Career questions tagged entertainment-industry

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CareerVillage Office Hours484 views

How to become a Director?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Directors on their path! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Zana220 views

What do I need to know to start a part on becoming a TV host? How can I become a TV host? Why are there only few people in that career parth..?

I have a passion for speaking and sharing information and knowledge with people....and I look forward to doing it for the rest of my life. Thank you.

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Juliana741 views

What is the best networking for potential actors and writers that is better than LinkedIn?

I’m currently creating a list of schools to apply to. What are the best networking apps for potential actors and writers to beyond that’s not LinkedIn?

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Daniel1165 views

How do I become a pop star?

I am looking into becoming a pop star. I understand this is a bit unrealistic but I know it's achievable.

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Lynn597 views

When is it best to apply to post-production jobs?

About what months are best to apply to entry level jobs in post-production? i know the industry is a bit in flux at the moment, but I'd appreciate any advice.

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Jypsie443 views

As a freshman in high school who in the future wants to voice at what do you think I should start doing now to develop my voice acting skills for in the future when I'm able to voice act

I like to watch animated series such as anime and cartoons so I'm very interested in voice acting in one of my favorite animes that was not having English voiceover yet

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Karem505 views

What are the steps for a foreign dentist to practice dentistry in USA?

I'm a 25 years old foreign dentist practicing outside USA Knowing that I'm passionate single man & Holding a bachelor of Dental Surgery with 2 Years experience In all duties of a general Dentist.

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Rae505 views

I have some questions regarding welding and was hoping to get some help with them.

1. How great of a learning curve does welding have, does it get more difficult with time or easier? 2. What will be the most likely experience I'll have when I first start out welding in the workforce, will I be given a lot of opportunities to prove my worth or will it end up being a lot of grunt work? 3. What is the best advice you could give me in terms of getting better at welding aside from practice, are there any tips or tricks you could tell me? 4. What is the likelihood of being able to get into the entertainment industry or be a commercial diver as a welder?

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Megha1393 views

I need a job that allow me to travel around the world.Or jobs that are adventurous.please guide me...l love to travel a lot

#travel #food #cooking #entertainment-industry #entertainment-industry #traveling

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Lien935 views

What is the best field to pursue in the entertainment industry?

I may or may not be going to college next year, which means I need to choose a major. I don't have any interests in any other field besides the entertainment industry. I want to know which field is both satisfying and having a decent pay. Ex: animation, film, etc. However, I also want to know if it's worth getting a degree/major in this field. #animation #3d-animation #college-majors #entertainment-industry #iscollegeworthit

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Gabriella1217 views

is it hard to find a job from an Entertainment Business major?

i want to under go the Entertainment Business major to hopefully work in the entertainment field #entertainment #entertainment-industry #entertainment-marketing #music-entertainment

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Riley1437 views

When deciding where to go to college how important is it to access location?

The main reason I ask this question is because I am an aspiring entertainment journalist and I would like to know if it is helpful to go to college in a place like Boston or New York, or if it really doesn't matter as long as I am getting a good education. Being from Eastern Washington I see great value in moving somewhere with better job opportunity than where I currently am. #college #journalism #communications #entertainment-industry #location

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Patrick1312 views

Entertainment Industry, If I decide to go into the entertainment industry, What positions are there and if you are in or going to be in that same industry what are your plans?

The Entertainment Industry has always interested me,I want to find what I need to do to be on that path and if so get some advice from people who want to go in that industry or those already in the Entertainment Industry. #college #career #university #entertainment #academic-advising #performing-arts #entertainment-industry

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Michaela1040 views

What types of jobs are common for people working in the sports management or sports marketing industries?

I've always been interested in sports management and sports marketing because of my interest in sports and business. However, I'm not familiar with what kind of careers are available in these industries. #sports-management #sports-marketing #entertainment-industry

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Michaela5257 views

What is a "day in the life" of someone working in the Sports Marketing or Sports Management field?

I really enjoy watching and playing sports, and I'm also interested in studying business. I think that Sports Management and Sports marketing sound like really awesome careers that would combine both of these interests. However, I'm not sure what a typical day looks like for these careers, and what common tasks are for day to day work. #sports #sports-management #entertainment #sports-marketing #entertainment-industry

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Beryl1206 views

What classes should you take for entertainment management?

I want to go into the Entertainment Management side of things (though I'm still not sure exactly what job I want to target). I don't think I've seen "Entertainment Management" listed as a major in any of the colleges I've looked at. Do you know of any colleges that do? If not, what major am I supposed to pursue to end up in entertainment management? I always see sports management but I'm not interested in going in to sports. I also always see hotel management and I'm not interested in that either. I want to pursue more of managing actors or singers, or even putting on music festivals or red carpet events. #college-major #entertainment #media #event-planning #entertainment-industry #media-events

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Beryl2222 views

What are the most important skills to have to succeed in Entertainment Management?

I understand that networking plays an important role in the Entertainment Industry as a whole, which means social skills are a must in this industry, right? I worry because I can be a bit shy at times. Does this mean I will not be good in this field? I can be friendly, but I'm definitely not the "life of the party" kind of person. Also, people in this industry are often painted in movies and TV shows as ruthless, scheming, and manipulative. Would you say that's how most people are in this industry? Is that how you have to be in order to succeed in these jobs? I'm really interested in a job in Entertainment Management, but I'm asking these questions because if this is a field where I have to compromise my moral values, I think I would have to reconsider if I actually want to be a part of it. So, what qualities and skills do you believe one should possess to succeed in Entertainment Management? Does a lot of it rely on social skills? The ability to manipulate people? Organization? #entertainment #media #entertainment-industry

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Beryl1405 views

What jobs in the Entertainment Management field will let you travel the world?

I'm a 17 year old high school student with a burning desire to explore the world. I have done some research about possible jobs in the entertainment management field that involves travel. So far, I've discovered that International Event Planning and On-Site Coordinating will allow you to travel. These seem like good possible careers for me, but I'm curious what other jobs out there will let me travel, and even possibly let me stay in certain areas for a month or so. I feel as though there isn't much information on the jobs in the Entertainment Management field online. I'm sure there are so much more jobs in this industry that not a lot of people know about. Please let me know of jobs that you are aware about in this field that would grant me the opportunity to get to see the world. Thank you #entertainment-industry #music-entertainment

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Celestin4654 views

Best way to enter the entertainment industry on the business side

Hi everyone, I am currently a junior in college, and my professional future seems to be directed towards advertising. After an internship in marketing in general, I am interning this summer in an ad agency, on the data analysis side. Yet, my dream is to work in the entertainment industry, on the business side, either as an agent or in a studio. I was wondering what you would recommend to enter this industry where network is everything. Is it worth it to start as an assistant (at the bottom of the food chain) and then become an agent, potentially later switching to a studio? Or would you recommend starting in another industry (advertising for instance) and then switch over at a later date, probably higher up in the hierarchy? And more generally, what is your opinion on this industry? Thank you very much for your help! #marketing #entertainment #advertising #career-change #entertainment-industry #digital-advertising #entertainment-marketing

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Peace1113 views

What obstacles or mountains must an actor/actress overcome to be assigned major film roles?

I want to major in theater to improve my skills and work my way up in the film industry after college. #management #entertainment-industry #personal-development #acting #voice-acting #film

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