Career questions tagged commercial

How do I start my modeling career I’ve always wanted to be one but never knew where to start.?
I’m graduated from high school, really into music, traveling, living in the moment, take pictures for memories, ready to start asap.

what to know before getting your cdls?
I like dirt bikes and tryin to start my own business and start my cdl

Advice for starting the acting industry
How do you get started in the acting industry!!?? !!?? what are steps to prepare you for it!!?? !!?? And what advice do you have for kids starting young in the performing arts !!?? !!??

As a freshman in high school who in the future wants to voice at what do you think I should start doing now to develop my voice acting skills for in the future when I'm able to voice act
I like to watch animated series such as anime and cartoons so I'm very interested in voice acting in one of my favorite animes that was not having English voiceover yet

How can I get connections in the field of commercials and voice acting?
What is a good way to get connections in the field of commercials and voice acting? Any tips regarding that field would be great.

How can you improve your Commercial Awareness?
I am a second year law undergraduate, currently applying for Vacation schemes and summer placements. Everyone talks about commercial awareness for interviews and applications to huge law firms, but its hard to properly grasp the concept. #law #legal #legal-studies #work-experience #commercial #llb #commercial-awareness #law-student

In terms of event advertising, what are some key tips to help promote and increase participant turn-out?
I served as President and Director of Marketing for my Residence Hall Council. As result, I had to make several flyers promoting the events we were hosting. Thanks to some of my prior art and design classes, I had some understanding of what captured people's attentions. However, I knew there was more to what I was doing. We tried different tactics to get the word out to our residents, hoping more people would start showing up to the events. Is there any advice that you could offer for future advertising and marketing ventures? I am an Outdoor Recreation major and would love to have a job that deals with planning and execution of activities, events, camps, etc. and I believe this would be valuable information to have going in. #marketing #advertising #event-planning #planning #service #commercial #outdoor-recreation #promotion

As an interior designer, are the projects that people come to you for more free range or are there more guidelines?
I am going into my junior year as an interior design major. So far our projects have had minor guidelines, but I can pick and design the space how I want. In a real life situation are there more guidelines? Are people more picky, or do they trust your design? #jobs #design #interior-design #interior #interior-architecture #interior-designer #commercial #residential-homes