Career questions tagged cs

What are some computer science opportunities are there right now?
I am a High School Student currently in my Senior year and I am very interested in learning more about computer science I will be majoring in Computer Science when I attend college next year.

What is code made of?
How do you code? #coding #programming #computer-science #cs

How do I pick a college major based on my diverse interests?
I am very interested in bio and computer but I have no interest in chem and physics .I am interested in business studies, economics and accounts and I want a quick degree which takes no more than 3 years.I need advice!! #business #major #college #economics #CS #biology

Being successful at a big company
Hello! I will be starting a new software engineering position at a very big company. What are some ways that I can be successful in communicating with others on my team and what are some things to avoid doing? #programming #technology #CS

Which minor is the best?
I am a sophomore student, Computer Science major and I was wondering which minor is more suitable for cs. #college-minor #CS

What are good colleges that could have good programs for CS and Cog Sci?
I'm a rising senior considering double-majoring. #college #computer-science #college-advice #college-admissions #cogsci #cognitive #psychology #cs

How feasible is double majoring in CS and Cog Sci? What types of careers can you get from that double major?
#psychology #career #college-major #major #cogsci #cognitive #computer-science #cs

What is the most useful minor to pair with a Cog Sci major?
#cogsci #cognitive-science #cs #major #choosing-a-major #college-major #college-minor #computer-science #psychology #neuroscience

Linguistic majors with bachelor's degrees, what struggles did you face once you tried to enter the workforce?
I'm considering pursuing a Linguistics major for my BA. I've read that it's quite hard to get a job unless you also have Computer Science minor/double major paired with Linguistics, which isn't quite my plan, though I'm considering pairing Linguistics with CS if it becomes clear that pursuing Linguistics alone is worthless. So, for those who have majored in Linguistics, what are some future struggles to be aware of? Is Linguistics worth pursuing if I don't get involved with Computer Science? #college #bachelors #Computer Science #CSMajor #LingusticsMajor #BA #CS #Linguistics #struggles #work #future #job #major #in #linguistics

Aiming 4.0 GPA
Currently, I am studying a Computer Engineering at well known university in Turkey.My primary goal is to get Master degree on Computer Science in one of the best schools in the world (e.g MIT,CMU,Stanford).I know it's hard to get into these schools,since a plenty of students compete around the world.As a first year student,I think I should get a very good GPA for this purpose.However,even though I really worked hard for my first midterms,I will probably get a GPA somewhere around 3.0-3.2.It may seems very good,but for my purpose its not enough.The bad part is,I could really get +3.5 If I did not make mistakes due to my carelessness.Fot this reason,achieving a 4.0 GPA seems almost incredible to me.I have not got a problem about consistent work,but as I said I have an attention problem during any exam.How can I overcome this and improve my GPA? #gpa #master #cs #grade #ivy #league #average #point