Career questions tagged outdoor-recreation

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Lauren768 views

How can I be sure I will get a job in the Wildlife and Fisheries career path when the job outlook is quite small?

Majority of the scientist jobs in the Wildlife and Fisheries pathway and Parks and Recreation are taken and not well funded to expand. Should I be worried about getting a job with these majors? #parkranger #outdoors #zoology #wildlife #fishery #outdoor-recreation

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Sarah1238 views

In terms of event advertising, what are some key tips to help promote and increase participant turn-out?

I served as President and Director of Marketing for my Residence Hall Council. As result, I had to make several flyers promoting the events we were hosting. Thanks to some of my prior art and design classes, I had some understanding of what captured people's attentions. However, I knew there was more to what I was doing. We tried different tactics to get the word out to our residents, hoping more people would start showing up to the events. Is there any advice that you could offer for future advertising and marketing ventures? I am an Outdoor Recreation major and would love to have a job that deals with planning and execution of activities, events, camps, etc. and I believe this would be valuable information to have going in. #marketing #advertising #event-planning #planning #service #commercial #outdoor-recreation #promotion

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Sarah1109 views

How could I incorporate the progressively expanding world of technology into an Recreation and Leisure Services based career?

I am an Outdoor Recreation major. Right now in class, we are heavily debating the fight against technology and outdoor services. I believe that electronic technology is something that we can no longer "fight," but rather embrace and use it to promote other existing aspects of life. What techniques would you suggest for accepting technology into outdoor settings, without taking away from the experience? #psychology #tech #event-planning #planning #outdoor-recreation #sport-psychology #tech-pr

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Kayla1004 views

What are some things I should know about living on campus?

I have almost all of my stuff for my dorm, but is living in a dorm going to be hard adjusting to? What are some things I should expect while living on campus? Is it easy to make friends with people who live in the same hall as you? #college #college-bound #college-student #college-life #outdoor-recreation

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