Career questions tagged college-majors

Each college will have a list of different majors to choose from. The college major will determine the requirements needed to graduate with a degree. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less
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ari246 views

How do I find the best college for my intended major and career path?

I start my senior year in august

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Ashleigh450 views

Hey, I am currently going into my freshmen year at Unc Chapel Hill, I am very excited but still trying to decide what I should major in, I enjoy being organized in everything, and I love learning new things and leveling up in everything I do, I also love doing creative stuff such as dance, and theatre and love when I get that chance to mix both skills, any suggestions on majors?

suggestions for college major?

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Mercy309 views

What major can I do in collage in order to be a marine scientist?

No additional questions

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Stacy502 views

What colleges have majors that would help me to become a Data analyst?

I am in the 11th grade and I have to look into what colleges I will be going to next year I think I want the colleges to be in Manhattan NY or anywhere in the USA.

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Eirini290 views

What tools have helped you figure out your career path?

How did you figure out what career you wanted? Did you ever change directions? When did you know which was the one? I'm struggling to choose a direction to head in, but I love to have a plan, and I want to be ahead. Therefore I'm trying to choose a career path but I'm overwhelmed and unsure what direction to head in.

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parmita647 views

How do I narrow down a major I want to enroll in based on what majors I’m interested in?

I want to enroll in anything related to computer science/programming, graphic design, or psychology. I’m currently a 9th grader and I used to have a programming class which I enjoyed and excelled in. I’ve also had an interest in designing, specifically graphic design, for very long. Recently I’ve been growing a liking for psychology and anything related to it, as I’m fascinated by it. I don’t know how to choose between these 3 specific fields and need help on deciding one for college.

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Emaille392 views

I'm currently a freshman in college majoring in Marketing with a minor in Design. I might also double major or minor in Real Estate. My school doesn't offer an Interior Design major - what would be the best majors for someone interested in pursuing a career in interior design?

Can I go for it?

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Yodenni604 views

What major should I choose if I don’t know what I want to do?

I’m interested in various things and very confused on which one I should pick because they all fall under different fields.

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Kristin488 views

What should my major be Lawyer, pharmacist, producer.?

I pretty much have 3 options I've narrowed it down to. Lawyer, pharmacist, music producer. Lawyer because I like to argue & I'm pretty good with backing up my reasons + they make a good amount of money, but it is possible it won't work out because I can't find a good law firm to work for. Pharmacists because they make a good amount of money no matter where you work. Music producer because I love music and making music (specifically beats for rap & I love rap/hip-hop in general) & I'd love to learn more about music theory, but I'm a female and if you aren't successful, I might lose a lot of money. In the end is it up to me and my desires or should I focus on the success rate & money?

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Kristin419 views

When should I decide my collage major?

I'm a freshman in HS, so I still have a good 3 years before college, but I don't really have a clue what I want to study. I have a few ideas, but they're all in different fields and for different reasons. Also considering the fact that my major will impact which schools I should apply to, should I choose my major first and then apply to schools based on that or should I apply to schools & decide my major after?

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Nithilan401 views

How do I find internships for computer science and premed?

I want to find ways to be an experienced doctor or computer science and I haven't completely decided which field I am going to choose.

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Vincent459 views

How do I find which colleges will be the best for me?

How do I start looking for colleges?

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Kai324 views

Where do I start when deciding which major I want to undertake?

Or should I apply for colleges undeclared.

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Jenny663 views

What degree might help me achieve financial stability sooner?

I am debating between industrial/organizational psychology, business-admin, and Political Science? also which degree might help more once I obtain a bachelors because I do know that for psychology and and political science I might have to further my education after my bachelors but I am just stuck if they are worth pursuing? I want to be able to be financially stable with a healthy personal/work lifestyle first and then continue studying. I have finished all of the pre-req's for these 3 choices with the consideration to the university i would like to transfer but then before applying I looked into nursing for some time and did a couple classes but saw that either way I would be starting form zero and doing more pre-req's that I went back to look into which career to narrow down on and finish before starting something else. I'm hesitant about what to do? any ideas might be nice :)

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Benny504 views

What IB sl and HL courses should I take if I would like to purse criminal pyschology?

What IB sl and HL courses should I take if I would like to purse criminal pyschology, what IB courses would be helpful to prepare for my undergraduate

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Betany1193 views

What is the best major for college?

I'm in 12th grade thinking of a major for college

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Kali1933 views

What are the pros and cons of forensic science and forensic anthropology?

Recently I've been running back and forth between forensic anthropology and forensic science. I understand the two are similar but I think that's why I'm having an issue deciding in the first place! I want to be able to compare the two to get a solid idea of what I may be working with in the future.

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merissa308 views

How do I get into college. How do I chose a major What if I wanna change my major. How do I find the cost of tuition. What if it cost to much? How can I finish early? ?

How do I get into college. How do I chose a major? What if I wanna change my major. How do I find the cost of tuition. What if it cost to much? How can I finish early?

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Joy277 views

What should I lookout for when looking for a major in college?

I don't have any specific hobbies I'm too involved in, so I'm not too sure what to choose for my major in college. it's still early, but I want to be prepared early.

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Camryn443 views

What college major do I choose?

I am only still a 10th grader, but I want to look ahead at colleges and which major and minor to choose. I am looking to be in the healthcare field, I have looked at a physician's assistant. In my other question, I said that their job description intrigued me. I don't know what college I'm going to go to yet but I do want to know what classes/majors I should choose.

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Hunter354 views

BBest colleges and majors?

What would be the best architectural colleges? What would be the best majors if I wanted to be a historical restoration architect?

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Yaritzi444 views

how do you know that youve chosen the right thing to major in what if i change my mind on what i want to study?

im a senior applying to colleges and filing out scholarship apps and was wondering what would happen if i decided i dont like my major.? im a senior applying to colleges and filing out scholarship apps and was wondering what would happen if i decided i dont like my major.

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James337 views

What is a good major?

I'm a high school senior trying to figure out what to major in

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Rhyian348 views

Does choosing a certain major lesson your chances of admission?

I wrote my personal statement on neuroscience, but I applied as a Philosophy major to UNLV. UNLV doesn't have a Neuroscience major, but they have it as a minor. Did I lesson my chance of admission to UNLV because of my personal statement and major choice?

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Conner520 views

What was the field you wanted to go into during high school and how did that change as life progressed?

10th grade business. Just a high schooler doing this so I can get a big assignment done so please respond because that would be very appreciated by me. Thank you!

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Hunter433 views

Collage majors

If I double majored in architecture and American history and Minor in political science would that be the best?

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ashley436 views

How do you switch majors or minors during your time in college?

If you change your mind about what path you want to go down, how do you change majors or minors?

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Isabella798 views

What should i know about Veterinary Science before selecting a major and what are my options?

Hello I'm a senior in high-school and I'm planning my career/college path. I am very interested is Veterinary Science and plan on studying in that field. I would love to learn more about Veterinary Science and soon select a major in that field. I would appreciate any information, guidance, or advice in this field while I advance through my last year of high-school and build my resume.

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Trinity1836 views

What majors should I look into that relate to being a veterinary technician?

Hi, I am a senior in high school interested in becoming a veterinary technician. However, I am unsure what my major should be. What majors should I look into that relate to this occupation?

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Evan426 views

For film majors, what did you struggle the most when taking classes for it?

Are there any interesting experiences with fellow film majors? Any heads up before I should take it or things that you wish you did or knew sooner before majoring in it?

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