Career questions tagged cops

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Erick2125 views

Do you need a college degree to be a police officer?

Hi my name is Erick and I’m 13 years old I’m from Arizona and I just want to know more information about being a police officer.

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Kaedin322 views

How can you join the police department and do you have to be a state resident to join the police department

Why does the police officers say 10-4 and other police code talk and why do you have to switch the signrens while going through a intersection and what age can you retire and or you can keep working

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Amanda738 views

How close is Brooklyn-99 to the real NYPD?

Ok, dumb question, but is Brooklyn-99 anything similar to actually being on the NYPD? I love the show and it's made me consider joining the NYPD but I know it's fiction and probably unrealistic. One of the best parts about the show is its representation and diversity, but is the NYPD force actually anything like that, or is it like police stereotypes and mostly white guys? I know the events and humor are exaggerated on TV, but does the workplace typically have toxic masculinity and racism like some police forces are known to have? #JULY20 #police #NYPD #cops #cop #NYC #New-York #criminal-justice

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Sheila600 views

How do you cope with having a job that doesn't necessarily always end well?

How do you deal with your occupation on a day to day basis when some things are out of your hands? #doctors #lawyers #cops #social workers

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Jesus1110 views

what helped you make your decision in college to become who you are today and what you do today?

I am confused on what I actually want to be in life. Either an engineer or somewhere in the cop area. #college #engineering #high-school #careers #cops

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Memo1283 views

what diplomas or certificates do i need to become a police officer in hayward, California

i want to become a police officer and i live in hayward, california #police #detective #cops

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Bridget1360 views

What are colleges in Massachusetts that have good law-enforcement programs?

I'm a sophomore in high school and looking to pursue a career as a cop when I'm older. I'm from Boston, and am wondering what schools around here have average programs. #police #law-enforcement #cops

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Jose-Luis3756 views

How do you destress as a police officer on a tough day at work?

Im interested in how police officers deal with day to day problems and how they over come them. #police #law-enforcement #cops

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Eric2475 views

What influenced you to pursue a career in law enforcement?

I am strongly considering a career in law enforcement. I am in the 11th grade. I want to know how other people were influenced to work in this field. #law #police #law-enforcement #officer #cops

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