Career questions tagged academia

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Hannah286 views

Is a job in academia possible for someone who is disabled?

I am a disabled veteran going into Biological Anthropology, and I plan to be involved in academia for a while. I have heard people talking about how much pressure grad students and untenured professors are under to perform. My main concern is that my disabilities (which are mostly invisible but severely impact my daily life) will be viewed as a lack of effort and I will not be able to succeed. My question is, if you're disabled and work in academia, how did you find and keep a job that doesn't run you into the ground? Is that even possible?

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Abby1167 views

Is it okay to cold email professors who I'd like to do graduate research with?

It's time to think about applying for graduate school! I want to email some professors to learn more about their research group and fields of study. Is that acceptable or might it count against me in the application process? #PhD #graduate-school #research #grad-school #applications #physics #optics #laser-physics #particle-physics #academia

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Chloe1317 views

tips for undergrad student

What is one thing that you wish you did better in undergrad school? Could be anything! #undergraduateschool #doctors #therapists #business #marketers #analysts #counsellor #teacher #gradschool #july20 #university #medicine #technology #research #academia #jobs #work

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Hannah762 views

Is it a good idea to go PhD program from professional master's program?

I am a graduate student in a professional school. I began the program envisioning being a product manager, but I realized that I wanted to be a scholar than working for a business. Do you think it is wise to pivot my career and throw the investment that I made at the professional school and start over again? #graduate-school #college #PhD #Academia

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Stephanie803 views

What degrees are required besides an MLS to be an Academic Research Librarian?

#librarian #socialsciences #humanities #academia

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Madeleine1014 views

What is the gender gap like in upper level sciences, first hand?

I am a female, high school senior considering a career path in upper level mathematics, academia and research. I am very concerned with underrepresentation of women and I would like to know of any first hand experiences. Researching online I find a lot of statistics, but I would like more. Has the situation gotten better or what can I do to prepare to break some glass ceilings? #women-in-stem #stem #stemcareers #mathematics #science #phd #science-phd #computer-science-phd #phdbound #research #academia #professor #graduate-school

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Jessica714 views

How hard is it to find short-term work at a university?

I'm interested in working at a university after graduating (as a researcher and a professor), but I'm still unsure if I want to do that for the rest of my life or settle down in one place. Are there a lot of jobs for people who only want to teach for a limited time? Or do universities generally prefer professors to stay at one university? #academia #university-teaching

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Hadi1387 views

What should be done to have a PhD in International Trade area?

I consider working as an academic. In this regard, I have a bachelor degree of International Trade and Logistic. I need some suggestion about it. #phd #logistics #academia #international-trade #logistics #academic

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Amina772 views

How is the working environment in academia like?

For example, becoming a professor at university or working with a research team at a lab. Scientific research is something that I am really interested in, but is it a flexible position? Can I also do something in industry as well? #academia

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Landon1055 views

College graduates; what do you wish you had known about college life when you were a freshman?

I've been getting set up to go college this spring (choosing dorms, FAFSA, etc.), but I still retain some concerns about life on campus. Specifically, I'm interested in what the consensus is regarding the ability of someone like myself, who has always had problems being social, to make friends to hang out with, while balancing that with academics. However, the above question about my own circumstances is less important than the one in the header. Any and all advice about unexpected aspects of college life are appreciated! :) #college #friends #academia

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