Career questions tagged phd

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Pawan629 views

I'm a Research scholar in University of Mumbai. I had completed masters in life sciences specialization in biochemistry, and now I am working as a JRF(Junior Research Fellow) in Project. and at this stage I am Stuck, as soon as the project gets over i have to go for another project or research work. the main question is should i go for PhD or go for Teaching, or in research again which one will be better? My Pov-(I've seen people with PhD were jobless because they did not find any suitable job they often get rejected by recruiter and the reason is overqualification). So, now am quite afraid to pursue PhD but also I don't want to stop myself for learning and earning.

There is no gaps in my academics. and I am very much interested research field. My age is 23.

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Ava313 views

Would it be weird if I took two gap years?

I have been asking many questions lately about whether I should take my gap year after High School like many people do or after getting my bachelor's before my PhD in Psychology to be a Psychology professor. With all of the different advice I'm getting I have been wondering if I should just do both. Thoughts?

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Ava361 views

When should I take my gap year?

Hello there! I am a high school junior in August 2024 and want to take a gap year, but I intend to get a Psychology PhD. So should I take my gap year right out of high school or between my undergrad and PhD program? I just don't want it to be harder to get into a college because I didn't apply out of high school where I have a lot of support versus on my own after a gap year.

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Ava514 views

What high school and community college classes or extracurriculars should I do to prepare for a Psychology PhD and gap year?

Hi there! I am a high school junior starting August 2024 and I intend on getting my Psychology undergrad, taking a gap year to travel, then returning to get my Psychology PhD. The career path I have chosen is a post-secondary Psychology teacher (a psychology professor). What classes or extracurriculars would you recommend in high school to prepare me? I am a little lost on what classes will be helpful in the long run.

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Daniela275 views

Why is a PHD worth it ?

Recently graduated hs

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Zemira262 views

If I aspire to study neuropsychopharmacology or the effects of addiction on the mind, what extracurriculars/opportunities do you suggest I complete to make me a competitive applicant for graduate school ?

I am currently a rising junior in college

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Jill317 views

What would be a reason for me to get my doctorate in higher education as opposed to my DNP?

What would be a reason for me to get my doctorate in higher education as opposed to my DNP?

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Yanic285 views

What can I do to get into a fully funded scholarship program in a graduate school and do a PhD with a professor that has an ongoing research interest that he's working on? #spring24

I have a BSc in Mechanical engineering, I graduated with honors and I'm looking forward to working in a research Lab(manufacturing or a design and simulation Lab). I believe that I have talents in Mechanical engineering that can contribute to the world. #spring24

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Daphne397 views

Are M.D./Ph.D. (neuroscience specifically) programs worth it ?

I'm currently a high school senior. I already committed to a college and I'll be majoring in neurobiology but I wanted to get some advice from others to see if an M.D./Ph.D. program after undergrad is the way to go (or if just getting an M.D. is better) so that I can start preparing for it. I know I want to become a neurosurgeon and that I definitely do want to do research before residency.

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Amwaj358 views

Dietitian Questions

Hello! I really want to do something in the medical field, and one of my options is to become a dietitian. My questions are: 1. Can I get a PhD for it? 2. If so, what are the differences between a regular dietitian and a dietitian with a PhD (e.g., difference in salary, difference in what they do, etc.)? Thank you!

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Kayode506 views

What are the steps I need to take to become a professor in chemistry ?

How do I go about be on top of my academic career

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ThankGod990 views

I'm considering pursuing a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction in the USA. What career opportunities could this open up for me? I need some guidance to make an informed decision.

What are the career prospects for a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction in the USA, considering my background? I hold an MSc in Social Work and a BSc in Psychology of Education. How does this compare to pursuing a PhD in Social Work? Which option would be better, and why? My primary concern is securing a well-paying job upon graduation, whether in academia or in practice.

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Jada653 views

Master's or PhD for Marine Biologist?

Hi! I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's in Biology. I am also conducting water conservation undergrad research and conducting my own research projects is something I really enjoy. Ultimately, I want my graduate degree in Marine Biology and to conduct hands on research on coral reefs. I have been going back and forth between getting my Master's or PhD in Marine Biology after the completion of my Bachelors. I definitely want to end with a degree higher than Bachelor's. Is having my Master's or PhD after undergrad more beneficial for this field?

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Mary350 views

What is thr pay for accountants ?

Thank you for reading this help me review my question

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Jade964 views

In terms of applying to graduate school, would my chances for admission be higher with a Master's degree?

I am a psychology major and graduating in the Fall of 2025. I've been looking to clinical psychology PhD programs, but some programs don't require a Master's degree for admission. However, I don't know if that would make me less competitive when applying. If I could avoid 2-3 additional years of paying for school I would love that, but I don't know if my chances would be better with more schooling. Any advice would be great!

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Christian1404 views

What are the top skills I need as a biology major looking to go into grad school/academic research?

I am currently a sophomore in college majoring in biology. Now that I am soon entering the second half of my undergraduate education, I am starting to think more about my career plans. My goal after I graduate is to go to grad school for my phd. Besides internships and lab experience, what else would you advise I do or learn to prepare?

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Gourav1606 views

How can I do PHD from Oxford?

I finished my MBA in finance and want to do PHD from Oxford University.

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Jack938 views

Where should I get A career advisor?

Am looking for a career advisor anywhere

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Grace265 views

How much money?

I'm planning on going to college for my PhD in psychology and am wondering if anyone can give an estimate of student loans this would give me. Thank you!

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Jolene553 views

Are doctorate degrees that aren't PhDs taken seriously at all in academia?

e.g. the Doctor of Education (EdD), clinical doctorates for different disciplines

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s403 views

how many years of school do most adults take to get their phd?

how many years of school do most adults take to get their phd?

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Chekwube472 views

What would you advise a college senior applying for a Master's or PhD in International Relations immediately after undergrad Is it better to work first? If yes, what jobs in the international relations field pay decently? Personally, I am interested in global politics (especially with a focus on Sub-Saharan Africa), foreign policy, research, and diplomacy.

I am rising senior majoring in International Relations with a minor in Economics. I've been thinking about the Think Tank world because I like doing research but I also like the idea of the foreign service (I still struggle with learning French). I would love to do diplomatic work, maybe more in the political side of things. Sorry if this is all over the place.

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Nishka290 views

How many years of education and training did it take to become a psychologist?

I would like to earn a PhD when I go to college in 2024, so what would I have to do, specifically, to reach that level?

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Joel325 views

I am an undergraduate student in my second year I didn't do so well last semester and my gpa dropped to a 2.1, can you give me some advice as to how to prepare for grad school? Is it too late for me?

How do I prepare myself for a PhD at MIT, or other Ivy league or top schools in the world's? Should I also get my masters before my PhD program and will that shorten or extend how long my doctorate program will be? I am also planning to get a master before the PhD though since it isn't that close I still wanted to hear an opinion from an expert. I am currently a computer science student at Florida polytechnic university if that helps as well. FYI: I plan to do better this upcoming semester and hopefully raise my GPA close to a 3.0 by the end of either the fall or spring. And I plan to start getting some research opportunities with professors.

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Nova312 views

How good of an idea is it to work on your doctorate at the same time as being an adjunct professor?

I'm a high school senior and aspiring linguistics major who intends to become a professor and obtain their PhD. I've heard about adjunct professorship and that while it is very important to become a tenured professor, it's as time-intensive as tenured professorship with significantly less pay. Would these two goals at the same time be too overwhelming or hard to balance? I'd like to hear professional opinions!

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Sara320 views

What are the first 5 things I should do when looking into Phd/Graduate school programs?

I graduated with a Bachelor's in Political Science a year ago and am interested in these fields: social work, ethnic studies, and law/policy. I have work experience in higher education, mentorship, Ethnic Studies, writing and research, and retention programs.

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Mar456 views

If I'm already working in the pharmaceutical industry (regulatory affairs) and have a background in research, is it necessary to get a PhD degree if I want to continue my career in research or I the chances to relocate in my company with Master degree are higher? What would you recommend?

I'm a Pharmacist with a Master in Neuroscience. Currently, I'm working in regulatory affairs field. I would like to continue my career in research (drug development). I'm trying to decide the best way to get to my purpose.

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Emily278 views

Is there anything I need to be aware of before studying medicine?

Is there any specific information I need to master to really get the subject?

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Keilana350 views

What kind of school is the best for getting a science-related Ph.D.?

I want to go into the science field and want to know how to get the best education for it.

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Dy'isha499 views

Get a PhD?

What does it take to get a PhD

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