Career questions tagged lawyers

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Katherine416 views

What undergraduate major is best for law school preparation Are there any specific courses or extracurricular activities that can help with law school admission? What are the most important factors to consider when choosing a law school? How competitive is the law school admission process, and what can I do to strengthen my application? What are the different areas of law I can specialize in? How do I choose a specialization, and when do I need to decide? What does a typical day look like for a lawyer in your field? What are the most challenging and rewarding aspects of being a lawyer? What are the different career paths available to lawyers (e.g., private practice, corporate, public service)? What are the steps to advance in a legal career? What essential skills and qualities make a successful lawyer? How can I develop these skills during my education and early career? How important is it to get internships or clerkships during law school? What are the best ways to gain practical experience in the legal field? What is the bar exam, and what should I know about preparing for it? How difficult is the bar exam, and what are the pass rates? What is the current job market like for lawyers? How can I improve my employability after graduating from law school? How demanding is the workload for a lawyer, and what is the typical work-life balance? Are there certain legal fields that offer better work-life balance than others? What ethical challenges do lawyers commonly face? How important is it to stay updated with changes in laws and regulations??

I hope to be a lawyer once I am older.

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anistatia399 views

what is the daily schedule of a lawyer

what is the schedule of a lawyer from day to day

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Lauren359 views

What are the requirements to become a Lawyer?

I want to become a Lawyer, but I don’t know what are the requirements. What are the requirements to become a lawyer?

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Gifty495 views

How to Write a Personal Statement for Law School?

Tips for writing a personal statement.

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Madison418 views

how can i prepare for being a lawyer?

how do i become a lawyer? how can i prepare as an 8th grader?

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rhoda269 views

what do i need to be lawyer?

i want to be a good lawyer

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karyssa460 views

What are the hardest parts of becoming a lawyer?

What’s the hardest part of becoming a lawyer? More specifically, a defense attorney in criminal cases? And what are the most important things to know before committing to becoming a lawyer?

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Jayson405 views

Why do lawyers go to court?

Why do lawyers have to go to a courthouse all the time, what is an industry and why do we have them also why does our question have to be so long to post?

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Maureen434 views

How to know if you are qualified to be a lawyer?

Traits, advice, details, specifics.

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Maureen397 views

What is the life of a lawyer like?

Specific details and qualifications for each. Pay, hours, mindset, traits, family life, degrees.

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Nicole539 views

What is the most important quality for criminal law?

I want to know if I'd be a good fit, so I want to know the most important quality/qualities for criminal law lawyers.

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jocelyn323 views

Law school

Usually how long does it take to become a lawyer?

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Joshua293 views

How can I prepare myself to become a more responsible lawyer?

What are some things you do in the work force that you have to take responsibility for?

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Ja'Cara317 views

What helped you find your calling?

I'm in 9th grade I'm thinking of becoming a lawyer but I don't know what type, what helped you find the law you wanted?

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Stephanie861 views

Criminal Law

Do you think Criminal law would be a good thing to get into? I'm debating if it's a good choice. If I shouldn't why? But if I should what are the perks?

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Henry2388 views

Is working for the goverment really worth it?

im curios if its good to work for the goverment

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Elizabeth262 views

What classes shouldi take if i want to become a lawyer?

I'm in high school and would like to become a lawyer I just don't know how or what classes I would have to take. Being a lawyer is something I'm considering.

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Lorelai329 views

What can I learn about law school?

What schools are good for studying law?

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Sydney352 views

How do you deal with losing a case?

When you are on a case for sexual assault and you lose how do you deal with it

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Valeria276 views

How do you become a lawyer? Is it hard?

Hello, my name is Valeria and I’m 12 years old in 7th grade. My question is how do you become a lawyer? And is it a hard thing to do?

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Aileen325 views

How do you become a lawyer?

What skills do you need to become a lawyer, and what do you need to start your career?

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erin228 views

How many years of collage are required to become a lawyer?

what is the minimum amount?

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Teanna275 views

Where would I start to pursue in criminal justice and law?

I really enjoy watch criminal shows and trying to figure out who did what. I find lawyers really hard working and I would love to hear back on opportunities or opinions.

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Kylie389 views

Why do I want to be a lawyer ?

I want to be a lawyer because I have always wanted to help people that are innocent and my family and friends say that I am smart and that I would not let a person down when they need help.

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Summer1080 views

Can I become a international lawyer with only a international relations degree ?

And if not , is it possible to work in companies or In the business field without a business degree if I have only international relations degree ?

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May406 views

When studying to become a lawyer what are the most important things to remember?

When studying to become a lawyer what are the most important things to remember or do to help with studying and stuck

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sarah634 views

I want a job as a lawyer, but that takes up a lot of time in my life what other job options do i have?

i really would like to be a lawyer, though my parents and family don’t think i could, i also wanna spend time with my family in the future but being a lawyer takes up a lot of time and i feel like i wouldn’t have time to do that. I don’t want to be an absent mom in my kids life. What are some options to make sure i have time for family.

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Marley291 views

How many years is law school ?

Im 14 and want to do law

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Sylvia384 views

How do I know what type of lawyer to be?

I want to be lawyer, I think. But I can’t figure out what type of lawyer I want to be.

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Claire430 views

What are some tips or advice for someone wanting to become a lawyer?

I’m in high school and want to pursue a law career. Any classes I should take or books I should read to give me a head start?

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