Career questions tagged government

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Taylor392 views

what is political science?

what is political science?

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Samantha529 views

How do I find a job post-grad in the political science sector ?

I just recently graduated from UCSB with a political science degree and I am very interested in international relations and community development, but I have no idea where to start, and it seems like the job market is scary. I would like to work for the government, but am considering going to law school as well. I have acquired relatively decent experience throughout undergrad: - I graduated with a 3.7 gpa from UCSB - I worked on a community development research project as a research assistant - I interned for a non profit organization in a position focused around community development and outreach - held a position in my sorority for a year Any tips/tricks/advice on how or where to look for a job?

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Avery252 views

How did you first get involved with foreign relations work while in college?

I am planning on being an International Lawyer, but I am unsure of how to get involved with related internships or organizations as an undergraduate that will teach me skills needed in the future.

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CareerVillage Office Hours647 views

How to become a Lobbyist?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Lobbyists on their path! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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eleanor522 views

How does one become active in politics at the national level as a politician?

I am moderate and would like to get my ideas out there. I feel a job as a political representative would be best for me. I don't know how to get there.

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Myles321 views

How does one manage juggle two jobs as a nurse and someone involved in law enforcement?

I'm interested in Nursing and law enforcement, but I don't know how to come buy it because I'm interested in both occupations. If there's any way to manage both occupations any information woul be helpful.

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Jana274 views

How do I become a conductor?

I would like to know the next of becoming a train conductor.

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CareerVillage Office Hours590 views

How to become President?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become President? Note: Given the growing interest in the politics field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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CareerVillage Office Hours357 views

How many votes needed to become Speaker of the House?

Tell us everything we need to know to become a Speaker of the House. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Jake489 views

What subjects should I focus on For a carrier in political science ?

I want to be a political analyst when I grow up.

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Kevin589 views

How do you get started in urban development and community engagement?

I will be graduating with my B.A. in Communication in May 2024. I will also be enrolling in an MPA program this Fall.

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Henry2388 views

Is working for the goverment really worth it?

im curios if its good to work for the goverment

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Violet416 views

Will getting my GED hold me back in Politics?

I'm currently in the Job Crops program. After I plan to do 2 years of community college and then transfer to a Univerity for my Political Science degree. Then I want to pursue politics. My question is will getting my GED at Job Crops instead of my diploma hold me back in politics? Currently to qualify for my Diploma I have to get my GED so is it really worth doing both?

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Joel393 views

"How can the criminal justice system strike a balance between ensuring public safety and fostering rehabilitation for individuals convicted of crimes, especially in the context of evolving societal norms and changing perspectives on punishment"?

"What educational and professional pathways should individuals pursue to become a Crime Scene Investigator, and how does the evolving landscape of forensic technology impact the skills and qualifications required in the field of criminal justice?"

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Jana613 views

Is there any room for growth when working in Security?

I would like to know if there is any advancement or opportunities in homeland security.

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Violet717 views

How possible is it to get into a job as a politician or a Political Scientist, and what are some of the requirements?

How long does it generally take to find a job as a Political Scientist or a Politician? What kind of education should I try to get to properly prepare me for either career? How competitive is the job market for these careers?

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Isalyn552 views

How can i get into Human Services at an early age ?

How can i get into Human Services ?

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hay1032 views

What are the best fields of law to go into for someone who enjoys politics, but also enjoys studying criminal cases?

However, the idea of defending a criminal does not sit right with me, and having a criminal get out of jail come after me for prosecuting them is also nerve wracking.

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Tnchom585 views

What is the best job for a political science major focusing on public policy and management ?

What is the best master's degree to add to my major for a good-paying job?

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eliseo261 views

what do i have to do to be a federal agent?

8 grade career planning

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eliseo574 views

what is it like to be a federal agent?

8th-grade career planning

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Grant5148 views

Police Academy Questions?

Is it true that you get tased and pepper sprayed in the police academy? What if you have no prior knowledge on how to use a firearm, will they teach you?

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Gabbie889 views

How can one find good political science/policy internships as a high school student?

I’ve been wanting to do an internship related to policy for a while, but it’s been hard to find internships for high school students. Any tips?

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Ryder458 views

How do you enter politics?

I am 8th grader from Arizona who is interested in politics, I want to know how enter? Is college worth it for a political career?

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robert644 views

what is the presidents jobs?

What are his responsibilities? *original body was removed by admin as it didn't meet our community guidelines*

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McKenna864 views

What is the best way to get involved with politics at a young age?

I am interested in a career in politics eventually.

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Catherine622 views

Where are the best places to find internships related to law, government, or public service as a high school student and how can you make yourself stand out?

I am interested in studying political science, public policy, and international relations. I have done fellowships and internships related to politics locally, but I want to expand. I am not sure where to look.

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Katherine568 views

What should I know before joining the computer science world as a women?

I am looking to be a computer software engineer, or developer or a coder of some sort

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ty'lynn434 views

How do I leave college and get into my career?

I want to go to Yale then work in a government agency for criminal psychiatry

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aida565 views

how do I become a politician? how do I sign up for the CIA?

yes I'm only 14 but I've always wanted to work for the USA in the government system coming from me who's a Latina with immigrant parents I want to succeed in life I want to work as an undercover agent but what first steps should I take? what highschool classes should I take and how do I start from a young age?

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