Career questions tagged college-advice

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Riya394 views

How do I get into UC Berkeley? What kind of students would be a good fit for this school?

As a dedicated rising junior with a passion for political science, business, and law, I'm driven by a profound interest in understanding legal systems. I aspire to leverage this passion into an undergraduate degree in political science, ultimately leading to pursuing a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree. I believe in the power of change and am actively working to create change through activism. I am resourceful and determined, consistently demonstrating strong analytical capabilities and a robust work ethic. My organizational skills and ability to multitask efficiently enable me to excel in both academic and extracurricular endeavors. Collaboration is one of my strengths; I thrive in team environments and am committed to leading with positivity and integrity. Thank you in advance! I hope you have a wonderful day!

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Riya383 views

What part of the essay do the UC Berkeley admissions officers most appreciate, and what are some crucial elements to include?

Are there any facets to specifically include in my essay or application for UC Berkeley? What are some unique facts (i.e. UC Berkeley historical emphasis) to include in my application? As a dedicated rising junior with a passion for political science, business, and law, I'm driven by a profound interest in understanding legal systems. I aspire to leverage this passion into an undergraduate degree in political science, ultimately leading to pursuing a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree. I believe in the power of change and am actively working to create change through activism. I am resourceful and determined, consistently demonstrating strong analytical capabilities and a robust work ethic. My organizational skills and ability to multitask efficiently enable me to excel in both academic and extracurricular endeavors. Collaboration is one of my strengths; I thrive in team environments and am committed to leading with positivity and integrity. Thank you in advance! I hope you have a wonderful day!

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Lin472 views

For college admissions, does going to a uncompetitive high school lessen your chances at a T20 college?

Last year I moved schools after my 9th grade year due to personal reasons. The school that I currently go to was closer to my siblings schools and was more convenient for my parents as they both work. This was not the only reason why I moved school as there were a number of factors but the school that I currently go to is significantly less competitive then my last one. The school I currently go to has around 500 students less than my last. I would also say the student bodies themselves are less competitive in general in my current school. I am just wondering whether or not this will go against me during the college application process and whether moving schools was a mistake.

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Hannah438 views

Best college program as a double-major undergrad transfer student?

I’m currently a third-year undergrad student, double majoring in Criminology & Film. I currently have 90 out of 120 credits to graduate at my current university but I have to withdraw and find a new school for personal reasons. I'm currently double-majoring in both Criminology and Film. My criminology degree falls under my university's “Justice & Law” degree, criminology being one of the concentrations (“International Terrorism” & “Legal Studies” being the other two). My film major falls under their School of Communication, as a degree in “Film & Media studies”. I was wondering if someone out there could help me find a school with classes most similar to what I’ve been studying already. I'm looking for a school that offers a Bachelor's in both Criminology & Film or something similar. I feel very overhwled! The best case scenario would be to find a school that will let me retake the least amount of courses/credits in order to graduate, since most transfer students are required to take extra courses that extend their graduation date. Any help is appreciated!

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S446 views

What are some good tips for hs students to start preparing for college? What are some of the best clubs to take and also extra circulars to be part of?

What are some good tips for hs students to start preparing for college? What are some of the best clubs to take and also extra circulars to be part of?

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Wanisa577 views

Good day everyone. I'm 2nd year college student and I'm planning to transfer to another school and shift to another course/major this 2nd semester. I'm currently taking Bachelor of Science in Psychology and I plan on shifting to Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting or Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. To all of those Industrial-engineering and BSMA students, I'm asking for your thoughts and advice about this one. Do you think it's a good idea? Thank you in advance for those who will respond. Have a great day ahead!

I'm from Philippines. I'm planning to transfer in Batangas State University JLPC Malvar. I'm a fast learner but ofc this majors would still give me a headache. I badly need your advice guys😭. Additional question. Which one do you guys think has more job opportunities in the Philippines, Management Accounting or Industrial-engineering?

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Kiara429 views

How should I start to become a veterinarian?

I'm pretty much fresh out (2023) of high school. I think I have a good idea how I should go about this but I would like some advice on the matter. I don't have any "support" college wise, because my parent didn't go to college are doesn't know anything about it. I plan to do basic classes at a smaller school then transfer (probably UGA) to finish my pre-vet... I have held off going to any school so I'm not in college at the moment. I just like to know if anybody has advice or just share how they went about achieving this career.

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Nicole552 views

what does telecommunication deals with?

what does telecommunication involves

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imani421 views

how can I get into college if im homeschooled?

do I have a disadvantage by being homeschooled or an advantage??

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Noelani424 views

What should a person starting with community college do to become an optometrist ?

I am a just graduated high school student, and I want to become an optometrist. I personally don't have great vision and use glasses everyday of my life, which has caused me to get interested in the study of the eyes and to then want to go to school for optometry. After high school, I am going to a community college. What classes should I take there to get my basics done and also have my pre requisites for university after community college? What would be a good major to major in community college and university? Which pre reqs should I have completed before optometry school? Is med school required to pursue this career? I also would like to know what major would be good for undergrad? Is a doctorate required to become an optometrist? And what would look good for optometry school? I havent started community college yet, and have a long way ahead of me to optometry school, but I am confused on how to start the path for it as someone who is going to a community college first. I plan on furthering my education after community college, I just don't know what would be the best classes and majors to choose to then continue into optometry school. Any tips or extra advice would be highly appreciated. :)

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Josiah460 views

Best piano faculty?

What colleges have the best piano faculty (specifically instructors for the graduate level)?

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Halani266 views

Whats your best advice for the incoming freshman students?

Since im going to college its kind of scary thinking about everything. Whats some good advice you can give me to stay on my toes

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Carly220 views

How do I know what college is the right fit for me ?

College tips

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Fairy395 views

I am a high school senior who is really interested in pursuing a BSN. However, I am unsure which college would be the best fit. I live in Houston, TX. I am primarily interested in competitive universities and I always look for ones with low acceptance rates, as I have a pretty decent GPA and good stats and would like to challenge myself further. Please provide me with some advice on what my priorities should be when looking for a college. Also, does it matter if a college has a high acceptance rate? I feel that attending a university with a high acceptance rate makes me believe that I am among people who may not be as competitive, and I feel that I deserve to challenge myself more.

Also would like to know if it would be easier for me to get an in-campus job as soon I will get my EKG and phlebotomy certification through High school. Like any universities that have good medical centers nearby that will get me a part-time job. Please any sort of advice would be appreciated thanks!! Let me know if you all have good recommendations for cheap and good universities.

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Josiah380 views

Should I major in music therapy with a piano performance minor, or major in music therapy and then get a masters in piano performance from a more prestigious school?

My future career goal is to primarily be a music therapist and private music instructor, but I would also like to be a professional concert pianist, perhaps touring every summer or every other summer with a few gigs throughout the year. Technically, the only degree I need is a music therapy degree, but would a minor be necessary? Or possibly I could just major in music therapy and then maybe get a piano performance masters if I decide afterwards that I need one? Also then what college should I go to? I have met with a professional opera singer from the Met, and he emphasized connections in college and how important it is to have a recognized teacher, but I am having trouble deciding.

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Shaina575 views

Can you reject a task given by your boss in the internship?

I don't like the task. I feel like she's taking advantage of me as a mid-beginner. She is giving a big load, a campaign to do..all the content ideas for one months. She's asking me to do it.

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Sanaii282 views

what are good extracurriculars for bio or animal science major?

I am currently a rising junior, and I want to have more STEM-based extracurriculars. Any tips/advice?

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Ava361 views

When should I take my gap year?

Hello there! I am a high school junior in August 2024 and want to take a gap year, but I intend to get a Psychology PhD. So should I take my gap year right out of high school or between my undergrad and PhD program? I just don't want it to be harder to get into a college because I didn't apply out of high school where I have a lot of support versus on my own after a gap year.

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Julie395 views

What should we look for in a college as a History major?

Hi, I’m trying to help my son figure out his path to and through college. He is a history buff and his goal is to get a PhD Or doctorate in history. During our research we found a lot of Grad programs and I’m wondering if there are any specific programs or courses we should look into for undergrad to start the way. Any feedback would be appreciate! Thank you!!

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CJ288 views

What is the best school to apply to if you are interested in the performing arts?

Best school Options?

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Alexandra212 views

How does two years of college compare to four?

How does financial life after four years of college compare to only two years of college. Do people hiring care a significant amount about the amount of years you have gone to college if you have skill?

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Akshobya344 views

How should one approach the college supplemental essays compared to the personal statement?

Applying to college with common app

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Caralyn322 views

How can I find confidence as an aspiring college student?

I am 20-years-old and college bound. I am anxious about starting college because of all the complexities, like financial aid, but also balancing my mental health and my passions and financial stability. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Brandie283 views

What is one piece of advise for me as a Psychology major that will help me succeed in my degree?

I am a first generation student and even though I've been to my advising appointment and know my requirements, I want additional advice from other Psychology majors.

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viola284 views

what is the best time to go and choose a college?

college tips

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Mayla372 views

Is it too late for me to start an internship as a rising senior?

Will colleges find an internship during my senior year appealing? Should I avoid an internship and stick to maintaining good grades and my sports performance?

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Grey334 views

What skill should I strengthen as a future graduate student to better accomplish my goals?

I am on track to graduate in May 2025 with a plan to pursue a Business degree with a Bachelor's in Psychology. Eager to begin this journey, I do not know what awaits me in this field. What preparations and expectations should I have for this degree.

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Emilka421 views

Do colleges look at regents grades?

I just took a regents exam which is required in my state and I didn't get my grade yet but I know I did really bad I boxed off questions which I shouldn't have and will now get the whole question wrong. Do colleges look at my score or just my gpa? (The regents was in a subject thats not even close to what I hope to major in)

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kayla520 views

How do you choose a career that you can pursue ? when you are undecided about anything in particular ?

I am really undecided about my future I had nothing in particular that I was good at in school so how do you chose a course to take in university ?

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Dee314 views

Will major airlines accept degrees like associates degree?

I want to become a commercial pilot. I have read on a bunch of websites that in order to stand out and be hired by a major airline, they would want you to have a college degree. Many of them say bachelors degree. But will they hire you, even if you have a associates degree?

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