Career questions tagged new-york

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Moshe333 views

Are there internships available for EMTs after they graduate?

I recently graduated an EMT-B course in NYS at 17. people have told me that it's hard to find opportunities while you're under 18 and still in school. what is the best way to get the experience you need to advance and not forget everything?

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Tyreese616 views
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emma648 views

how much money should i save up for living costs in new york?

#money #new-york

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Amanda738 views

How close is Brooklyn-99 to the real NYPD?

Ok, dumb question, but is Brooklyn-99 anything similar to actually being on the NYPD? I love the show and it's made me consider joining the NYPD but I know it's fiction and probably unrealistic. One of the best parts about the show is its representation and diversity, but is the NYPD force actually anything like that, or is it like police stereotypes and mostly white guys? I know the events and humor are exaggerated on TV, but does the workplace typically have toxic masculinity and racism like some police forces are known to have? #JULY20 #police #NYPD #cops #cop #NYC #New-York #criminal-justice

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Leion1138 views

career advice

should networking students pursue a degree or career in computer science? #new #new-york #electric #south

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Kyana962 views

where in New York can i be an intern for the summer?

I would like to be an intern for the summer but don't know a law firm that hires a 16 year old junior. #law #communications #communication #intern #pre-law #new-york #junior

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Liz1094 views

How do you go about finding a summer internship?

I have just finished my sophomore year at the College of Charleston and was not sure how to go about finding a summer internship before I headed back home to New York. I'm a double major in Business Administration and Hospitality and Tourism so at my college there is a list server for Tourism majors you can sign up to receive emails of local job openings and internships available in the Charleston area. It's very convenient and useful as many of my friends who are staying in Charleston over the summer were able to find some great jobs through it. Now that I am back home in New York I'm struggling to find a job and I was curious as to whether there was something like that here, something that students could sign up for and receive notifications of job listings in a specific area, for a specific major or certain age such as a college student. #business #internships #college-jobs #hospitality #tourism #new-york #openings

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Brynna1000 views

How difficult is it to transfer from a university in one state to a university in another?

After receiving my Bachelor's in Journalism in Florida, I want to start my career while working towards my Master's in New York and plan on transferring to Columbia. I am worried that if I'm not recruited, the transfer process will be very expensive and extensive. Even though it would kick start my career, I don't want to graduate with a Master's and tons of debt. #journalism #masters #college-transfer #bachelors #debt #new-york #florida #columbia-university

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Emily1439 views

How difficult is it to find a job in publishing that allows you to afford the cost of living in New York?

I have always wanted to be an editor, however my concern now is in being capable of comfortably supporting myself. This newfound concern has led me to question whether my choice path will be realistic enough to pursue. #writing #editing #books #publishing #magazines #new-york #newspapers

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