Career questions tagged communication

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Kate316 views

How? Hello, I am Kate, a certified journalist with a higher education degree. I graduated with distinction. I have experience working in TV, but unfortunately, it was in Russia. There, I achieved success and worked for the main channel in the country. Due to recent global events, I left that country and moved to Europe. I am currently looking for a job or internship in TV or print journalism in the United States. I consider America the pinnacle of journalism, as history tells us. My English is not yet at the C1 level, but I am willing to improve it. Additionally, I know that RTVI is a Russian TV channel with American news based in New York. Please, give me advice on which company I should apply to for an internship or job as a TV journalist in America. What are the chances of being hired if I do not have experience in the American market, but I am very eager to build my career there?

How? Please, give me advice on which company I should apply to for an internship or job as a TV journalist in America. What are the chances of being hired if I do not have experience in the American market, but I am very eager to build my career there?

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Carlota477 views

What advice would you give to an economics & politics graduate who wants to get into journalism? ?

I have a bachelor's degree in political science and international relations, and am studying for a master's in economics. I haven't studied journalism other than 2 courses in my bachelor's though I've done some volunteer work in media. I'm a good writer and communicator and I think I have a good skill set and range of experiences that would make me a good journalist, but I'm afraid that because I don't have formal training in it, I won't be able to do it. I don't have a particular preference for online, print, radio or television journalism at this point, though I'd probably feel more comfortable with (written) online and print at first. I live in Berlin, Germany and would like to stay here for the medium-term, but would be willing to move elsewhere for journalistic work. Thank you!

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Angel436 views

I am exploring the ways that my skills and my values align. I value family work and balance and my strongest skills are related to working with people; these include oral communication written communication and collaboration. Can you help me identify careers where both the values and these skills align ?

Balance is possibly the weakest of the three values but the other two are incredibly important to me as a person.

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Alisa489 views

How can I find a proper school/life balance and improve the areas where I am lacking?

I am currently a 2nd-year student at CUNY Baruch College studying Marketing. I am still unsure if I picked the right major but some aspects interest me. I desire to improve my communication skills and time management because I have been struggling and I want a clearer sense of direction.

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Lewis373 views

Why is psychology a career that is being underestimated yet it should be given a priority?

Students at school should be given mental health providers because they as well have different disturbances in their minds and they might be afraid to talk about

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shanice426 views

what is the best mode of communication?

communicaton tips

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Movindee529 views

How do I improve my communication skills to become a confident and a successful engineer in the field of construction?

Hi I'm a final year civil engineering student at University of Technology Sydney. I'm a fee paying international student who's first language is not English. However I speak very good english since I had the exposure to it. How do I improve my communication skills to become a confident and a successful engineer in the field of constriction?

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Leire406 views

#Spring24 - Journalism Question

If I am interested in pursuing journalism, should I begin my undergraduate by studying English? Or should I go directly into journalism/communications? #Spring24

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charles470 views

which is the best mode of communication in office?

communication tips

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Pearl834 views

How do I begin going out on my own when I have absolutely no friends?

As someone who has no friends, I feel ashamed of going out. I know it sounds weird, but it is what it is. It's not that I don't want to have fun and meet people, but I am afraid. I hate that I don't really have friends. I think learning these skills will help me develop soft skills such as communication and confidence, which will help me from a career perspective.

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Emmanuel404 views

What can I do to get rich ?

Ways to get rich

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Krystal564 views

what are the best ways to get a head start in writing?

i know a lot of people struggle to get themselves on their feet -- what are your best suggestions for getting a headstart on your writing career?

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Arsema767 views

How can I promote my Blog/Website?

I'm creating a blog/website that spreads awareness to Mental health and provides the resources needed to contact anyone if you need help. I haven't finished it yet, but I've been pretty worried that no one will be able to see it and my work will go to waste. I've been wondering, how can I promote it when I finish?

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Fatima886 views

What is a good job for a communications major?

What job would be good for someone who wants to work from home or anywhere in the world, is creative, independent and has a degree in speech communications?

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Brianna1158 views

What can I do with a Communication Studies degree and Marketing minor?

I am interested in social media marketing and am wondering how to get started in the field ?

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Brookelyn3330 views

what kind of jobs can you get in a communication degree?

is communication a good degree or just average

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ally1121 views

how do people get rich on a daily basis and how do they get to be big ballin?

i literallyyyy am so confused because i see all these people ballin in miami and i’m tryna get like that. so how do people do it? like i’m so confused😭

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Amelia1033 views

How can I build a solid resume for social media with no formal experience, what should I emphasize?

I'm trying to apply online for these positions, but I feel like my resumé is generic and could cater better to what I'm looking for. What should I emphasize?

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Kangni349 views

What acivity is recommended to help enrich communication major internship resumes, or pharmacy undergraduate application activities?

I am currently enrolled in UCLA communication, but may want to apply to USC's undergraduate pharmacy program after graduation. I would like to start preparing in advance. I was wondering if there are any activities or volunteers that I can participate in as a UCLA junior communication student to enrich my resume for an internship? As a student interested in applying to the USC pharmacy program, what activities or volunteers can I participate in at LA to enrich my application at that time?

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Sabrina332 views

How to become a good communication designer? Id it difficult? What I should know before to become one?

I'm a future student at FIT and I got accepted. I will study in double-major and I'm confused about communication design. What do I suppose to do in case to become a good communication designer? And what are the profits of it if I want to open my design business?

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CareerVillage Office Hours247 views

I am a communications major going into my senior year of college. I have no summer internships or any clue about what I want to do. I really want an internship for the fall of 2023. Can anyone recommend any places near Salve Regina University (Newport, R.I.) ?

Senior year of college, Communications major with a Spanish minor Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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Leilani1058 views

How hard is it got get into college?

How hard is it to get an associates degree? Is it harder to get a job without a college degree? If so what degree do you recommend?

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Amirah526 views

What media or sources can help me better my communication, comprehensive skills , and targeting audiences ?

I have many business ideas I want to profit from but I don’t know how to get advertising out .

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Leah2948 views

How do you improve your communication and public speaking skills?

To all the professionals out there, there are so many professions that require pristine communications skills. For students that are shy and/or not good at public speaking and communication, what are some suggestions that helped you?

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Jacey539 views

What types of jobs are available for Communications majors?

What types of jobs are available and growing for Communication majors? I'm considering majoring in Communications, but am curious about the types of careers available since it's such a broad field.

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Najéla365 views

Is it good to work with Etsy markets through instagram?

Every time, I post a bracelet picture on social media people say to prompt it on Etsy markets or their own prompting business, I really want to work with someone who can help me bring my product out into the world.

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Cole512 views

Best place to starts for a sports management/communications major ?

Going into college as a communications major next year but wanna specifically do sports communication

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Leire1141 views

For public speaking, what can a naturally introverted person do to become more comfortable and confident?

As an introvert, often I find it challenging to talk in front of large groups. Are there are any tips to facilitate these nerves to feel more confident?

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Jocelyn430 views

How do you maintain and cultivate connections?

Is there more than just sending people emails saying you're interested?

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Daniel467 views

when doing marketing how do i get veiws?

when doing marketing how do i get people to look at my ads because im getting no veiws or people to click on my website.

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