Career questions tagged forensic-psychology

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Lauren304 views

What minor should I do with a Bachelor's in Forensic and Investigative Science?

What minor should I do while I am going for my Bachelor's in Forensic and Investigative Science. I am focusing in Biology for this major and I am trying to decide between psychology or neuroscience. I am also considering doing both at this time. I am planning on applying for the FBI once I am graduated and have a few years work experience. So, I am wondering which minor would be best or should I just do both?

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Trinity174 views

How can I find on-the-job training for forensic science?

I’m interested in working in the forensic science field, specifically as a crime scene investigator or a forensic biologist. I’m going to college in a small town with an average crime rate.

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Kalli401 views

Did you major in forensic-psychology or general psychology?

High-school sophomore looking for college advice

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Kalli314 views

What does a day in the life of a forensic psychologist look like?

High-school sophomore looking for advice on profession

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Valerie476 views

What is the career path to become a forensics psychologist ?

Hello. I am currently a sophomore in College with a major in psychology and criminal justice. I am currently doing research for my future career and was wondering what tips, classes, and future schools I would need to apply in order to accomplish this goal.

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Kayla367 views

How can I start preparing for my future career now ?

First, what jobs in Federal Agencies (FBI, CIA, DEA, etc.) are good for someone with a degree in Forensic Psychology? Secondly, how can I strengthen myself as an applicant now as a first year student with no work or internship experience in order to get to these agencies one day? Thank you!

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Vaishnavi691 views

Is it okay to select forensic psychology as a career option, if you are from humanities background?

So, I am from India and am interested in psychology so I chose humanities.. however, alot of people in my surrounding are asking me not to continue psychology as it is kind of a dead career option since not much jobs are available and it will be hard to fend myself later.. So what should I do.. I don't understand.. though i like it and would like to continue my opinion of going through with it but then the opinions of other people are also justifiable so I don't know what to do.... (I want to go for forensic psychology specifically..)

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Emma654 views

what is the difference between forensic psychology and criminal psychology?

Im doing a research paper on psychology and im have trouble understanding the difference between the two. #psychology #forensic psychology #criminal psychology

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Becki410 views

High School Career Class Questions Detective?

I have an assignment to learn about careers in Criminology, but I do not have any contacts to interview. Would you help me? I need 2 from a detective, crime scene investigator, forensics, professor, forensic psychology, criminal justice, lawyer, etc. Job Title? Full Time/Part Time? 3 day to day tasks? Types of projects? Degree? School? Entry Level Job for this career? 2-3 things you like about your job 2-3 things you don't like Where else could you work with your degree

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meadow453 views

What kind of high school classes will prepare me to get a degree in forensic psychology?

Not sure if I should take chemistry 1 & 2 in high school. I’m taking 1 now, and i plan on taking psychology (possibly AP) and forensics senior year. I’m in 10th now.

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Emma1066 views

What classes, major, and minor should I get so I can become a Forensic Psychologist??

I am having a hard time looking for classes that would be beneficial to take in college that I would need to become a Forensic Psychologist. I also have heard many different things about what I should major and minor in at college, and it has put me through a loop. I am just looking for some guidance to do better research into colleges and what I need to look for. Thank you for all your help!!

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Emma290 views

What are some good classes to take as a senior in high school that would prepare me for college if I want to go into the field of forensic psychology?

I am currently a junior and starting to pick out classes for my senior year in high school, and I am having a little trouble deciding what classes would be good to take to prepare for Forensic Psychology.

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Evan1982 views

What United States college would be recommended for a career in forensic psychology ?

Forensic psychology has been my dream career for years, my only issue is finding a good university to apply to once I graduate. I've done some looking, but I'd like a professional recommendation to help with my decision. Many colleges I've seen only offer psychology, without forensic courses or classes.

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Jakayla370 views

Why did you chose the field of forensics?

Why do you like it? Within forensics, I'm interested in forensic science and forensic psychology.

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Destiny589 views

What tasks do forensic psychologists do daily?

What does the day to day look like, such as environment and tasks?

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Adilay3677 views

What is it like working in forensic psychology?

I've been looking into different careers in the psychology field and forensic psychology looks interesting, but I don't know much about what that job would entail. Education requirements? Tasks? Salary? Other rewarding factors/pros? Cons? Any other info that may be good to know?

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jalynn4506 views

How to be a forensic psychologist?

Hi, I'm Jalynn in 11th grade in high school, I was wondering how you became a forensic psychologist what are the steps I need to take now while I'm in school to get on this path, etc.

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Keaghan1111 views

What colleges would you recommend for a career in forensic pathology?

I'm really interested in the medical aspect of forensic pathology. Ideally, I'd like to work for the government to help victims gain justice.

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ty'lynn434 views

How do I leave college and get into my career?

I want to go to Yale then work in a government agency for criminal psychiatry

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Cat403 views

Which category of forensics should I choose?

I want to go into forensic science but there are so many categories that I don't know which to choose. Could you help me?

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Bo1008 views

What is it like to be a forensic psychologist?

i know a bit about it, but i’m still not 100% sure on what they do, and i would just like a little more info

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Ernesto306 views

How many years of college did you need to go through to become a detective?

Hello! My name is Ernesto and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the Forensic Science field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment. 1. How many years of college did you need to go through? 2. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 3. How can I decide if I should earn a PH.D. in this field? 4.Were you in a college program? 5. Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 6. Did you shadow another professional in the field? 7. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 8. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 9. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career?

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camryn2322 views

What is one of the biggest struggles of being a forensic psychologist?

Are there any struggles or hardships about being a forensic psychologist? What is one of the hardest things about your job?

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Ava1591 views

How long did it take you to become a forensic psychologist?

About how many years did it take you to become licensed/have the degrees necessary to become a forensic psychologist? Were you able to join as a forensic psychologist right away, or did you have to join a starter career and work your way up?

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Ava592 views

I like history, psychology, and law. Is forensic psychology a good career choice?

I am in 10th grade and I have been looking at possible careers and forensic psychology caught my eye. I want to be involved in law without being a lawyer or constantly in the courtroom. I also find psychology interesting. What is forensic psychology really like? Does it apply to anything I said above?

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Ava322 views

How did you become a forensic psychologist ?

What college did you go to and for how long? Did you do any internships? Do you think becoming a forensic psychologist was worth it, what are the major pros and cons?

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Tiffany1561 views

What is the best way to get into a forensic science type job?

I took a forensics class and decided that it might be something I'm interested in, what is the best way to determine if it is a right fit for me?

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Addison1014 views

What are the different careers under Forensic Science??

forensic scientist

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Lillian460 views

What is the best college for me to go to if I want to major in Criminal Psychology?

I plan to major in Criminal Psychology when I go to college. I have already started thinking about what classes I should take in high school to help prepare to go into that field. I live in a place where there are a bunch of Ivy League schools around, I'm just not sure what college would fit me best.

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paige968 views

How manageable is it to double major in forensic psych and criminology?

I am thinking about double majoring in forensic psychology and criminology/justice studies and i'm not sure if the workload would be too much. I want to be able to do criminal investigations out of college.

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