Career questions tagged producer

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Jamal634 views

How do I maximize my talent and share my "gift" with the world while also making enough money to be able to sustain myself and others?

Young 23 y/o artist self taught producer and engineer autodidact looking to grow as an artist

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Damien370 views

How do I become a film writer. Such as someone who makes a comic book movie?

Some one who can create movies based off their own thoughts.

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Luke912 views

How to keep coming up with ideas for a sitcom series? #Spring 2024

I am 16 and writing a TV sitcom to make on my high school stage with sets, costumes, makeup and the lot. I am also the lead actor, the director and producing it. I have 21 episode ideas, the first two fully scripted. What is the best way to keep the creative juices flowing with a hectic high school schedule, and get more episode ideas.

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Kristin496 views

How can I get started with making music?

I'm a freshman in HS & I want to pursue music production as a possible career in college, does anyone know how I can get an early start on that? I love music, specifically rap (hip-hop & R&B too), and I was wondering if anyone knew any good websites that I could get started on with making beats. I'm a fast learner, but since it would be my first time experimenting, beginner-friendly websites would be preferred :) Also if anyone has tips/knows any good YouTube channels that discuss this topic, that would be greatly appreciated!

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Kristin488 views

What should my major be Lawyer, pharmacist, producer.?

I pretty much have 3 options I've narrowed it down to. Lawyer, pharmacist, music producer. Lawyer because I like to argue & I'm pretty good with backing up my reasons + they make a good amount of money, but it is possible it won't work out because I can't find a good law firm to work for. Pharmacists because they make a good amount of money no matter where you work. Music producer because I love music and making music (specifically beats for rap & I love rap/hip-hop in general) & I'd love to learn more about music theory, but I'm a female and if you aren't successful, I might lose a lot of money. In the end is it up to me and my desires or should I focus on the success rate & money?

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Sophia360 views

Do Producers and Directors work with Video and Film Editors?

Is becoming a FIlm & Video Editors hard to become in the future?

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Wyatt789 views

How do I get a movie in theaters?

How do I get a movie in theaters?

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Wyatt488 views

How do I hire people (actors, set directors, costume artists, musical score orchestras) for my movie-production company ?

How do I hire people (actors, set directors, costume artists, musical score orchestras) for my movie-production company?

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Brennan337 views

How do you become a music producer?

The the reason why I picked this question is because I want to become a music producer

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Namrata258 views

I am already a film producer in Bollywood but I want to make international films and be amongst the 5 most respected Indian producers worldwide. What should be my next step after graduating with my master's in film production. How should I capitalise from my education and translate into breaking into the studios of the west, and what should be my next step and and how should I go about it in an unconventional way Where should I start these processes? I want to set a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, 6 month goal for afterward in order to move toward becoming an International film producer and using art as a catalyst for social change. ?

I am already a film producer in Bollywood but I want to make international films and be amongst the 5 most respected Indian producers worldwide. What should be my next step after graduating with my master's in film production. How should I capitalise from my education and translate into breaking into the studios of the west, and what should be my next step and and how should I go about it in an unconventional way? Where should I start these processes? I want to set a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, 6 month goal for afterward in order to move toward becoming an International film producer and using art as a catalyst for social change. Please explain what should be my 3 short term goals and the action to be taken for each and 2 long term goals and what are the actions to be taken to reach those goals. Please provide insight on Skill, Experience, Knowledge to be gained. How Will This Be Gained? (e.g., on the job experience, formal/informal seminars/courses, coaching/ mentoring, etc.): Provider (e.g., workplace educator, university, coach/mentor, etc.): How do I create my Support System to help me achieve my goals (List network groups, classmates, colleagues and friends that can help you achieve your goals)

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dylan670 views

how do I stand out if I want to go to film school?

hi I'm a freshman in high school and when I'm older r I want to be a director.what should I do to help me become prepared and to stand out to the film school I want to go to, and how do I find out if this is really what I want to do.

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Shana389 views

What does it take to become a music producer?

I love music and am interested in working in the music industry. How can I start making music and build up the skill to become a producer?

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Israel282 views

How long did it take y'all to become a music producer?

What is the process of becoming a music producer?

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Israel356 views

How do music producer get their contracts?

How do they make contracts?

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Israel338 views

What where the main struggles of becoming a music producer?

What are some tips that you have for people who are barely starting with music production?

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kaitlyn753 views

Is it worth it to become a photographer?

if i stay in tech i will probably go to be a photographer and take pictures of babies and pregnancy and also wedding pictures maybe couple pictures as well i dont really know

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Madison648 views

What are good entry level jobs or opportunities for sound engineers and producers?

I'm a high school senior interested in studying music technology in college. I reside in California right now and am aiming to study in LA, NYC, or Nashville. I'm also open to study abroad opportunities.

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Jordan876 views

How did you make a career path in the music industry?

I started producing my own music when I was about 12 or 13 and since then I've learned a lot and wanted to potentially turn it into a full blown career, so I was wondering how people in the industry got to where they were and made good amounts of money.

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Za'Mare382 views

What tough encounters have you run into with being a Producer and/or Director ?

What tough encounters have you run into with being a Producer and/or Director ?

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Bartholomew Davis IV641 views

What has been your biggest challenge, and how did you overcome it?

I am doing some research on the career of Producers/Directors.

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Bartholomew Davis IV432 views

What are you most proud of in your career so far?

I am doing some research on the career of Producers/Directors.

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Andre859 views

What is a good home studio setup?

I am looking for a good home studio setup but don't really know what to get so what do you think is a good starter setup #music #producer

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Morgan501 views

What can I expect in the film industry?

I'm super interested in going to college for film, an getting a job in the film industry. Not as actress, but as a #producer, #director, #screenwriter, etc. I'm aware that this career path is notoriously hard to break into, and I'm not sure if it will be worth pursuing. What sort of challenges can I expect, and what are some positive things? #film

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Grayson463 views

Is producing a movie fun?

#producer #movie

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Grayson509 views

How long does it normally take to produce a movie?

#producer #movie

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Grayson481 views

How do you sign actors?

#actor #producer

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Grayson453 views

How do you sign on for a movie?

#producer #movie #film

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Grayson571 views

What is day to day for a producer?

#producer #production #career

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Ka'Mari1301 views

how can i start a path to a music career

#career #musician #music #music-industry #singer # #singing #producer #

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Tyler965 views

How do I choose between two careers?

I'm a community college student, who will be transferring soon. I have wanted to make movies ever since I was a small child. It's the only thing I have ever been good at. I make short films in my free time with my friends, I go to the movies twice a week. I analyze the box office, and the careers of directors and producers. Its the only thing I have ever loved. Cut to my freshman year of community college, and I took a tort law class. Im not gonna lie, I love it. Nowhere near as much as I love movies...But I do like Law. Im good at law. I have gotten straight As in all law classes, and spoke with my Contract Law teacher who thought I should end up in law school, and it got me thinking. Im now torn becuase a career in law is stable. Its interesting. Im really good at it. But a career in filmmaking is all I've ever wanted. Its my passion. Its my dream. How do I pick between my passion and what I'm good at? I also don't know If I will be able to afford law school, due to the fact that Im having trouble affording undergrad. Im really torn. I come from a very poor family, and dont want to end up poor and miserable later in life. I want to make the right decision. In a perfect world, I would be able to do both... #college #lawyer #film #Movie #Law #Director #Producer #Cinema #law-school

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