Linguistic majors with bachelor's degrees, what struggles did you face once you tried to enter the workforce?
I'm considering pursuing a Linguistics major for my BA. I've read that it's quite hard to get a job unless you also have Computer Science minor/double major paired with Linguistics, which isn't quite my plan, though I'm considering pairing Linguistics with CS if it becomes clear that pursuing Linguistics alone is worthless. So, for those who have majored in Linguistics, what are some future struggles to be aware of? Is Linguistics worth pursuing if I don't get involved with Computer Science?
#college #bachelors #Computer Science #CSMajor #LingusticsMajor #BA #CS #Linguistics #struggles #work #future #job #major #in #linguistics
3 answers
Ken’s Answer
Many people struggle needlessly while trying to enter into linguistics due to the lack off preparations involving getting to know oneself to understand how one's personality traits match with those of others who are successful in the field and then talking to people already successfully involved in the field to get their suggestions and advice about entering into the field.
Getting to know yourself and how your personality traits relate to people involved in various career opportunities is very important in your decision making process. During my many years in Human Resources and College Recruiting, I ran across too many students who had skipped this very important step and ended up in a job situation which for which they were not well suited. Selecting a career area is like buying a pair of shoes. First you have to be properly fitted for the correct size, and then you need to try on and walk in the various shoe options to determine which is fits the best and is most comfortable for you to wear. Following are some important steps which I developed during my career which have been helpful to many .
Ken recommends the following next steps:

Charles M Hurd
Charles M’s Answer
I agree 100% with Ken Simmons about finding out who you are and how well you fit with the job.
I do not have a degree in Linguistics, but I took an introductory class in it 35 years ago.
You expressed concern about getting a job after graduation. People who hire workers are looking to get a problem solved. Let me ask you some questions, the answers to which might help you.
What kinds of problems do linguists solve? Who has those problems, where and when do they occur? How often do those problems arise? (in otherwords, how big is the market of getting those kinds of problems solved. In addition to linguistics skills, what other skills are needed to solve those kinds of problems?
What kinds of problems do you like to solve? What jobs are there that let you solve those problems on a regular basis? What additional skills do you need to solve those kinds of problems?
Good luck in finding the right pair of shoes (the right career).