Career questions tagged mental-illness

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Gurbaani398 views

Is it possible for me to have a successful career in medicine with a debilitating mental illness?

I’m bipolar (it’s unclear whether i’m 1 or 2 yet) and I want to pursue medicine. I am in high school currently and am worried I can’t have the future I want.

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Trenity928 views

Sub-fields of Psychiatry...

While researching the career field, I found out that there are sub-fields of psychiatry. I am aware of the following: - Addiction Psychiatry - Geriatric Psychiatry - Pediatric Psychiatry - Neuropsychiatry What do these sub-fields mean? Are there other sub-fields I should be aware of? How does one get into these fields?

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Trenity1459 views

Psychiatrist career ladder...

What are the steps ( in chronological order) to becoming a psychiatrist? I understand that one must achieve a bachelor's degree, go to med-school, and complete a residency, but I am not sure what order these steps should be taken in.

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Trenity768 views

Psychiatry and IT...

Do psychiatrists use IT skills at all? If so, what specific skills might be necessary? Are there any certifications that might be useful for the career path?

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Alexandra891 views

How to handle having depression in a research career?

I'm looking to become a psychology researcher. I understand that research careers can be fairly stressful. However, I've also suffered from depression for a decade and expect I will still be dealing with it when I attain my career. How can I go about handling my illness while also successfully pursuing my passion? What kind of practices should I employ while on the job, and what mindset should I have? #research #psychology #mental-health #mental-illness #psychiatry #clinical-psychology #depression #stress #passion #science #brain-sciences #highered #phd

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Uma1733 views

What are some ways that people have found helpful for dealing with mental illness in the professional world?

I'm a high school student concerned about how my mental health issues (multiple anxiety disorders) may impact my professional career in the future. I'd love to hear from people who have had experience with this issue. #professional #careers #mental-health #depression #mental-illness #anxiety #anxiety-disorders #anxiety-management #personal-development

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Belal2911 views

What's the daily schedule of a psychiatrist?

I love Psychology and it's always been my dream to go into psychiatry due to the lack of doctors in the mental health field. But I'm curious about the various types of psychiatrists and what their day is filled with. #mental-health #psychiatrist #mental-illness #forensic-psychiatrist

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Danielle2206 views

Can someone with Social Anxiety be discriminated against when applying for college or a job; and what can I do to limit this?

I am a high school junior with good grades, an above average ACT score, and am an overall well rounded student. However, I have Social Anxiety and am currently considering a career in veterinary medicine as a vet or something similar. I don't talk well with people but am an actress, and am sure the next few years of higher education will get me ready to communicate better with people. I realize LEGALLY they can't drop you for the illness alone, but I'm scared I would be judged by label and not what I can do nor who I am. #career #college-admissions #job-market #college-admission #mental-illness

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