Career questions tagged broadcast-journalism

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Carlota477 views

What advice would you give to an economics & politics graduate who wants to get into journalism? ?

I have a bachelor's degree in political science and international relations, and am studying for a master's in economics. I haven't studied journalism other than 2 courses in my bachelor's though I've done some volunteer work in media. I'm a good writer and communicator and I think I have a good skill set and range of experiences that would make me a good journalist, but I'm afraid that because I don't have formal training in it, I won't be able to do it. I don't have a particular preference for online, print, radio or television journalism at this point, though I'd probably feel more comfortable with (written) online and print at first. I live in Berlin, Germany and would like to stay here for the medium-term, but would be willing to move elsewhere for journalistic work. Thank you!

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isabella380 views

How do I pursue a career in journalism?

I'm 17, going to be a senior this fall, and I've been passionate about the field of journalism and social justice since I was very young. While I love the field, I know they make little to no money, especially because I want to be an independent journalist that covers dangerous topics later in my career. Where should I start? #Spring23

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Hinn322 views

How do i get into journalism school ?

How do i get into a journalism school? I'm an eleventh grader and I'm really passionate about journalism and broadcast journalism. I'm active in my schools journalism club ,debate and i also participate in writing contests. Looking forward to your reply .

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Kevin487 views

How funny do I have to be as an announcer?

I would like to be an announcer for sports like baseball basketball or football.

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Hanna584 views

Can someone help me figure out what major I need?

Hi, I don't know what I'm doing. I plan on going into broadcasting and digital media, specifically podcasting, however, I don't know what degrees I should get and how to get a job from this. Would broadcasting and digital media be my major? Side question, what college would be best for digital media production?

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m1494 views

What is it like as sports journalist?

I watch a lot of sports and the interviews and it seems like an interesting career. What is it like?

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Maddie561 views

As a college freshman how should I get started with getting myself out there for internships What should I do??

specifically working in tv and film maybe even writing

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Gabriella272 views

what does a day look like as a social media influencer or an actress? or anything related to social media? streaming on Twitch etc :)

I was curious about how every other day YouTubers post every week or so that can keep motivation etc because I have trouble focusing especially with school etc thanks so much!

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Christopher564 views

Does social media companies take inspiration from other social media companies?

For example, does famous apps like instagram take similar features from snapchat?

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Elena514 views

Colleges for broadcast meteorology?

I'm interested in pursuing broadcast meteorology but am unsure what colleges/ universities located in the pacific northwest, midwest, or northeast offer this major. Thanks!

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Christian480 views

Sports Broadcasting

How many years would it take in college to become a sports-broadcaster? What type of classes would it take in High School and College to get this job? Would Journalism be a good class for this major?

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Sophie812 views

What does a broadcast journalists daily life look like?

#sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism #sports-broadcasting #sports-media

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JWILLY723 views

What are the best classes to take to become a broadcast news analyst.

I am a middle school student who took a test that said I should be a broadcast news analyst. #broadcast-journalism #sports-journalism #broadcast #schools

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Brielle720 views

What is the hardest part about being an African American woman in a white, male-dominated field?

I am an a African American woman who interested in going into the journalism profession. #journalism #magazines #online-journalism #broadcast-journalism

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Percy2181 views

School subjects required to become a news anchor in India 🇮🇳 ?

Tell me the subjects needed to become news anchor. for board of class 12 #news #journalism #broadcast-journalism #career

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bianca928 views

What does the future hold for Journalists?

Will there always be 'fake news' or will the news become more truthful? One thing is for sure: Robots can't take our jobs away from us. #journalism #fakenews #news #robotics #future-careers #broadcast-journalism #fashion-journalism #college-jobs

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Mara1155 views

What classes do I need to take in college to be a Digital Media Specialist?

I am taking digital media this year (my sophomore year) and I really like it. I don't know what classes to take in college though. #broadcast-journalism #magazine #digital-media #tv-production

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Clarissa812 views

What should i study after my 10th grade to become a -broadcast journalist

What subject sould i study after my 10th to be a journalist #broadcast-journalism

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Blake1588 views

Communication vs. Film and Television Major

What is the differences between the two majors? What can I do with a communication major vs a film major and vise versa. Thanks! #journalism #communications #film #film-production #sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism #film-making #film-editing

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ethel1473 views

How can I learn more about sports broadcasting while in high school?

I have always been interested in sports broadcasting, but have never really done anything about it because I do not know how to start, I would like to experience an internship or something similar to get to know the medium, houw could I do this? #broadcast-media #sports-journalism #sports-media #broadcast-journalism #tv-production #television-producer

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Jakob1219 views

Aside from interviews and basic research, what is the overall process like to gather information and report the story?

I am a high school student interested in the field of journalism. I would appreciate knowing how they get their information and what kind of sources they use to create a strong story for the public. #sports #journalism #sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism

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Jakob1177 views

After college, how tough was it to achieve your dream of being a sports news reporter?

I would like to know because I have had drawn interest in the field of reporting in general, but now I feel like sports reporting is what I want to go into. #sports #entertainment #sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism

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Muthuveera2667 views

What's the most stable job with a good income in the media field?

I'm a high school senior whose always been interested in working in broadcasting, but am very scared that I might not make the correct decision. #broadcast-media #broadcast-journalism #broadcast-television #broadcast #tv-production

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Kayla822 views

What colleges are advised for a successful career in sports entertainment ?

According to a website I'm visiting I can earn scholarships for setting aside my pride and asking my questions regarding sports entertainment. I would like to know the answer to this so that I can help my brother who is a senior in high school choose a school that's best for him. #college #broadcast-journalism

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Lexis1284 views

Do people with higher degrees most likely get better positions at a job?

I am going to school for a master's in journalism and a Ph.D in communications. I wanted to know if when I apply to a job I'm more likely to get a higher position that is available since I have a higher degree of education. #journalism #communications #broadcast-journalism #marketing-communications #investigative-reporting

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Kayla4020 views

When pursuing a career in Journalism or Communications, is it necessary to get a Master Degree?

Many careers require many years of education. I was just wondering if having a Master Degree benefits you significantly in Journalism like in other fields or is graduate school for Journalism just a financial burden? #communications #entertainment #broadcast-journalism #magazines

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Kristina983 views

How do you decide what major to go into?

It would be a shame to invest in a career that you ended up loathing in the long run. How can I avoid this without having first hand experience? #music-production #broadcast-journalism #music-performance

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Katie1059 views

What type of degree is recommended for a career in sports broadcasting

I see a lot of ex-athletes in sports broadcasting. Do they all have college degrees? Some of them have degrees because they talk about them. But after speaking to my parents, it's possible many went to college but didn't finish. So do you really need a degree or do you just need to be one of the elite athletes of the world? #sports #journalism #sports-management #broadcast-journalism

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Racinda1058 views

What is the difference between a data journalist, graphics, CAR, news applications, etc?

I have realized as my interest has grown larger and larger for journalism that there are many different types. And also many different areas of journalism one may branch off into. I'm wondering what makes each of them different or so significant to the profession, that I may further educate myself. #journalism #broadcast-journalism #science-journalism #mass-communications #data-journalism

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Racinda1208 views

Why is journalism important?

Ever since I was in the 6th grade ive wanted to become a Journalist. I have a strong passion for informing, researching and helping the commuity as best as I can. But, I have also realized that there is barely a demand for journalists. And anytime I express to anyone that this is my future they point out the idea that " there's no money in that ya' know?" . I believe that there will always be a need for informtion. I just want to get a better undestanding beyond informing. #journalism #communications #broadcast-journalism #online-journalism #science-journalism #mass-communications

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