Career questions tagged sports-journalism

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Owen181 views

How difficult is it to find a job in Sports Broadcasting/Media in Massachusetts? What is the base pay??

I'm wondering how many people graduate with a degree in Sports Broadcasting/Media and end up not finding a job in the field.

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m1494 views

What is it like as sports journalist?

I watch a lot of sports and the interviews and it seems like an interesting career. What is it like?

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Padma400 views

What are some careers in journalism?

I'm interested in going into journalism, but am curious as to what paths I can explore in the field other than "news reporter" or "staff writer." What potential options are there? As well, what are some other aspects of journalism other than writing that I could think of going into (i.e. the web or media side)? I've heard that journalists themselves don't make a lot of money, especially starting out, so some career suggestions that make a decent amount of money would be helpful.

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Connor246 views

What are some ways that would better my odds of having a career in sports, such as sport broadcasting and sports journalism?

How do you think that I can improve my chances of having a career in sports such as sports broadcasting or sports journalism? What ways typically work, and also what courses could I take to increase my odds?

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Mason388 views

What does it take to become a sports journalist?

How do you get started in the career? What is the pay like?

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Christian480 views

Sports Broadcasting

How many years would it take in college to become a sports-broadcaster? What type of classes would it take in High School and College to get this job? Would Journalism be a good class for this major?

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callie797 views

sports journalism?

If you were to major in sports journalism what ways have you networked with people to start your career?

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Gracie589 views

Sports Broadcasting / Sports Media

What does the typical day of a sports broadcaster or someone in the sports media do?

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Yakov554 views

Sports Journalism

Hi, does anyone have any leads on how to become a sports journalist?

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Sophie812 views

What does a broadcast journalists daily life look like?

#sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism #sports-broadcasting #sports-media

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JWILLY723 views

What are the best classes to take to become a broadcast news analyst.

I am a middle school student who took a test that said I should be a broadcast news analyst. #broadcast-journalism #sports-journalism #broadcast #schools

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Saul907 views

What are some skills i need for sports journalism?

I am a junior in high school. i like to watch sports so i thought put one of the things i like to do. i am thinking of taking sports journalism seriously and writing reports about games and sports news. i am also thinking of being a sports anchor or a commentator. my major goal is reporting for ESPN. it would be nice to work with any sports news outlets and i would like to know what skills i need to develop to be a good sports writer. #sports #sports-journalism

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Blake1588 views

Communication vs. Film and Television Major

What is the differences between the two majors? What can I do with a communication major vs a film major and vise versa. Thanks! #journalism #communications #film #film-production #sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism #film-making #film-editing

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English882 views

Would a science and engineering based college be right for me if I want to go into sports broadcasting?

I've played at least three sports year round my entire life, and so I know I want a career in the sports and entertainment area. But my dream school isn't one known for this major. Do I need to just go away from my life long dream of going to my perfect school? Should I go a school with the best program for me even if that means going to a college I'm not passionate about? #college #college-major #entertainment #sports-journalism #schools-of-the-future

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Christian1180 views

To what extent is the technical knowledge of video and audio editing softwares important in sports broadcasting?

Because I am studying Broadcast Communication #broadcast-media #sports-journalism #sports-media #broadcast-television #marketing-communications

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ethel1473 views

How can I learn more about sports broadcasting while in high school?

I have always been interested in sports broadcasting, but have never really done anything about it because I do not know how to start, I would like to experience an internship or something similar to get to know the medium, houw could I do this? #broadcast-media #sports-journalism #sports-media #broadcast-journalism #tv-production #television-producer

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ethel1185 views

How likely is it to be a sports commentator?

i have always wanted to be one but i would like to know the likelihood of pursuing that career. #sports #television #sports-journalism #sports-broadcasting

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Jakob1219 views

Aside from interviews and basic research, what is the overall process like to gather information and report the story?

I am a high school student interested in the field of journalism. I would appreciate knowing how they get their information and what kind of sources they use to create a strong story for the public. #sports #journalism #sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism

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Jakob1177 views

After college, how tough was it to achieve your dream of being a sports news reporter?

I would like to know because I have had drawn interest in the field of reporting in general, but now I feel like sports reporting is what I want to go into. #sports #entertainment #sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism

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James1176 views

Sports Medicine or Sports Reporting Possible

I am a senior in high school and want to do something with sports. I have been in sports since I was 4. I have done karate, baseball, flag football and in the last 4 years have become serious about running. I ran all year at the high school level. I also may want to become a police officer but feel I may enjoy the sports field must more. I was wondering about the different fields I can pursue? #in #field #or #sports #sport #athletics #sports-journalism #sports-marketing #sports-journalism #sports-medicine #sports-media #sports-agent

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Alana1249 views

What do you love about sports entertainment?

It is important for everyone to love what they they, especially if they plan on continuing on in their career for many years. This also leads to a happy life! I would like to see why others enjoy this industry to widen my views. #sports #sports-management #entertainment #social-media #broadcast-media #sports-journalism #sports-media #sports-broadcasting

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Alana1103 views

What is the best first step in planning a career in sports entertainment and why?

I believe that it is important for someone who is beginning their journey in starting a career to understand the hard work and steps it takes to achieve their goals. I would like to see how others would start to plan their careers and why so I could also have more input on how to start mine! #sports #sports-management #entertainment #social-media #sports-journalism #sports-media #sports-broadcasting

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Paul1392 views

How would someone with a computer science degree get into sports entertainment?

I am looking into getting my computer science degree and I want to know what jobs are for this field. #computer-science #computer-software #sports #sports-management #computers #sports-marketing #sports-journalism #sports-media

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Ashanti944 views

What is it like to be in the public eye when it comes to sports entertainment?

I have always been curious as to how these athletes live out their daily life as normal citizens. #journalism #athlete #sports-journalism

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Ashton1143 views

What are som possible careers behind the scenes in professional sports that I can explore?

My ultimate dream is to play in the NBA or NFL as I play both in high school and work really hard at both. I understand the probability of this happening so I want to explore some Plan B options still around the thing I LOVE...SPORTS!!!!!!!! #sports-journalism #sports-media

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Rohit1234 views

What are the options in Journalism?

I am a class 10 student, want to work as a Journalist in future. #journalism #sports-journalism #online-journalism #science-journalism #long-form-journalism

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Calvin1439 views

How do I get into sports journalism?

Obviously I'd have to go into an English-focused stream, but I was wondering if there is a stream specifically for sports? Or do opportunities (hopefully) open up later in my post-secondary career? #journalism #english #sports-journalism

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Kruthi1046 views

which course should i take up want to become a journalist?

i love news so i want to become a journalist #sports-journalism #journalist #science-journalism #journal

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Paige1008 views

What experiences are required to be a Broadcast Journalist?

I currently hold the position of being a news anchor for my high schools television broadcast and have started to gain an interest in pursuing a career in it. #sports #sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism #radio-broadcasting

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RJ1450 views

What type of work goes on behind the scenes of a broadcast?

I am a junior at Boston Collegiate Charter School interested in broadcast journalism and sports writing, and was curious to know what goes on behind the scenes at a studio #journalism #director #producer #sports-journalism #broadcaster

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