Career questions tagged voice-acting

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Harry410 views

How I start my career as a voice over?

I want to start my career as a voice over but I don't were start, I receive so many suggestion I'm kinda confuse ps: From Toronto, ONT

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CareerVillage Office Hours526 views

How to become an Audiobook Narrator?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become an Audiobook Narrator? Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Alina499 views

What should I include in an impressive voiceover reel?

Is it similar to a video reel in that it should showcase my different styles or characters? And is there an appropriate length it should be? Thanks!

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ABBY274 views

What should I do to reach my dreams to become a full voice actor?

What should I start with to be a voice actor despite being deaf? How should I figure out how to improve voice changing, specifically male voices so I can try out male characters too? When is it best to move on to audition for cartoons and movies after I start with YouTube? It's hard for me since Im deaf and my voice is annoying still but I really wanna be a voice actor.

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Annabelle283 views

Why did you choose voice-acting?

Why did you choose voice-acting over other forms of acting, like film, tv, or stage. Are you able to perform multiple disciplines of acting or do you have to pick one and stick with it.

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Jypsie443 views

As a freshman in high school who in the future wants to voice at what do you think I should start doing now to develop my voice acting skills for in the future when I'm able to voice act

I like to watch animated series such as anime and cartoons so I'm very interested in voice acting in one of my favorite animes that was not having English voiceover yet

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victor355 views

What are the occupations needed in becoming a voice actor, what are ways I can get connections to get started in the industry ?

I started voice acting when I was 10 and I watched many animations with many deep and low pitch characters and I want to be able to do this. what are some ways to develop new voice skills?

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victor247 views

How do i develop a new way to make new Voice Acting skills ?

I have tried to work on many voice but the only voices i can do are Megatron and Stitch, how can I develop more ways to make new voices?

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J432 views

voice actor

would I need to go to college to be a voice actor?

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Holton459 views

How can I get connections in the field of commercials and voice acting?

What is a good way to get connections in the field of commercials and voice acting? Any tips regarding that field would be great.

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Bella856 views

Is it possible to be behind the camera and in front as well?

I love acting, but I also have a big interest in filmmaking. What I'm wondering is if I pursue filmmaking, will that ever put me in a position to act? Or is it just one or the other? I know both are a hard place to get into, and I wouldn't mind some advice for that as well. #acting #voice-acting #performing-arts #film #movie #film-making #film-acting #motion-pictures-and-film

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Heather771 views

Is it silly to want to be a professional actress?

Something that I have always wanted to do was perform; from ballet to cheerleading and various kinds of acting, even putting up vlogs on YouTube, it has always been something in the back of my mind despite being shy and due to extenuating circumstances could never really be a part of. On the other hand, something that was brought to my attention from one of my friends and my school counselor was the idea that becoming a child and teen psychologist is also something that appeals to me; also, there is the slight pull of being a child lawyer (which especially flares up when I watch things like Escaping Polygamy and Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath). These seem to be connected in my mind because they are all about helping people in some way. While it’s strange to some, I was helped through some tough times by fictional characters and the actors that brought them to life in a sense. I want to be that person to someone else, not to mention I just enjoy being characters instead of myself, which greatly helps me when I write stories. If I can help someone by getting someone out of a terrible situation, either by providing them with a sort of escape in fiction, letting them deal with inner demons or literally removing them from a toxic lifestyle, then I think I would be happy. Should I pursue acting as a career and take acting classes or should I follow the more stable path of psychology? Even if I decide to act for a living, I’m nineteen and haven’t done much work in that field. Would taking classes help people in the field even take me seriously? #acting #voice-acting #psychology #counseling-psychology

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Dublin1352 views

How can I improve my acting?

I am attending High School, and am involved in all the school productions, but I feel like I need to find other ways to improve my acting, and to achieve better physical, and vocal control. What are some good ways to improve in those areas, and how can I find more ways to improve? #acting #theatre #film-acting #musical-theatre #voice-acting #live-theatre #improv-acting #movie-theatres

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Calvin2809 views

Do I need to go to a performing arts school to become an actor?

Is it really necessary to get an education in acting to become an actor? Will I learn anything I don't already know/can find on the internet? #acting #actor #film-acting #performing-arts #voice-acting

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Calvin1390 views

How's the job outlook for voice acting?

Is it easy to get a job as a voice actor? #voice-acting #voice-over

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Calvin908 views

Suggested steps for voice acting as a career?

How should I proceed with starting up a career in voice acting? #acting #video-games #voice-acting #voice-over #voiceover

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Peace1113 views

What obstacles or mountains must an actor/actress overcome to be assigned major film roles?

I want to major in theater to improve my skills and work my way up in the film industry after college. #management #entertainment-industry #personal-development #acting #voice-acting #film

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Kiera1413 views

What are the first steps to becoming a voice actress?

Hi, my name is Kiera and I am a high school senior. I have taken an interest of wanting to become a voice actress, so I was wondering how should I start in order to reach my goal I should take. #acting #voice-acting #voice-over

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Abigail1401 views

How do I go about auditioning and/or finding a talent agency (if possible)?

I am a freshman in high school and for a long time I have been interested in acting. I really enjoy the feeling of being someone I'm not, and I think it would be fun to do this professionally as a film, voice, of TV actress. The only problem I have is how to get started. Can you give me some tips on how to get involved in auditions and, if possible, and agency? Thanks. #acting #film #television #film-acting #actors #voice-acting

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