Career questions tagged broker

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CareerVillage Office Hours296 views

How to become a freight broker?

Tell us everything we need to know to become a freight broker. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Alejandro460 views

Is a finance or business degree better for a stock broker?

Being a stock broker is the career which I have been looking at the longest but I am not sure whether a finance or business degree would be better for the job.

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Chloe408 views

How hard will schooling for a real estate agent be?

I want to follow my family business but I need accounting knowledge and real estate and market knowledge. I also need money to start up my career. I know the types of jobs I can do within the field it’s just getting started that is scary.

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Jenny1112 views

Do I need a license to work in the Insurance field?

I am currently in my second-year of post-secondary in the insurance field. However, I am not too sure if I need some sort of license after I graduate or if a bachelor's degree is good enough. In addition, if I do need a license, can I just do the license while I am still in school? Or do I have to wait until I graduate? If I do need a license, which ones do I need since I know there are many types? Thanks! #insurance #underwriting #broker #claims #riskmanagement #canada #july20

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Jenny1047 views

What can I expect in the Insurance field? (underwriting, claims, etc)

I am currently in an insurance program in my post-secondary school however, I am not that exposed to it. The main courses for the program don't begin until my third year and I do not know what I am really getting myself in to. I was wondering if any of you could explain the different roles in the insurance field and what it looks like on a day-to-day basis for each role. Thanks! #insurance #underwriting #broker #claims #JULY20

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Hadi742 views

Is there anyone, who works in shipping company, to give some tips about being a part of Shipbroking sector?

I'm asking this question as a candidate of employee in that sector #shipbroking #broker #brokers

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Hadi1062 views

How many years experience are needed to be in the Ship Broking area?

24 years old graduated student. Willing to work in Ship Broking area. How many years do I have to work as a trainee? #shipbroking #broker #brokers #shipping

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Meng4024 views

What do commissions look like for a seasoned stock broker?

I am a junior in high school. #money #investing #dinero #broker #commissions #stock

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