Career questions tagged performing-arts

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CJ288 views

What is the best school to apply to if you are interested in the performing arts?

Best school Options?

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Joshua593 views

I’d it possible to become an actor at 14 and if so how?

I’ve been wanting to be in the entertainment business for my whole life. Now that I’m 14 and have some skills I want to know how I can make this a possibility.

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Joshua730 views

What are some good college’s for Preforming Arts and Music?

What are some good college’s for Preforming Arts and Music that I can start to research and see what I like.

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Joshua903 views

I want to be a Singer, Songwriter, Dancer, Actor, and Author. Is it possible to do them all?

I’ve seen many people that have done it. Like Kim K. She does so much and so well. I want to know if I can do all the things I love to do and keep a personal life and keep myself from going insane from all the work.

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Nya312 views

How can I focus on being a professional dancer ?

I am a sophomore, that is 16 years old that lives in New York, I want to focus on being a professional dancer for myself , but I get distracted by other things which takes away my time , how can I focus on being a professional dance and focus on other activities

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Milo593 views

How could I break into the acting industry in highschool?

Hello! I’m a Highschool theater student and I was wondering how or even if I could go into the big time acting industry in highschool! I think I’m ok at acting so maybe it’s possible!

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Tom596 views

How do I obtain a doctorate degree?

Hi I am Tom. I am currently a student majoring in English literature music and dance arts ..I am a tenth grader. I am also in the football team that's how I got into college

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Keira300 views

How do people gain recognition from celebrities when it comes to dancing on social media?

I am a dancer and I want to take myself big. I know I have the potential but I don’t have enough recognition

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Davise470 views

What is the best way to promote a telent as a future artist?

What is the best way to promote a talent as a future artist? Who is willing to become a film actor or actors singer

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Mariel780 views

What career path should i choose to gain credibility in the field of performing arts and arts education?

I currently work at a private performing arts academy as a dance teacher and head of the academic department. I am in charge of creating curricula for the program and supervising the production team to give artistic input in departments such as scenography. I first started as a student in 2019 and then became part of the teaching team in 2020 due to my advanced dance knowledge (I have been dancing professionally for over 10 years), my experience as a dance assistant in the past and the lack of dance teachers at the academy back then. Since then, I have worked my way up the ranks and now have this good position I mentioned at the beginning. However, I don't have a degree in anything, I have been guided, directed and instructed by the director of the academy and she has helped me develop my leadership skills and helped me get to where I am now. I have discovered my passion for leadership in the performing arts and the world of arts education because of her support and belief in me. But the reason I ask this question, regardless of my current professional position, is because I know that this world is primarily driven by the degrees or masters you have, and in order to enhance my professional development and get more opportunities in the artistic and/or academic world, I may need to get one. So with that thought haunting me every day, I've been searching for degrees that will help me to accredit my current work. That being said, the biggest struggle I have been dealing with in the last few weeks, is the lack of information I currently have about careers that might offer what I am interested in and also the lack of flexibility of careers to study online so I can continue to work and keep my expenses as a freelancer. I have found names of interesting careers but they end up being master's degrees and not bachelor's degrees. I would like to know where are those degrees where I can study something related to directing or artistic education that can be achieved online, or in a short period of time in person. Or, I would like to have a chat with someone who can give me other degree options that might interest me as well and add to the skills I already have and acquire new knowledge. I am very interested in learning more of the educational academic world around the arts field, I also like topics related to human behavior, psychology and anatomy, if that helps give a broader context of the type of degree I am looking for. I have talked to mentors, co-workers, professors, colleagues, professional artists, and they have given me good advice on how to further develop my professional skills without a degree, but no one has helped me find detailed information on bachelor's degrees. I am still looking on my own because I know in the end I will be the one making the final decission, but I would really appreciate more detailed information/advice coming from professionals in the field and I think this is a good place to start.

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Daniel1163 views

How do I become a pop star?

I am looking into becoming a pop star. I understand this is a bit unrealistic but I know it's achievable.

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Wyatt789 views

How do I get a movie in theaters?

How do I get a movie in theaters?

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Asa1113 views

How did you continue to pursue such a difficult career with everyone telling you to “have a realistic plan”?

I’m still a freshman in high school but acting is my passion and I’ve never been more sure of wanting to do something for the rest of my life so I just want to know. It might be worth noting that I’m also good at script writing which is the career my parents are trying to nudge me more towards whether they’re doing it on purpose or not. While I do enjoy writing and plan on maybe starting that way and then looking for an opportunity to pursue a more onstage/on screen job, it’s not my main focus, it’s more of a starting point. I am in a magnet school for drama so i am very involved in theatre and acting and am learning new techniques and will be doing a lot of shows and competitions for my high school years.

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Ava613 views

How does one start to go into the dance industry ?

I’m tying to become a professional dancer and don’t know where to start.

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ella545 views

How do I become a catholic singer?

i want to become a very very good singer. I also want to write my own songs. I already write my own songs. I would also like to help people with my music.

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Afua532 views

How to get into acting as a teenager?

I think if you want to be an actor it has a start as a kid to be more successful. Most successful actors now usually start as a kid because their parents might sign them up for kid shows as a kid and that usually grows into it and starts doing it more until their older.

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Val813 views

How do I get into the film industry as an actor?

I am 16 years old and have been in theatre since I was 8. I am currently in my high school school theatre where we do two shows a year.

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Asher493 views

How to be a better actor?

How to be a better actor

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Mario861 views

When it comes to booking jobs in the performing arts community, is it better to have a degree in Theatre Performance/Acting or Musical Theatre and why?

For some context, I'm currently a student at my college of choice, and am pursuing a degree in Theatre Performance currently. I truly love every aspect of performing, from live theatre and plays and musicals, to voice over work, and film and television. However, recently I've been debating whether or not to switch to the Musical Theatre program because I do also love musical theatre. I just want future agenices/managers/casting directors to see my versatility and be able to audition for all these types of jobs from all the areas I listed above.

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Griffin2610 views

Theatre degrees?

What is a good alternative or a job that you can get with a theatre degree? Are there any well-paying jobs with a theatre degree, and can I do theatre for a living?

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Carolyn1022 views

What dance schools are the best for ballerinas?

I’m a junior in high school and I want to be a professional ballerina, I’ve done dance since I was 8 and love it, but I’m confused where to go after high school. I know about schools and academy’s but I don’t want to go to NYC or California if possible. What are the best schools? How do I get into them? How do I apply to them?

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Aureale505 views

How do I find acting auditions near me?

My Name is Aureale. I'm a 16 year old African American in the 11th grade. I love acting and singing. They're both my passions. I want to one day be an actor. But I don't know how to find auditions.

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Anthony1965 views

How would one get into the acting community; what tips/tricks should I use to become a successful actor? I’m new at this and I’d love some tips to get into it!

I’ve been wanting to be an actor for as long as I can remember, but I’m from a small town in Louisiana. So I’ll need a bit of help to get there. Any ideas?

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Angel618 views

How do i figure out what i want to do as a job?

I'm interested in artsy things

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Angelina393 views

Advice for starting the acting industry

How do you get started in the acting industry!!?? !!?? what are steps to prepare you for it!!?? !!?? And what advice do you have for kids starting young in the performing arts !!?? !!??

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Michelle411 views

How do I get started with songwriting?

I don't seem to know where to start and all of it just seems a little scary, so some guidance for me would be appreciated. I want to go into a career with music because I know how much it helps me and I want to be able to use it. Not just more me though, for other people too. I want to be able to give people that same feeling that I get when I listen to music.

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Gerlaysia515 views

How can I get paid to dance, which profession do I need to be in?

Hi, Gerlaysia again! haha … ummm I also want to know do dancers get paid if they dance in the stands or if they dance for a NBA team or both

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Destiny371 views

What are things I should avoid when auditioning?

How do I get into acting? What’s the best way to find an audition? What are things I should avoid when auditioning? Is there any extra advice you may have?

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tia657 views

Drama Major

Is majoring in drama a bad decision if I want to become an actress?

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Samantha574 views

What should I do if I want to Become an actor in musicals?

I love to do musicals but I don’t Know how could even achieve this dream of mine it feels too out of reach. But I am in musical theater and voicemail techniques at my high school.

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