc.) did you find most crucial in your journey towards realizing your dreams? Could you share specific examples or strategies that helped you navigate both aspects effectively? #Spring24

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Arsh501 views

How should I prepare myself for the Human Resources field ?

I am currently a junior in highschool and I plan to major in industrial/orginzational psychology with a minor in business administration. I want to have a job in the human resources field. Is there any thing I should do or know to prepare myself for that field?

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Daella680 views

What are some tips for applying or getting your first job?

What advice or tips would you give to people getting their first job?

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