Career questions tagged federal-government

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Taylor392 views

what is political science?

what is political science?

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Halie500 views

Should I get my masters in criminology or sociology?

I am graduating with a bachelors in Criminal Justice with concentration in Crime and Criminology this year.... and I am looking on going into my masters. I want to do something within forensic sociology - criminologist, detective, forensics things like that. I am wondering what would be better, a masters in sociology or masters in criminology? I have done research and it said either works but what would be best? I do have a minor in sociology (School wouldn't let me double major). I talked to a few of my professors and they also all said it doesn't really matter. I am also looking into getting a Ph.D but what I get that in will depend on what I get for my masters.

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Kaitlynn5122 views

What kind of jobs can I get with a criminal justice BA?

I am going to uni for a Criminal Justice degree and want to make sure I'm making the right choice for a future.

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CareerVillage Office Hours590 views

How to become President?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become President? Note: Given the growing interest in the politics field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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CareerVillage Office Hours357 views

How many votes needed to become Speaker of the House?

Tell us everything we need to know to become a Speaker of the House. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Violet416 views

Will getting my GED hold me back in Politics?

I'm currently in the Job Crops program. After I plan to do 2 years of community college and then transfer to a Univerity for my Political Science degree. Then I want to pursue politics. My question is will getting my GED at Job Crops instead of my diploma hold me back in politics? Currently to qualify for my Diploma I have to get my GED so is it really worth doing both?

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Joel393 views

"How can the criminal justice system strike a balance between ensuring public safety and fostering rehabilitation for individuals convicted of crimes, especially in the context of evolving societal norms and changing perspectives on punishment"?

"What educational and professional pathways should individuals pursue to become a Crime Scene Investigator, and how does the evolving landscape of forensic technology impact the skills and qualifications required in the field of criminal justice?"

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Violet717 views

How possible is it to get into a job as a politician or a Political Scientist, and what are some of the requirements?

How long does it generally take to find a job as a Political Scientist or a Politician? What kind of education should I try to get to properly prepare me for either career? How competitive is the job market for these careers?

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eliseo261 views

what do i have to do to be a federal agent?

8 grade career planning

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eliseo388 views

What do I have to do to be a federal agent?

8th-grade career planning

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eliseo574 views

what is it like to be a federal agent?

8th-grade career planning

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eliseo259 views

How do you become a federal agent?

8th-grade career planning

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Ryder458 views

How do you enter politics?

I am 8th grader from Arizona who is interested in politics, I want to know how enter? Is college worth it for a political career?

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Elijah377 views

What are some of the benefits of going into a non-union masonry job rather than joining the union ?

DN Tanks being a nonunion company has heard mixed reviews on which one is truly the better route to go down

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Katherine568 views

What should I know before joining the computer science world as a women?

I am looking to be a computer software engineer, or developer or a coder of some sort

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aida565 views

how do I become a politician? how do I sign up for the CIA?

yes I'm only 14 but I've always wanted to work for the USA in the government system coming from me who's a Latina with immigrant parents I want to succeed in life I want to work as an undercover agent but what first steps should I take? what highschool classes should I take and how do I start from a young age?

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Brennen340 views

How do I become an FBI agent?

How long do I have to go to school? What classes do I have to take?

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Malaisha538 views

As a crime scene investigator, what is the most traumatizing part of your career?

As a crime scene investigator, what is the most traumatizing part of your career?

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Brenna514 views

How should I get involved in political campaigns when I get to college?

How should I get involved in political campaigns when I get to college. I am a senior in high school and I am looking to pursue the political science field and want to become a lawyer. I love my AP Government class and learning about our history and the Constitution.

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Tess577 views

What can a rising college student do to get involved with American Government and Policy?

As an AP United States History and AP United States Government and Politics student, my interest in American government has grown substantially. How can a rising college student get involved with American government and policy?

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jayden1572 views

What is a better degree for criminal justice BA or BS/ Is a minor in business worth the degree?

What is the best major for an FBI agent, What criminal justice major is better criminal justice BS or criminal justice BA ? Is a minor in Business worth the degree ?

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Norris782 views

What does your workday as a lawyer look like?

Hello, I am focusing very straightforward on becoming a lawyer and someday a Judge my question is there anyone who could maybe tell me about their workday as a lawyer? I'm also looking broaden my horizons and get a better insight into the legal system

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O'Keizion720 views

mechanical engineer vs cia agent

what is the best job in making the best money and other job opportunities and just have a better time making a future for being a mechanical engineer and or being a cia agent.

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Madyson380 views

Federal Government or Investigator/ College

What college courses should I be taking to work for the federal government as an agent or investigator?

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David944 views

How to become a CIA agent?

Hi I’m David, I was thinking about what requirements do people join the Central Intelligence Agency.

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vincent427 views

whats the highest pay in homeland security and what is the lowest pay in homeland security?

i need to know if this a job will have me financially stable for the lifestyle i want to live.

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S.M. Asikul Islam532 views

What educationcal qualification is needed for studying CA?

#gpa #college-selection #federal-government #government #colleges

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fernando580 views

whats the experience pay for HVAC

#federal-government #social-worker #internship #volunteer #finance#elchimuelo

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Taylor857 views

Is there financial aid for everyone?

#financial-aid #college #federal-government

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clarence661 views

How do i become a border patrol agent

#federal-agent, what are the steps for becoming a federal border agent in the United States? #federal-government

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