Career questions tagged phdbound

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Ava361 views

When should I take my gap year?

Hello there! I am a high school junior in August 2024 and want to take a gap year, but I intend to get a Psychology PhD. So should I take my gap year right out of high school or between my undergrad and PhD program? I just don't want it to be harder to get into a college because I didn't apply out of high school where I have a lot of support versus on my own after a gap year.

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undefined's avatar
Ava514 views

What high school and community college classes or extracurriculars should I do to prepare for a Psychology PhD and gap year?

Hi there! I am a high school junior starting August 2024 and I intend on getting my Psychology undergrad, taking a gap year to travel, then returning to get my Psychology PhD. The career path I have chosen is a post-secondary Psychology teacher (a psychology professor). What classes or extracurriculars would you recommend in high school to prepare me? I am a little lost on what classes will be helpful in the long run.

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Madeleine1014 views

What is the gender gap like in upper level sciences, first hand?

I am a female, high school senior considering a career path in upper level mathematics, academia and research. I am very concerned with underrepresentation of women and I would like to know of any first hand experiences. Researching online I find a lot of statistics, but I would like more. Has the situation gotten better or what can I do to prepare to break some glass ceilings? #women-in-stem #stem #stemcareers #mathematics #science #phd #science-phd #computer-science-phd #phdbound #research #academia #professor #graduate-school

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Marina534 views

Will the college I choose support the goals for my future?

My plans include getting a PHD in a science field. I am undecided in what colleges to attend and still working on applications. How will I be able to determine if the colleges I have applied to have programs to support my goals, mentorship opportunities, and future internships availabilities. #futurescientist #PHDbound #cantstopmenow

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