Career questions tagged in

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Madilyn620 views

How can find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?

How can find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?

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Madilyn350 views

How can fid a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?

How can fid a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?

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Madilyn366 views

How can I find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?

How can I find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?

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Jojie632 views

What are the jobs that good for 17 yrs. old?

#in I'm a hard working a student and an independent woman #jobs

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Melinda9691 views

How do I become a Criminal Investigator in Canada?

I'd love to know how I can become a criminal investigator, and I'd love to know the process and what it looks like. I also wanna know "Do I have to be a police officer to be a criminal investigator?" My Questions: How much do they get paid a year? Do I have to be a police officer first? #actors #in #anyone #janitor #in #pro #kerala #exams #hit #police #dcnaada #criminalinvestagator How many years in school?

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Vidhi721 views

I am confused. Please help

I am planning to work in a company like Illumina, Moderna, Genentech, or something similar. My question is what should I major in. Also how long do I need to study? Do I need to have a Ph.D.? What is the entry-level salary? Major in Bioinformatics Major In computer science and minor in Biology. #biology #Bioinformatics #phd #in

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Skyla927 views

What colleges have direct admit nursing programs?

#nurse #med # #exams #pro #all #orthodontics #dermatology #in #hit

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Ronnie543 views

how is college

good,honest tall,smart and athletic also love GOD #school #in

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Sarina888 views

Linguistic majors with bachelor's degrees, what struggles did you face once you tried to enter the workforce?

I'm considering pursuing a Linguistics major for my BA. I've read that it's quite hard to get a job unless you also have Computer Science minor/double major paired with Linguistics, which isn't quite my plan, though I'm considering pairing Linguistics with CS if it becomes clear that pursuing Linguistics alone is worthless. So, for those who have majored in Linguistics, what are some future struggles to be aware of? Is Linguistics worth pursuing if I don't get involved with Computer Science? #college #bachelors #Computer Science #CSMajor #LingusticsMajor #BA #CS #Linguistics #struggles #work #future #job #major #in #linguistics

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Charlene803 views

How can someone prove that a medication is scientifically congruent to the human biochemical function?

I am in the medical field currently in the register nursing program and I have encountered medications that I field is scientifically established to work for the human biochemical structure however there is no name for it. #medicine #in #currently

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deandre1001 views

How exactly do I start a business

I am thinking about starting a music business. I want to make a career for myself singing hopefully. But I don't know how to go about doing that. #music #experience #in

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Ayush 907 views


I am asking this question because I am confuse which sub brach i should select. #any #in #answer #me #way

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Noemi 915 views

What kind of jobs can you get with a degree in Engineering?

There are a lot of different types of engineers and I want to know about the types. #engineering #in #someone

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kelsey1238 views

Is it a good idea to get CPA certified?

After you get your accounting degree, is it beneficial to get CPA certified? Would it help your career if you do so? #business #degree #masters #accountant #administration #in #bachelor #bookkeeper

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kelsey1129 views

Where can you get hired after earning an accounting degree?

I am interested in accounting, but where can you work after you get your degree? #business #degree #masters #accountant #administration #in #bachelor #bookkeeper

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Lucy1068 views

What are some good colleges for aerospace engineering?

I want to pursue aerospace engineering, and I want to do what's best for my future. I know I can look at rankings online, but what aspects of colleges should I really be looking at to determine what's best for me? #engineering #experience #aerospace #in

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Lucy847 views

How did you decide which sector of aerospace engineering you wanted to pursue (aero or astro)?

Aerospace engineering can be a very broad career topic, but is split into two different tracks. Thinking about my career in aerospace engineering worries me that I will have difficulty deciding on my track. #engineering #experience #aerospace #in

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Lucy1036 views

Aerospace Engineering is a tough field. Is it overwhelming at times? If so, how have you handled it? and would you recommend this route?

Aerospace engineering can be a daunting career, as it is intellectually challenging. I know that it can be time consuming, but I do not know to what extent. #engineering #experience #aerospace #in

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rachel735 views

I am interested in becming a socal worker working with troubled teens. What is the most rewarding part of this job? What is the most demanding part of this profession?

I would like to work with troubled teens, but I have never done this before. A lot of my friends in high school are going through both body issues and emotional issues. I listen to their problems and sometimes offer advice. I would love to do this as my career. #in #someone #who #this #works

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James973 views

What kind of career options will I have with a 2 year computer drafting degree?

I am looking at different job opportunities and parts of the country to live in. #in #degrees #people #with #year

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Alaina799 views

What careers are available for those with a bachelor's in nursing?

I am planning on getting a bachelors in nursing and then going on to receive a masters. However, I am not totally sure what I would like to do with these degrees. #nursing #in #bachelors

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Ivy1986 views

What is your favorite thing about being a woman in the STEM field?

I attend an all girls school that is very STEM based and I was wondering what the advantages of not only this type of education, but of the career in STEM as a woman are. There is particularly controversy in math and science about the amount of women who occupy these jobs. I would like to know the pros and cons of working in different fields as a woman and any advice you may have for someone who is looking to do the same! #stem #in #woman

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James1176 views

Sports Medicine or Sports Reporting Possible

I am a senior in high school and want to do something with sports. I have been in sports since I was 4. I have done karate, baseball, flag football and in the last 4 years have become serious about running. I ran all year at the high school level. I also may want to become a police officer but feel I may enjoy the sports field must more. I was wondering about the different fields I can pursue? #in #field #or #sports #sport #athletics #sports-journalism #sports-marketing #sports-journalism #sports-medicine #sports-media #sports-agent

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Cindy909 views

Why is it that we do not see a diversity in the casting of movies?

Growing up, I rarely saw any person on-screen that represented my ethnicity and when there was an Asian actor/actress, more than likely stereotypes would be included in the film. My question is why is Hollywood still white-washed even after society has changed over the past few decades. #in #casting #diversity

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Michi 912 views

Is it possible to have mutiple careers? Like for examole, some celebs would also be an actress/actor or in music industry.

My name is Michi. I'm a student in high school and these are questions are curious about. I've always been interested in a variety of careers and don't think I'd be able to do just one. #in #knowledge

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Louise853 views

I am still undecided about my career path but my stronget subjects are Life Sciences, Art & Histroy. My interests are wildlife & the environment> I would like suggestions as to career paths and opportunities

I would like to study in the UK having been at school in South Africa. I do not necessarily want to do a higher degree course but would like to qualify in a subject I am interested in. It is a difficult age to make such a choice! #in #enjoys #undecided

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Allie1334 views

Do you have to buy all your books or are they online?

Books are so expensive so I was wondering if they are online so I don't have to buy them all? #college #in #or

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Allie1040 views

In college do you change your degree a lot or not at all?

I am asking because I want to go in for medical but I don't know if I will stay with it or not? #college #in #or

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Kaino971 views

What are the steps you should take during college to better your chances of employment in the film industry after college.

i am a senior in high school going on to college soon to study film, and i am curious to know what are the best steps to take to ensure employment in the film industry after college. #film #in #film-production #industry

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Muhammad951 views

Can I apply for scholarships at my school even though I didn't get one?

I'm going to be attending UCI and it's really expensive, and I was wondering if I can still receive scholarship money from UCI. #college #university #in #scholarship #california #undergrad #irvine

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