Career questions tagged july20

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jakkary361 views

What organizational challenges have you faced?

high school graduate

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salimah572 views

1. What does a typical work day looks like for you?

I’m looking to pursue a future in Esthetics an I have a few questions about the career. I would be so grateful to hear about your experiences with as an esthetician! I have a few additional questions if you could please answer them. 2. What are some of the biggest challenges an also greatest rewards of your day-to-day work? 3. How was the process of becoming an esthetician( school , certifications , extra training etc)? 4. What’s the most common service that you offer?  5. What is one advice that you can give to someone who’s looking to become an esthetician? 6. What skills would you say are required to be successful in this career?  7. How do you stay updated with the latest advancements and also trends? 8. What would you recommend to someone who is new in the field to build experience?  9. Do you feel fulfilled with this career & Why?

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Xiao433 views

How do I study for a med exam?

My GPA as a freshman is 4.0. How many days should I be prepared for an exam? What are your techniques?

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Aiden429 views

My question is what is a good routine or habit that I can build that will help me in college. Also how can I achieve this and I would also like advice on some of the best colleges out there.?

My question is what is a good routine or habit that I can build that will help me in college. Also how can I achieve this and I would also like advice on some of the best colleges out there.

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Alex612 views

How can I make friends in college ?

Hi, I’m a rising senior in high school. I am getting ready to apply to colleges, etc. I am interested in some skills I could pick up on for college…..

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eyejay524 views

How do I make the most out of my computer science degree?

I am a incoming 3rd year computer science major, and I'm not sure ways other than getting good grades in my classes to reap the benefits of my degree in order to be successful with it for my future.

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George555 views

As a recent college graduate, how should I proceed to build a stable foundation of wealth for myself?

I am currently living with and taking care of my mother. I am also jobless at the moment because of this. I am not too sure if I should first try to secure a job or if I should continue my education and enter a masters program. As someone with a degree in music and education, I was considering a job as a Music Teacher. However, my interests have shifted away from that.

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Nusrat308 views

Is possible to double major?

Do you recommend it Pro/Cons Is necessary

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Amanda738 views

How close is Brooklyn-99 to the real NYPD?

Ok, dumb question, but is Brooklyn-99 anything similar to actually being on the NYPD? I love the show and it's made me consider joining the NYPD but I know it's fiction and probably unrealistic. One of the best parts about the show is its representation and diversity, but is the NYPD force actually anything like that, or is it like police stereotypes and mostly white guys? I know the events and humor are exaggerated on TV, but does the workplace typically have toxic masculinity and racism like some police forces are known to have? #JULY20 #police #NYPD #cops #cop #NYC #New-York #criminal-justice

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Amanda2165 views

Is becoming a lawyer worth it?

I'm thinking about becoming an environmental lawyer, but I've heard law school is draining both financially and emotionally. Was it worth the effort put in? Are some types of law more fulfilling than others? Do you regret becoming a lawyer? Is there anything you would do differently? #lawyer #lawyers #law-school #attorney #environmental-law #environment #law #JULY20

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Dhruv636 views

How will the creation of the Superstring theory affect our thoughts about dimensional capabilities and travel?

Dimensional travel is known as a phenomenon but I believe that it is possible. Scientists have recently proven the existence of different dimensions, so travel must be feasible. My question is, how will the creation of the Superstring theory affect our thoughts about dimensional capabilities and travel? #JULY20 #JULY20 #EDUCATION #JULY20 #JULY20

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Dhruv737 views

How will my involvement in the program effect my learning throughout college?

I am a dual enrollment student who is on the verge of graduation. My involvement in the program started in the summer of 9th grade. I have been in the program for over two years, and my question is how will my involvement in the program effect my learning throughout college? Will I receive an advantage over my peers? Will the classes count towards my college graduation requirement agenda? #JULY20 #JULY20 #JULY20 #EDUCATION #JULY2020

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Dhruv742 views

How am I going to use my degree to help and change this world?

I am a graduate of the class of 2022, but I completed my high school requirements in 9th grade. I started dual enrollment in summer of transfering to 10th grade and I plan on graduating high school in December 2020. When I was doing dual enrollment classes, I always wondered about the classes I was taking. They were required for my classes, but I wondered how will I apply the concepts I learned In the real world? How will I use all the math and sciences for computer science? #JULY20 #Education

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Monica786 views

Stuck between pursuing Content Creation and Entrepreneurship

At the heart of it, I want to pursue a career that can make a positive difference in other people's lives. One of my core values is flexibility, so I've been strongly advised against entrepreneurship but I've latched onto this identity so long it's hard to shed it off. Should I focus singularly on content creation like blogging, or should I continue to apply to entrepreneurial programs (as backup, if you will)? Thanks for taking the time to read and/or answer! :) #JULY20 #career #blogging #entrepreneurship

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Monica828 views

Best websites for blogging as major source of income?

Specifically, blogging about personal experiences that can uplift and inspire others to make a difference in their own lives as well as others'. Was recommended IG, Medium, LinkedIn, Wordpress, but I'm open to other platforms! Thank you :) #JULY20 #blogging #career

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Bao-Truc897 views

What are your best study habit tips to give for future college students?

I struggle with staying focused and getting my assignments done for school. Not only that, but I also get easily distracted and end up eating and going on my phone for many hours instead of doing my homework. I'd really appreciate it if anyone could give me tips on what YOU do to study and on what I could do! What do you do in order to have a good balance between your academic and social lives? #studyhabits #socialmedia #college #JULY20

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Catherine963 views

What the key differences between undergraduate and graduate school?

I'm a current undergraduate student who will be graduating in the spring (if things go according to plan), and while graduate school wasn't originally part of my plan, it's something I've begun considering. I've found that there seems to be less advice out there regarding grad school as opposed to undergrad, possibly because graduate school varies a lot more depending on which field you're planning on going into. For reference, I'm considering pursuing a Master's in Higher Education, so I'm wondering what to expect from graduate school. Is it more hands-on than undergrad? Did you feel that it was more demanding because you had to balance studies with an assistantship or something like that? #school #college #schools #colleges #graduate-school #graduate-schools #university #universities #undergraduate #graduate #undergraduates #graduates #advice #college-advice #experience #experiences #future #masters-degree #degrees #degree #higher-education #education #july #july20 #scholarship

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Catherine1205 views

For anyone who has made a successful career change, what were the most important things you had to do, or what advice would you give others looking to do the same?

I'm a current college student, so I haven't officially started my career yet, but I'm extremely anxious about doing so, especially now that the pandemic has changed life as we know it. I've changed my career aspirations several times already, but now I'm nearing graduation and I'm still terrified that I'll wind up in a career I don't enjoy. Whether you ended up changing careers because you were dissatisfied or because you found better opportunities in another field, I'm really interested in hearing the experiences of professionals who have been in a situation like me. How did you overcome your worries, and what advice would you give to someone else? #career #career-counseling #careers #career-advice #future #career-options #college #college-student #graduation #career-change #career-switch #career-changes #career-switches #advice #july #july20 #scholarship

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Itzel594 views

What are some resources to support students who want to pursue something in the medical or public health sphere?

Specifically, resources supporting Latinx, low income, first gen (specifically WOC), and LGBTQI+ identifying students? #JULY20 @ #public-health #LGBTQI #medicine #firstgenerationcollegestudent

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Yulisa640 views

What jobs offer computer science in Texas?

I was wondering what jobs will there be once I am done with college. I was hoping something big like apple for example. #july20

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Itzel874 views

St. Edward's University vs Middlebury College. Which should I choose?

I'm a first generation college, low income WOC, and I've struggled a lot in college in general due to my mental health. I have the opportunity to go back to Middlebury College and finish my degree in Neuroscience. However, I was also recently admitted to St. Edward's University as a Behavioral Neuroscience major. What are some things I should consider as I make my decision? I'm also not sure I know enough about St. Edward's University in general. I also want to take the pre med track more seriously with the hopes of becoming a doctor in the future. #JULY20 # #college #medicine #education

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Aldair1313 views

How much time should I realistically spend studying in college?

Im going into college next year (2021) and right now during high school I don't spend a large amount of time studying. I wanted to know so I could start changing my habits during my last year of Highschool. #general #JULY20 #studying

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Jenny1112 views

Do I need a license to work in the Insurance field?

I am currently in my second-year of post-secondary in the insurance field. However, I am not too sure if I need some sort of license after I graduate or if a bachelor's degree is good enough. In addition, if I do need a license, can I just do the license while I am still in school? Or do I have to wait until I graduate? If I do need a license, which ones do I need since I know there are many types? Thanks! #insurance #underwriting #broker #claims #riskmanagement #canada #july20

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Jenny1047 views

What can I expect in the Insurance field? (underwriting, claims, etc)

I am currently in an insurance program in my post-secondary school however, I am not that exposed to it. The main courses for the program don't begin until my third year and I do not know what I am really getting myself in to. I was wondering if any of you could explain the different roles in the insurance field and what it looks like on a day-to-day basis for each role. Thanks! #insurance #underwriting #broker #claims #JULY20

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Carmilia654 views

Can you choose what field in nursing you want to work in?

Let's say I want to work in Labor & Delivery as soon as I pass the NCLEX and would start looking at nursing job openings. Can I choose Labor & Delivery or would I be assigned? #JULY20

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Mohammad713 views

Do I know enough about this major? How can I answer myself ?

#university #majors #JULY20 #scientist

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Samsuzzoha818 views

What should I do to increase extra thinking power & enlarge my leadership skills?

I have came to know something about few top universities of canada, sometimes they requires Leadership skills, extra thinking power for giving scholarships to study in their universities. So that, I want to study abroad & also make a improvement on this skills. #JULY20 #Experts #Professors #business

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Samsuzzoha525 views

How can I be a entrepreneur by programming and business marketing skills?

Last few months, I thought about it but didn’t got any best idea. Though, I am a student now, but I wanna do something by improving those skills. #JULY20 #lecturer #experts

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Taylor592 views

How Do I Get Scholarships for College?

I am currently not receiving any financial aid for my college tuition. Are there specific websites that I can go on to apply for scholarships? I have a great GPA and am studying marketing. #scholarships #july20

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Taylor1008 views

What Careers Can You Have With A Bachelors Degree in Marketing?

Hello! I am a transfer student currently transferring to West Chester in the fall. All online though :( I will be studying marketing and am wondering what types of jobs I could thrive in as a marketing student. #Marketing #JULY20

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