Career questions tagged college-admission

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Hannah438 views

Best college program as a double-major undergrad transfer student?

I’m currently a third-year undergrad student, double majoring in Criminology & Film. I currently have 90 out of 120 credits to graduate at my current university but I have to withdraw and find a new school for personal reasons. I'm currently double-majoring in both Criminology and Film. My criminology degree falls under my university's “Justice & Law” degree, criminology being one of the concentrations (“International Terrorism” & “Legal Studies” being the other two). My film major falls under their School of Communication, as a degree in “Film & Media studies”. I was wondering if someone out there could help me find a school with classes most similar to what I’ve been studying already. I'm looking for a school that offers a Bachelor's in both Criminology & Film or something similar. I feel very overhwled! The best case scenario would be to find a school that will let me retake the least amount of courses/credits in order to graduate, since most transfer students are required to take extra courses that extend their graduation date. Any help is appreciated!

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Clarise1204 views

How many hours of classes should I take per semester?

I am working on enrolling, and I will be a full-time student. I want to take as many gen-ed classes as I can to get them out of the way, but how many hours would you recommend I take? I won't be living on campus, so I don't want to overload on classes, but I would like to get classes done. #student-counseling #college-admission #college-admissions #college-advice

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Brian643 views

Those attending colleges what can you recommend High school Students?

What are some things a college student or professor, would recommend a high school student to do, or accomplish, before they graduate? #high-school #college #college-admission #college-prep

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Christian968 views

How much does the parental contribution increase for the colleges I'll mention if I try to pay it all off by scholarships?

I heard from the Standford admission office that if you try to pay off all the parental contribution through scholarships, they reduce your need based financial aid and increase your parental contribution. How much do they increase it by? Do they also do this for MIT, UCSD, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Caltech, University of Chicago, and University of Nevada? #financial-planning #admissions-counseling #college-admission

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Danielle2206 views

Can someone with Social Anxiety be discriminated against when applying for college or a job; and what can I do to limit this?

I am a high school junior with good grades, an above average ACT score, and am an overall well rounded student. However, I have Social Anxiety and am currently considering a career in veterinary medicine as a vet or something similar. I don't talk well with people but am an actress, and am sure the next few years of higher education will get me ready to communicate better with people. I realize LEGALLY they can't drop you for the illness alone, but I'm scared I would be judged by label and not what I can do nor who I am. #career #college-admissions #job-market #college-admission #mental-illness

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